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abs(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
abs() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
abs(double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
shorthand for Math functions
abs(float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
abs(int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
absGradient - Static variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake
accept(File, String) - Method in class woSource.math.woEndsWithFilter
acos() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
acos(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
acos(double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
05/24/2013 this version checks for round-off error in x; i.e.
acos(float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
05/24/2013 this version checks for round-off error in x; i.e.
acosh() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
acosh(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
acosh(double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
acosh(float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
acot() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
acot(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
acoth() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
acoth(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
acoth(double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
acovers() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
acovers(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
acqTime - Variable in class woSource.math.Image3Dinfo
acsc() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
acsc(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
acsch() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
acsch(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
acsch(double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class woSource.GenericRecallableDialog
addAndDisplay() - Method in class woSource.ImageOverlay
addAndDisplayInColor() - Method in class woSource.ImageOverlay
addBranch(int, int) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
addBranchAndChildren(int, VesselTree, int) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
WO 11/20/2012 Add the branch from a separate vessel tree (OrigVT) with it's index 'origIndexAt' as a new child of this tree's branch parentBr, and its decendants recursively.
addButton(String) - Method in class woSource.GenericRecallableDialog
Adds a button to the dialog window
addButton(String, int) - Method in class woSource.GenericRecallableDialog
addButtons(String, String) - Method in class woSource.GenericRecallableDialog
adds 2(3,4) buttons in a row to the dialog window.
addButtons(String, String, String) - Method in class woSource.GenericRecallableDialog
addButtons(String, String, String, String) - Method in class woSource.GenericRecallableDialog
addButtons(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class woSource.GenericRecallableDialog
addButtonToPanel(String, Panel, GridBagLayout, int) - Method in class woSource.GenericRecallableDialog
addCanvas(Canvas) - Method in class woSource.GenericRecallableDialog
addCanvas(Canvas, int) - Method in class woSource.GenericRecallableDialog
addChild(int) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
addChoice(String, int, String) - Method in class woSource.GenericRecallableDialog
addChoice(String, int, String, int) - Method in class woSource.GenericRecallableDialog
addChoice(String, String[], String, int) - Method in class woSource.GenericRecallableDialog
addHalfBlock(float[][][], float[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 8/6/2012 intent is to create a volume where the back half of the pixels are On, from point passing through the center and oriented by surface normal.
addHalfBlock4ptNormal(float[][][][], float[]) - Method in class woSource.noduleDetectionModule
addLandmark(Point3D) - Method in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
addLandmark(float[]) - Method in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
AddLoopLocIfUnique(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
xto, yto, zto is first point on looped-to branch
addOrphanedBranchLastPt(int, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
addOrphanedBranchPt(int, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
addPoint(float, float) - Method in class woSource.math.Polygon2D
addPoint(float, float, float) - Method in class woSource.math.Polygon3D
addPoint(int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.math.Polygon3Dint
addPt(Point2D) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
returns true if point added.
addPt(Point2D) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.SnakeStack
addPt(int, int, int, float) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
addPt(Point3Dint) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
addWall2Template(float[][][], NoduleCandidate, float) - Method in class woSource.LIDCreview
addWall2Template(float[][][], float, float, float, float) - Method in class woSource.LIDCreview
addWall2Template(float[][][][], NoduleCandidate, float) - Method in class woSource.LIDCreview
addWall2Template(float[][][][], float, float, float, float) - Method in class woSource.LIDCreview
adjustBranchRadii() - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
set Branch average radii, correcting for skeleton points that intersect parent/child vessel.
adjustCurSlice() - Method in class woSource.ImageReviewer
adjustedDiff - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
adjustedMax - Variable in class woSource.AirwaySegm
adjustedMax - Variable in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
adjustedMin - Variable in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
adjustedMin - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
adjustNodalParam(int, int, int, float) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
change the nodal param and recompute the smooth points that the sim image is based on.
adjustPt(int, Point2D, boolean) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
adjustPt(int, Point2D, boolean, boolean) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
adjustPt(int, Point2D, boolean, boolean) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.SnakeStack
aexsec() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
aexsec(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
ahav() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
ahav(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
airBGThresh - Variable in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
airBGThresh_adjusted - Variable in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
airwayMask - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
AirwaySegm - Class in woSource
AirwaySegm by W.
AirwaySegm() - Constructor for class woSource.AirwaySegm
allCoeffsToString() - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistrationPS
alpha - Variable in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
alreadyBodyCropped - Variable in class woSource.humanLungSegm
alreadyCropped - Variable in class woSource.humanLungSegm
alreadySavedParams - Variable in class woSource.ImageRegistration
amoeba(float[][], float[], float, int) - Method in class woSource.math.OptMath
amoeba_opt(float[]) - Method in class woSource.math.OptMath
amoeba_opt(float[], int) - Method in class woSource.math.OptMath
AND(boolean[][], boolean[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
AND(boolean[][][], boolean[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
AND(byte[][][], boolean[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
WO 9/24/2013 want to combine a binary image of skeleton to original short image of chest CT
AND(short[][][], boolean[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
apicalFocalPt - Variable in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
append(LIDCnodule[], LIDCnodule[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
public static int[] sortLow2HighInsert(int[] A, int newval) { int i=0; // using '>=' to reduce amount of shifting to be done on insert while (i=A[i] && A[i]< Integer.MAX_VALUE) i++; if (i
append(LIDCnodule[], LIDCnodule[], LIDCnodule[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
merge such that result may be longer than either inputs
applyMask(byte[][], byte[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
assumes you have binary mask with either 0 'OFF' or some value >0, meaning 'ON'
applyMask(byte[][], byte[][], byte) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
applyMask(short[][], byte[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
applyMask(short[][], byte[][], short) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
applyMask(short[][], boolean[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
applyMask(short[][], boolean[][], short) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
applyMask(float[][], byte[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
applyMask(float[][], byte[][], float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
applyMask(byte[][][], boolean[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
applyMask(byte[][][], byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
applyMask(short[][][], boolean[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
applyMask(short[][][], boolean[][][], short) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 9/24/07 added this to fill DICOM CT images with -1000 instead of Min(A)
applyMask(short[][][], byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
applyMask(short[][][], byte[][][], short) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 9/24/07 added this to fill DICOM CT images with -1000 instead of Min(A)
applySelectionTemplates() - Method in class woSource.noduleDetectionModule
applyTaggedFecesThresh() - Method in class woSource.ColonSegm
applyTemplates() - Method in class woSource.LIDCreview
applyTemplates() - Method in class woSource.noduleDetection
applyTemplates() - Method in class woSource.noduleDetectionModule
applyTemplates4Selections(int, int) - Method in class woSource.noduleDetectionModule
applyTemplates4Selections(int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.noduleDetectionModule
applyVertLineSegm() - Method in class woSource.ColonSegm
ApplyWiener3D() - Method in class woSource.Deconvolver
area() - Method in class woSource.math.Polygon2D
areaIntegral(float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
WO 5/9/02 area under an arc: arc eqn: y^2 = sqrt(R^2 - x^2) area = integral{ sqrt(R^2 - x^2) dx}
areBranchesPaired(int, int, boolean, int, int, boolean) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
goal to test whether these 2 branches have similar trajectories and radii to indicate that they are really the same branch that has been interrupted by a crossing branch.
areBranchesPaired(VesselBranch, boolean, VesselBranch, boolean) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
areRadiiMatched(int, int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
areRadiiMatched(VesselBranch, VesselBranch) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
arg(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
arg() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
argDeg(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
argDeg() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
argRad(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
argRad() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
array1DToBitMask(int[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
this maps a list of x,y coords of ON pixels into a 2D bit mask/image image dims passed as first entry in 1D array
ArrayColorDisplay - Class in woSource.math
WO started 4/21-22/08, latest edits/features 1/2013
ArrayColorDisplay creates internally an RGB image, rather than merely a grayscale image as with ArrayDisplay.
ACD uses ColorProcessors that store RGB values as 3 byte values, thus the grayscale image needs to be scaled 0..255.
This is used, for example, for image overlays within image registration software; and 3D rendering of vessels with different shaded colors for each vessel tree.
ArrayColorDisplay(byte[][]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(byte[][], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(byte[][], String) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(byte[][], String, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(byte[][], String, Properties) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(byte[][], String, Properties, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(byte[][], String, String, Properties, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
WO 1/30/2013 single slice byte[][] version.
ArrayColorDisplay(byte[][][]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(byte[][][], String) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(byte[][][], String, Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(byte[][][], int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(byte[][][], String[], Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(byte[][][], String, String[], Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(byte[][][], String[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(byte[][][], String, String[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(byte[][][], String, int, Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(byte[][][], String, String[], int, Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
WO 1/30/2013 image stack byte[][][] version.
ArrayColorDisplay(short[][]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(short[][], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(short[][], String) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(short[][], String, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(short[][], String, Properties) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(short[][], String, Properties, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(short[][], String, String, Properties, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(short[][][], String, Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(short[][][], String) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(short[][][]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(short[][][], int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(short[][][], String[], Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(short[][][], String, String[], Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(short[][][], String[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(short[][][], String, int, Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(short[][][], String, String[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(short[][][], String, String[], Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(short[][][], String, String[], int, Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(float[][]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(float[][], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(float[][], String) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(float[][], String, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(float[][], String, Properties) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(float[][], String, Properties, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(float[][], String, String, Properties, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(float[][][], String, Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(float[][][], String) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(float[][][]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(float[][][], int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(float[][][], String[], Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(float[][][], String, String[], Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(float[][][], String[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(float[][][], String, String[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(float[][][], String, int, Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(float[][][], String, String[], int, Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(float[][][][], String, Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
4D is meant for diffusion tensor portrayal of direction of principle eigen vector the 4th array dim contains the 3 vector components of the eigen vector, which will be represented in the RG&B components
ArrayColorDisplay(float[][][][], String, int, Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(float[][][][], String, String[], int, Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(float[][][][], String[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(float[][][][], String[], Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(float[][][][], String, Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(float[][][][], String[], Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(float[][][][], String) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(float[][][][], String[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(float[][][][]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay(float[][][][], int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ArrayColorDisplay3D - Class in woSource.math
ACD3D handles having 3 windows open simultaneously and cooperatively.
ArrayColorDisplay3D(byte[][][], String) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay3D
ArrayColorDisplay3D(byte[][][], String, Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay3D
ArrayColorDisplay3D(byte[][][], String, Properties[], Rectangle3D) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay3D
ArrayColorDisplay3D(byte[][][], String, Properties[], Rectangle3D, int, int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay3D
ArrayColorDisplay3D(short[][][], String) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay3D
ArrayColorDisplay3D(short[][][], String, Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay3D
ArrayColorDisplay3D(short[][][], String, Properties[], Rectangle3D) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay3D
ArrayColorDisplay3D(short[][][], String, Properties[], Rectangle3D, int, int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay3D
ArrayDisplay - Class in woSource.math
ArrayDisplay is meant to take the hassle out of creating a window to display 2D and 3D (and 4D) data by handling all the windows variables (graphics, canvas, display, processors) automatically so the user does not have to know about these aspects.
ArrayDisplay() - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(ArrayDisplay) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(String, ArrayDisplay) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(ImagePlus, String) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(ImagePlus, String, String[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(byte[][]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(byte[][], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(byte[][], String) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(byte[][], String, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(byte[][], String, Properties) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(byte[][], String, Properties, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(byte[][], String, String, Properties) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(byte[][], String, String, Properties, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(boolean[][]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(boolean[][], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(boolean[][], String) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(boolean[][], String, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(boolean[][], String, Properties) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(boolean[][], String, String, Properties) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(boolean[][], String, String, Properties, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(boolean[][][]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(boolean[][][], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(boolean[][][], String) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(boolean[][][], String, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(boolean[][][], String, int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(boolean[][][], String, Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(boolean[][][], String, Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(boolean[][][], String, int, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(boolean[][][], int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(boolean[][][], int, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(boolean[][][], String, int, Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(boolean[][][], String, int, Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(boolean[][][], String, String, int, Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(boolean[][][], String[], Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
permits multiple labels, one per slice
ArrayDisplay(boolean[][][], String[], Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(boolean[][][], String, String[], Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(boolean[][][], String, String[], Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(boolean[][][], String[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(boolean[][][], String[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(boolean[][][], String[], int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(boolean[][][], String[], int, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(boolean[][][], String[], int, Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(boolean[][][], String, String[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(boolean[][][], String, String[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(boolean[][][], String, String[], int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(boolean[][][], String, String[], int, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(boolean[][][], String, String[], int, Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(boolean[][][], String, String[], int, Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(byte[][][]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(byte[][][], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(byte[][][], String) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(byte[][][], String, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(byte[][][], String, int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(byte[][][], String, Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(byte[][][], String, Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(byte[][][], String, int, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(byte[][][], int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(byte[][][], int, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(byte[][][], String, int, Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(byte[][][], String, int, Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(byte[][][], String, String, int, Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(byte[][][], String[], Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(byte[][][], String[], Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(byte[][][], String, String[], Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(byte[][][], String, String[], Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(byte[][][], String[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(byte[][][], String[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(byte[][][], String[], int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(byte[][][], String[], int, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(byte[][][], String[], int, Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(byte[][][], String, String[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(byte[][][], String, String[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(byte[][][], String, String[], int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(byte[][][], String, String[], int, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(byte[][][], String, String[], int, Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(byte[][][], String, String[], int, Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(short[][]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(short[][], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(short[][], String) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(short[][], String, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(short[][], String, String, Properties) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(short[][], String, Properties) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(short[][], String, Properties, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(short[][], String, String, Properties, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(short[][][]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(short[][][], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(short[][][], String) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(short[][][], String, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(short[][][], String, int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(short[][][], String, Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(short[][][], String, Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(short[][][], String, int, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(short[][][], int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(short[][][], int, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(short[][][], String, int, Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(short[][][], String, int, Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(short[][][], String, String, int, Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(short[][][], String[], Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(short[][][], String[], Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(short[][][], String, String[], Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(short[][][], String, String[], Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(short[][][], String[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(short[][][], String[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(short[][][], String[], int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(short[][][], String[], int, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(short[][][], String[], int, Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(short[][][], String, String[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(short[][][], String, String[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(short[][][], String, String[], int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(short[][][], String, String[], int, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(short[][][], String, String[], int, Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(short[][][], String, String[], int, Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(int[][]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(int[][], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(int[][], String) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(int[][], String, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(int[][], String, Properties) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(int[][], String, String, Properties, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(int[][][]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(int[][][], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(int[][][], String) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(int[][][], String, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(int[][][], String, int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(int[][][], String, Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(int[][][], String, Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(int[][][], String, int, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(int[][][], int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(int[][][], int, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(int[][][], String, int, Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(int[][][], String, int, Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(int[][][], String, String, int, Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(int[][][], String[], Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(int[][][], String[], Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(int[][][], String, String[], Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(int[][][], String, String[], Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(int[][][], String[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(int[][][], String[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(int[][][], String[], int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(int[][][], String[], int, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(int[][][], String[], int, Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(int[][][], String, String[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(int[][][], String, String[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(int[][][], String, String[], int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(int[][][], String, String[], int, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(int[][][], String, String[], int, Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(int[][][], String, String[], int, Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(float[][]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(float[][], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(float[][], String) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(float[][], String, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(float[][], String, Properties) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(float[][], String, String, Properties) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(float[][], String, String, Properties, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(float[][][]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(float[][][], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(float[][][], String) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(float[][][], String, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(float[][][], String, int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(float[][][], String, Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(float[][][], String, Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(float[][][], String, int, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(float[][][], int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(float[][][], int, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(float[][][], String, int, Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(float[][][], String, int, Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(float[][][], String, String, int, Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(float[][][], String[], Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(float[][][], String[], Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(float[][][], String, String[], Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(float[][][], String, String[], Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(float[][][], String[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(float[][][], String[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(float[][][], String[], int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(float[][][], String[], int, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(float[][][], String[], int, Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(float[][][], String, String[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(float[][][], String, String[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(float[][][], String, String[], int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(float[][][], String, String[], int, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(float[][][], String, String[], int, Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(float[][][], String, String[], int, Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(double[][]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(double[][], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(double[][], String) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(double[][], String, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(double[][], String, Properties) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(double[][], String, String, Properties, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(double[][][]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(double[][][], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(double[][][], String) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(double[][][], String, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(double[][][], String, int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(double[][][], String, Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(double[][][], String, Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(double[][][], String, int, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(double[][][], int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(double[][][], int, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(double[][][], String, int, Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(double[][][], String, int, Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(double[][][], String, String, int, Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(double[][][], String[], Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(double[][][], String[], Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(double[][][], String, String[], Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(double[][][], String, String[], Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(double[][][], String[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(double[][][], String[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(double[][][], String[], int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(double[][][], String[], int, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(double[][][], String[], int, Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(double[][][], String, String[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(double[][][], String, String[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(double[][][], String, String[], int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(double[][][], String, String[], int, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(double[][][], String, String[], int, Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(double[][][], String, String[], int, Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(Point3D[][], String) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(Point3D[][], String, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(Point3D[][], String, Properties) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(Point3D[][], String, String, Properties, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(Point3D[][][], String) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(Point3D[][][], String, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(Point3D[][][], String, int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(Point3D[][][], String, int, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(Point3D[][][], String, int, Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(Point3D[][][], String, int, Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(Point3D[][][], String[], int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(Point3D[][][], String[], int, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(Point3D[][][], String[], int, Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayDisplay(Point3D[][][], String, String[], int, Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ArrayPlot - Class in woSource.math
ArrayPlot(int[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayPlot
ArrayPlot(String, String, String, int[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayPlot
ArrayPlot(float[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayPlot
ArrayPlot(String, String, String, float[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayPlot
ArrayPlot(String, String, String, float[], float[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayPlot
ArrayPlot(String, String, String, float[], float, float) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayPlot
ArrayPlot(String, String, String, float[], int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArrayPlot
ArraysI - Class in woSource.math
ArraysI contains manhy of my own functions that process 2D and 3D arrays
ArraysI() - Constructor for class woSource.math.ArraysI
ARSeedx - Variable in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
ARSeedy - Variable in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
ARSeedz - Variable in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
asec() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
asec(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
asech() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
asech(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
asech(double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
asin() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
asin(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
asin(double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
asin(float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
asinh() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
asinh(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
asinh(double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
asinh(float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
assocLegendre(int, int, double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
their on-line code had errors, but his below gives the correct results.
aStatsCorrCirc(short[][][], float[][][][], boolean, boolean[][][], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 2/15/11 added check whether at any image pixel, the overlapping kernel extends over the mask (out of lung space into chest wall), in which case the NCCC is computed only over the masked (lung) pixels, requiring a separate calc of Syy and kernel avg over just those points
aStatsCorrCirc(short[][][], float[][][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
intentionally want non-parallel version, perhaps for small region analysis
aStatsCorrCirc(short[][][], float[][][][], boolean[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO version to use mask to speed up computation (which it does)
aStatsCorrCirc(short[][][], float[][][], boolean[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
aStatsCorrCirc(short[][][], float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
aStatsCorrCirc(short[][][], float[][][][], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
aStatsCorrCirc(short[][][], float[][][][], boolean, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
aStatsCorrCirc(short[][][], float[][][], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
aStatsCorrCirc(short[][][], float[][][], boolean, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
aStatsCorrCirc(short[][][], float[][][], boolean, boolean[][][], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
atan() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
atan(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
atan(double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
atan(float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
atan2(double, double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
atan2(float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
atanh() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
atanh(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
atanh(double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
autoCropHilumVessels - Variable in class woSource.humanLungSegm
autoRun - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
autoRunButtonAt - Variable in class woSource.AirwaySegm
autoSaveParams - Variable in class woSource.ImageRegistration
autoSaveParams - Variable in class woSource.ImgRegistration
autoThreshold(byte[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
returns the threshold value as int, and applies the threshold to the image based on ij.byteProcessor().getAutoThreshold()
autoThreshold(byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
autoThreshold(short[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 8/30/2010 for short images
autoThreshold(short[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
AutoWindowLevel - Class in woSource
AutoWindowLevel(ImagePlus) - Constructor for class woSource.AutoWindowLevel
AutoWindowLevel(ImagePlus, String) - Constructor for class woSource.AutoWindowLevel
autoWindowLevel() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
8/15/2012 previously this func did not actually affect the image, now it does
availDOF - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
average() - Method in class woSource.ImageOverlay
Average_Sep - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
avers() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
avers(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
avg(byte[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
avg(byte[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
avg(byte[][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
avg(byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
avg(byte[][][], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
avg(int[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
avg(int[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
avg(int[][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
avg(int[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
avg(int[][][], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
avg(short[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
avg(short[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
avg(short[][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
avg(short[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
avg(short[][][], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
avg(float[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
avg(float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
avg(float[][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
avg(float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
avg(float[][][], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
avg(double[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
avg(double[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
avg(double[][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
avg(double[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
avg(double[][][], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
avgEndoLambda - Variable in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
avgRad - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
avgToCenter() - Method in class woSource.DoseReader
avgToCenter() - Method in class woSource.DoseReader_Oct2012_oldUR


backTraceToMostOffendingBranch(int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
backTraceToMostOffendingBranch(int, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
badAngleThresh - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
BartlettWindow(int, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
Bartlett window
batchRunHLS() - Method in class woSource.humanLungSegm
BeadFinder - Class in woSource
BeadFinder() - Constructor for class woSource.BeadFinder
beadKernel(int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
WO 10/30/00 generic-sized bead gradient profile kernel
beadKernel3D(int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
WO 4/23/02 spherically symmetric bead
beadProfile(int, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
WO 10/30/00 created generic-sized bead profile kernel
BGcolor - Variable in class woSource.ScreenSelectorCanvas
BGimage - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
bigEndianTransferSyntax - Variable in class woSource.DicomAnon
bigVesselBrightness - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
bigVesselCloseOpRadius - Variable in class woSource.humanLungSegm
binClass - Class in woSource
Adjusts the starting levels for binning histogram to minimize image info
binClass(int) - Constructor for class woSource.binClass
binClass(int[]) - Constructor for class woSource.binClass
binImage(short[][][], int[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
assumes bin centers based on 0..255 (or 128 or whatever) image range == histo
binImage(short[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
biThreshold(byte[][][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
threshold to middle range, including the min,max thresh values.
biThreshold(short[][][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
BitMaskToArray1D(byte[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
BitMaskToArray1D(byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
BMcoeffsToString() - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistrationPS
bodyRect - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
bodyROI - Variable in class woSource.humanLungSegm
bodyThresh - Variable in class woSource.AirwaySegm
bodyThresh - Variable in class woSource.humanLungSegm
bodyThresh - Variable in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
booleanImage - Variable in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
Branches - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselTree
branchExists(int) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
branchRadRatioThresh - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
brFrom - Variable in class woSource.math.HyperSkelPair


calc_cc() - Method in class woSource.ImageOverlay
calc_dist_map(int, float) - Method in class woSource.RegisterSnake
calcAllLIDCfirstPass() - Method in class woSource.noduleDetection
calcAllLIDCmasks() - Method in class woSource.noduleDetection
calcAvgRadius() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
calcAvgRadius(int) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
calcAvgRadius(int, int) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
calcAvgStDev() - Method in class woSource.math.SimTagImageInfo
calcCircKernel(int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
WO 5/9/02 new arc integral calc versions ..
CalcCorr(float[]) - Method in class woSource.HistoMR_registration
CalcCorr(float[]) - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistration
calcDeformedMRseries(int) - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistrationPS
calcDeformedTagseries(int, int) - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistrationPS
CalcError(float[]) - Method in class woSource.math.OptMath
CalcErrorDerivs(float[], float[], int) - Method in class woSource.math.OptMath
calcFAs() - Method in class woSource.DTIanalysis
calcImageAvgSyy(byte[][][], boolean[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.ImageRegistrationPS
calcImageAvgSyy(short[][][], boolean[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.ImageRegistrationPS
calcKall(float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class woSource.LIDCreview
public NoduleCandidate NCCCtestLoc(NoduleCandidate candAt, float radAt, float padAt) { // now want to try sub-pixel shifts at this best radius byte[][][] corrAll; // will process together the 3 shifts at each krad Point3D bestFitLoc3D = new Point3D(); NoduleCandidate bestFitLoc = new NoduleCandidate(); float[][][] kshift; // check span of sub-pixel locations around this one: 5x5x5 = 125 places // these shifts are in units of pixels, unique for each direction.
calcKall(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class woSource.LIDCreview
calcKall(float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class woSource.noduleDetection
calcKall(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class woSource.noduleDetection
calcKall(float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class woSource.noduleDetectionModule
calcKall(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class woSource.noduleDetectionModule
calcLikelyPQs(double[], boolean[][]) - Method in class woSource.LIDCtruthOpt
CalcNCCC() - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistration
CalcNCCC() - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistrationPS
CalcNMI() - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistration
calcPlaneThroughPoints(Point3Dint[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
8/6/2012 intent to find normal to plane passing through the given points, using plane = ax + by + cz + d =0 where the normal = {a,b,c} and the plane passes through the centroid of the poitns array (I think this is arbitrary -- can pick any point -- since I only care about the normal direction.
calcPlaneThroughPoints(int[], int[], int[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
calcPQs(boolean[], boolean[][]) - Method in class woSource.LIDCtruthOpt
calcRoiAndMask(int, int, int, VesselBranch) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
Intent is to create a mask the contains the region around a given branch node over which to compute the correlation (NCCC) to the original image, for optimizing the branch radius.
calcSimTagAvgStDev() - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistrationPS
currently not using until I verify that it does not change meaningfully
calcSphericalKernel(int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
create spherical kernal assuming isotropic voxels of size matching gaussian kernel of same radius.
CalcStep(float[], float) - Method in class woSource.math.OptMath
calcSurfMiss(float[][]) - Method in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
calcTotalLikelihood(boolean[], boolean[][], double[][]) - Method in class woSource.LIDCtruthOpt
calcTruthWeights(double[], boolean[][], double[][]) - Method in class woSource.LIDCtruthOpt
cand_search_dist_max - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
Candidates(int) - Constructor for class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Candidates
Candidates(InteractiveSnake.Candidates) - Constructor for class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Candidates
candidateSep(NoduleCandidate, NoduleCandidate) - Method in class woSource.LIDCreview
NoduleCandidate[][][] candTrials; float[] testRadii = {1f, 1.1f, 1.2f, 1.3f, 1.4f, 1.5f, 1.6f, 1.7f, 1.8f, 1.9f, 2f, 2.2f, 2.4f, 2.6f, 2.8f, 3f, 3.5f, 4f, 4.5f, 5f, 5.5f, 6f, 6.5f, 7f, 7.5f, 8f, 8.5f, 9f}; float[] testPaddings = {1.5f, 2f, 2.5f, 3f}; public void gatAllPtsTrials() { candTrials = new NoduleCandidate[NtrainingNods][testRadii.length][testPaddings.length]; } public void getPtTrials(int firstPtCand, int ptAt) { String studyDirAt = new String(nodsOfInterest[firstPtCand].patientID); int l = firstPtCand; // if (origAd != null) origAd.destroy(); // System.gc(); // read in the image data for that study getPtInputDirInfo(studyDirAt); // sets LIDCstudyInputDir, LIDCnImages & LIDCimageExt.
candidateSep(Point3D, NoduleCandidate) - Method in class woSource.LIDCreview
cart2prosph(float, float, float) - Method in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
cart2prosph(float[]) - Method in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
cart2prosph(Point3D) - Method in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
cart2prosph(double, double, double) - Method in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
cart2prosph(double[]) - Method in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
cart2prosph(float[][]) - Method in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
cart2prosph(double[][]) - Method in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
cart2prosph(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
cart2prosph(float[], float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
cart2prosph(double[], double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
cart2prosph(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
cart2sph(float, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
cart2sph(double, double, double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
ceil(float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
ceil(double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
CellMigration - Class in woSource
CellMigration(float[][][][], float, float, float, float[][][], boolean[][][], boolean[][][]) - Constructor for class woSource.CellMigration
CENTER - Variable in class woSource.GenericRecallableDialog
centroid() - Method in class woSource.math.Polygon2D
centroid() - Method in class woSource.math.Polygon3D
cenx - Variable in class woSource.lungSnake
ceny - Variable in class woSource.lungSnake
changeDicomInfo(byte[], String[][]) - Method in class woSource.DicomAnon
checkRemoveHyperskelPair(Point3Dint) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
children - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
cleanGlobalMask() - Method in class woSource.DoseVsIntensity
cleanUpMask(boolean[][][], float, float, float, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 12/21/2014 clean up mask to remove internal holes and edge noise.
clear() - Method in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
Clear() - Method in class woSource.math.HyperSkelPair
clear() - Method in class woSource.math.Point2D
clear() - Method in class woSource.math.Point3D
clear() - Method in class woSource.math.Point3Dint
clear() - Method in class woSource.math.Point4D
clear() - Method in class woSource.math.Point4Dint
clear() - Method in class woSource.math.Skeletonize3D
clear() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
clear() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
clearOverlays() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ClearPts() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Candidates
ClearPts() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.SmoothSnake
ClearPts() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
ClearSmoothPts() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
clip(byte[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
cut off above thresh
clip(byte[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
clip(byte[][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
clip(byte[][][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
clip(short[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
clip(short[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
clip(short[][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
clip(short[][][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
clip(int[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
clip(int[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
clip(int[][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
clip(int[][][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
clip(float[][], float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
clip(float[][][], float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
clip(float[][], float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
clip(float[][][], float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
clipbelow(short[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
cut off below thresh.
clipbelow(short[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
clipbelow(short[][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
clipbelow(short[][][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
clipbelow(int[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
clipbelow(int[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
clipbelow(int[][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
clipbelow(int[][][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
clipbelow(float[][], float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
clipbelow(float[][][], float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
clipbelow(float[][], float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
clipbelow(float[][][], float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
clipBigPtSeps(InteractiveSnake.Snake, int, int) - Method in class woSource.lungSnake
clipBigPtSeps(InteractiveSnake.Snake, int, int) - Method in class woSource.noduleDetection.lungSnake
clipBranchRadiusIncreases(int, float, float) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
returns first break point along this branch
Intended to find fibrotic regions in lung volume hit during vessel traversal
clipRadiusIncreases(float, float) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
Found that parRadRatioThresh of 1.5 and radIncrRatio of 2 worked OK for 2D test data.
clone() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
close() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake_Hermite
close() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake_Hermite3D
closeOp(boolean[][][], float, float, boolean[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
closeOp(byte[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
binary image operation Close = erode(dilate(A))
closeOp(byte[][], int, Rectangle) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
closeOp(byte[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
closeOp(byte[][][], int, Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
closeOp(byte[][][], int, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
closeOp(byte[][][], int, float, Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
closeOp(byte[][], float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
closeOp(byte[][], float, Rectangle) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
closeOp(byte[][][], float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
closeOp(byte[][][], float, Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
closeOp(byte[][][], float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
closeOp(byte[][][], float, float, Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
closeOp(boolean[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
closeOp(boolean[][], int, Rectangle) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
closeOp(boolean[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
closeOp(boolean[][][], int, Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
closeOp(boolean[][][], int, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
closeOp(boolean[][][], int, float, Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
closeOp(boolean[][], float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
closeOp(boolean[][], float, Rectangle) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
closeOp(boolean[][][], float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
closeOp(boolean[][][], float, Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
closeOp(boolean[][][], float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
closeOp(boolean[][][], float, float, Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
closingOpSize - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
ColonSegm - Class in woSource
ColonSegm() - Constructor for class woSource.ColonSegm
colorsList - Static variable in class woSource.math.MathI
combinedRoi(Rectangle3D) - Method in class woSource.math.Rectangle3D
Complex - Class in woSource.math
Complex() - Constructor for class woSource.math.Complex
Complex(double, double) - Constructor for class woSource.math.Complex
Complex(double) - Constructor for class woSource.math.Complex
Complex(Complex) - Constructor for class woSource.math.Complex
Compliment(boolean[][], boolean[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
boolean compliment operator = the part of A that is not also a part of B (almost == A - B)
Compliment(boolean[][][], boolean[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
boolean compliment operator = the part of A that is not also a part of B (almost == A - B)
Compliment(byte[][], byte[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
Compliment(byte[][][], byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
computeAreaUnderArc(float, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
computeCircularContour() - Method in class woSource.DVHCalc
computeCylPartialVol(float, float, float, float, float, float, float[], float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
WO 03/18/2013 using the approach above to merely break up the test voxel (3D) into little voxels to compute the partial volume for a cylinder passing near the voxel.
computeCylPartialVol(float, float, float, float, float[], float, float, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
WO 03/18/2013 2D version of the above.
computeDoseResponse(int) - Method in class woSource.DoseVsIntensity
ComputeDoseSpread() - Method in class woSource.DoseCalc
computeDoseVolumes(int) - Method in class woSource.DoseVolumeStats
computeDTs() - Method in class woSource.DTIanalysis
computeDVH() - Method in class woSource.DVHCalc
computeEdgeImage(byte[][][]) - Method in class woSource.HeartSegm
computeEdgeImage(byte[][]) - Method in class woSource.HeartSegm
computeEdgeImage(short[][][]) - Method in class woSource.HeartSegm
computeEdgeImage(short[][]) - Method in class woSource.HeartSegm
computeEdgeImage(byte[][][]) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake
computeEdgeImage(short[][][]) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake
computeGrad3D() - Method in class woSource.GradientAnalysis3D
computeImage() - Method in class woSource.math.SimTagImageInfo
computeNodes() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
fit a smooth curve through the centerline points
computeOnePixel3dArcVol(float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
WO 1/31/11 this seems to give wrong answers sometimes.
computePixel3dArcVol(float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
WO 01/31/11 tetrahedron calc seems to fail for some arrangements of the pixel alignment trying simply breaking the cube up into many cubes and doing cube-sum.
computePixelArcArea(float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
computePSF() - Method in class woSource.Deconvolver
computeRoiStats(String, short[][][], Roi) - Method in class woSource.MouseMicroCTlungSegm
computeSeriesPtTangent(float[][], int) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
WO 9/3/2015 compute tangent to the the array of points passed in, in mm Intended for tangent for smoothPts, but generalized also for fitted bifurcation pts.
computeSmoothPts(float[]) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
Fit a smooth curve through the centerline points.
computeSmoothPtsLen() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
computeSmoothPtTangent(int) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
compute tangent to the smoothPts, in mm
computeSpherePartialVol(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
WO 08/11/2015 using the approach above to merely break up the test voxel (3D) into little voxels to compute the partial volume for a cylinder passing near the voxel.
computeSpherePartialVol(float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
WO 8/11/2015 2D version of the above.
computeSphericalContour() - Method in class woSource.DVHCalc
computeStats(short[][][], boolean[][][]) - Method in class woSource.MouseLungSegmentor
computeStats(short[][][], boolean[][][]) - Method in class woSource.MouseMicroCTlungSegm
computeStats(short[][], boolean[][]) - Method in class woSource.MouseMicroCTlungSegm
computeThinImage() - Method in class woSource.math.Skeletonize3D
computeVoxelEndoLambdas(ContourFit) - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistrationPS
con_ptSep - Variable in class woSource.HeartSegm
confit - Variable in class woSource.HeartSegm
conjugate(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
conjugate() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
connectEndsForMask - Variable in class woSource.lungSnake
connTissueMask - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
conSnakeStacks - Variable in class woSource.HeartSegm
contains(int, int) - Method in class woSource.math.Polygon2D
contains(double, double) - Method in class woSource.math.Polygon2D
contains(float, float) - Method in class woSource.math.Polygon2D
4/23/11 when checking right or up still had problems when > saddle point,
so adding check left and up.
contains(Polygon2D) - Method in class woSource.math.Polygon2D
contains(int, int) - Method in class woSource.math.Polygon3D
contains(double, double) - Method in class woSource.math.Polygon3D
contains(float, float, float) - Method in class woSource.math.Rectangle3D
contains_down(float, float) - Method in class woSource.math.Polygon2D
Return true if thinks the given point is inside the polygon checking down.
contains_downUp(float, float, boolean) - Method in class woSource.math.Polygon2D
Return true if thinks the given point is inside the polygon checking down.
contains_left(float, float) - Method in class woSource.math.Polygon2D
contains_right(float, float) - Method in class woSource.math.Polygon2D
Return true if thinks the given point is inside the polygon checking right.
contains_rightLeft(float, float, boolean) - Method in class woSource.math.Polygon2D
Return true if thinks the given point is inside the polygon when checking right.
contains_up(float, float) - Method in class woSource.math.Polygon2D
ContourFit - Class in woSource
ContourFit(float[][][][], int[][], HeartLongAxis[], int, int) - Constructor for class woSource.ContourFit
contourPts - Variable in class woSource.ContourFit
contourPts - Variable in class woSource.HeartSegm
Contours - Variable in class woSource.SnakeReader
contoursOnly - Variable in class woSource.HeartSegm
contrastWasUsed - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
convDose2CTscannerCoords(Properties[], Point3D, Rectangle3D, float[], float[], float[]) - Method in class woSource.DoseReader
returns the shifts needed to align the dose field to the image set, and // sets doseDepths, widths, heights [mm] and other parameters read from dicom header // WO 10/12/2012 modified to use dose data as 3D dicom image.
convertConSnakePtsToArray() - Method in class woSource.HeartSegm
ConvertToDicom - Class in woSource
intent is to use the dicom header info from a donor image or stack to save a non-dicom data set as dicom with those attributes
ConvertToDicom() - Constructor for class woSource.ConvertToDicom
ConvertToDicom(ImagePlus, short[][][], String, String) - Constructor for class woSource.ConvertToDicom
ConvertToDicom(ImagePlus, short[][][], String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class woSource.ConvertToDicom
ConvertToDicom(ImagePlus, short[][][], String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class woSource.ConvertToDicom
ConvertToDicom(ImagePlus, byte[][][], String, String) - Constructor for class woSource.ConvertToDicom
ConvertToDicom(ImagePlus, byte[][][], String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class woSource.ConvertToDicom
ConvertToDicom(ImagePlus, byte[][][], String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class woSource.ConvertToDicom
convolve(float[][], float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
2D convolution.
convolve(byte[][], float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
convolve(int[][], float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
convolve(short[][], float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
convolve(byte[][][], float[][][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
3D convolution
ArrayDisplay & NR conventions are pixels[depth][width][height]
these functions directly below are meant to be invoked by the //-computing functions below them.
convolve(byte[][][], float[][][], int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 5/24/2012 skipval probably going to be 0 -- don't bother computing for points outside the image.
convolve(short[][][], float[][][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
convolve(int[][][], float[][][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
convolve(float[][][], float[][][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
convolve(byte[][][], float[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 5/25/2012 modified to run in //, split slices up.
convolve(byte[][][], float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
convolve(short[][][], float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
convolve(int[][][], float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
convolve(float[][][], float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
convolveFreq(float[][][], float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
convolution usign fourier tranforms.
convolveFreq(short[][][], float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
convolveFreq(short[][][], float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
convolveFreq(byte[][][], float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
convolveFreq(int[][][], float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
convolveFreq(float[][][], float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
ConvolveThread(byte[][][], float[][][], int, int, int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ImgProc.ConvolveThread
ConvolveThread(byte[][][], float[][][], int, int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ImgProc.ConvolveThread
ConvolveThread(short[][][], float[][][], int, int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ImgProc.ConvolveThread
ConvolveThread(int[][][], float[][][], int, int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ImgProc.ConvolveThread
ConvolveThread(float[][][], float[][][], int, int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ImgProc.ConvolveThread
ConZs - Variable in class woSource.SnakeReader
Coords - Variable in class woSource.FEnodeClass
Copy(ImageRegistration) - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistration
Copy(ImageRegistrationPS) - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistrationPS
Copy(InteractiveSnake.Candidates) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Candidates
Copy(InteractiveSnake.SmoothSnake) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.SmoothSnake
Copy(InteractiveSnake.Snake) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
Copy(InteractiveSnake.SnakeStack) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.SnakeStack
copy(boolean[][], boolean[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
copy(boolean[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
copy(boolean[][][], boolean[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
copy(boolean[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
copy(boolean[][][][], boolean[][][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
copy(boolean[][][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
copy(byte[][], byte[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
copy(byte[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
copy(byte[][][], byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
copy(byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
copy(byte[][][][], byte[][][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
copy(byte[][][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
copy(short[][], short[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
copy(short[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
copy(short[][][], short[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
copy(short[][][][], short[][][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
copy(short[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
copy(short[][][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
copy(int[], int[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
copy(int[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
copy(int[][], int[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
copy(int[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
copy(int[][][], int[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
copy(int[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
copy(float[], float[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
copy(float[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
copy(float[][], float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
copy(float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
copy(float[][][], float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
copy(float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
copy(float[][][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
copy(double[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
copy(double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
copy(double[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
copy(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
copy() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
copy(Complex[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
copy(Complex[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
copy(Complex[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
Copy(HeartLongAxis) - Method in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
Copy(HyperSkelPair) - Method in class woSource.math.HyperSkelPair
Copy(Image3Dinfo) - Method in class woSource.math.Image3Dinfo
Copy(LIDCnodule) - Method in class woSource.math.LIDCnodule
Copy(NoduleCandidate) - Method in class woSource.math.NoduleCandidate
Copy(Point2D) - Method in class woSource.math.Point2D
Copy(Point3D) - Method in class woSource.math.Point3D
Copy(Point3Dint) - Method in class woSource.math.Point3Dint
Copy(Point3D) - Method in class woSource.math.Point4D
Copy(Point4D) - Method in class woSource.math.Point4D
Copy(Point3Dint) - Method in class woSource.math.Point4Dint
Copy(Point4Dint) - Method in class woSource.math.Point4Dint
Copy(Rectangle3D) - Method in class woSource.math.Rectangle3D
Copy(SimTagImageInfo) - Method in class woSource.math.SimTagImageInfo
Copy(VesselTree) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
CopyAll(VesselBranch) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
copyOutsideRoi(boolean[][][], Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
copyOutsideRoi(byte[][][], Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
CopyPts(InteractiveSnake.Snake) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
CopyPts(VesselBranch) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
corrAd - Variable in class woSource.noduleDetectionModule
CorrCalcThread(short[][][], float[][][][], boolean[][][], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ImgProc.CorrCalcThread
correlation(float[][], float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
2D correlation.
correlation(short[][], float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
correlation(float[][][], float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
correlation(short[][][], float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
correlation(float[][][], float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
correlation(short[][][], float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
corrValue - Variable in class woSource.math.NoduleCandidate
cos() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
cos(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
cos(double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
cos(float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
cosh() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
cosh(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
cosh(double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
cosh(float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
cot() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
cot(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
coth() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
coth(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
coth(double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
covers() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
covers(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
create3BrTestTree() - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
create3DcrossingTestTree() - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
create3DTemplate - Class in woSource
create3DTemplate() - Constructor for class woSource.create3DTemplate
createBifurcationMesh(VesselBranch) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
goal to create the surface mesh that interpolates from the parent to this child.
createCrossingCylSimImage() - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
createCylinderTestSimImage() - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
createDicomProps(ImagePlus) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
createDicomProps(ImagePlus, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
createDicomProps(ImagePlus, float, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
createDicomProps(ImagePlus, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
createDicomProps(ImagePlus, String, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
props field is blank -- probably not a dicom image, but need workable header spatial info for subsequent processing
createElemSimImage(byte[][][], int, Rectangle3D, VesselBranch) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
WO 3/18/2013 intent is to create an image from the current vessel info for use later as a template to match for the vessel tree.
createElemSimImage(byte[][][], int, Rectangle3D, VesselBranch, boolean) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
createElemSimImage(byte[][][], int, float, Rectangle3D, VesselBranch) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
createElemSimImage(byte[][][], int, float, float, Rectangle3D, VesselBranch, boolean) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
createHyperSkelPair(int, int, boolean, int, int, boolean) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
createHyperSkelPair(int, int, Point3Dint, Point3Dint) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
createIsotropicSimImage(byte[][][], VesselBranch) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
goal is to create a sim image that can be used to generate a 3D physical model via a 3D printer of the vessel tree.
createIsotropicSimImage(byte[][][], float, VesselBranch) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
createIsotropicSimImage(byte[][][], float, VesselBranch, boolean) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
createIsotropicSimImage(int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
createIsotropicSimImage(int, int, int, float) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
CreateMask() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake
CreateMask() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake_Hermite
CreateMask() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake_Hermite3D
createSimImage(int, int, int, VesselBranch) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
intent is to use the branch smoothed centerline and passed in radius to create a simulated image, based on the known voxel dimensions.
createSimImage(int, int, int, float, float, VesselBranch) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
createSimImage(Rectangle3D, VesselBranch) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
createSimImage(float, float, Rectangle3D, VesselBranch) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
createSimImage(byte[][][], VesselBranch) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
createSimImage(byte[][][], Rectangle3D, VesselBranch) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
createSimImage(byte[][][], int, int, VesselBranch) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
This relies on the smoothPts and the avgRadius to create a simulated image, up to and including smPtEnd
createSimImage(byte[][][], float, float, VesselBranch) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
createSimImage(byte[][][], float, float, Rectangle3D, VesselBranch) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
createSimImage(byte[][][], int, int, float, float, VesselBranch) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
createSimImage(int, int, int, VesselBranch, boolean) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
createSimImage(int, int, int, float, float, VesselBranch, boolean) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
createSimImage(Rectangle3D, VesselBranch, boolean) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
createSimImage(float, float, Rectangle3D, VesselBranch, boolean) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
createSimImage(byte[][][], VesselBranch, boolean) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
createSimImage(byte[][][], Rectangle3D, VesselBranch, boolean) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
createSimImage(byte[][][], int, int, VesselBranch, boolean) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
This relies on the smoothPts and the avgRadius to create a simulated image, up to and including smPtEnd
createSimImage(byte[][][], float, float, VesselBranch, boolean) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
createSimImage(byte[][][], float, float, Rectangle3D, VesselBranch, boolean) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
createSimImage(byte[][][], float, Rectangle3D, VesselBranch, boolean) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
createSimImage(byte[][][], float, Rectangle3D, VesselBranch, boolean, boolean) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
createSimImage(byte[][][], int, int, float, float, VesselBranch, boolean) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
createSimImage(byte[][][], int, int, float, float, Rectangle3D, VesselBranch, boolean) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
createSimImage(byte[][][], boolean, int, int, float, float, Rectangle3D, VesselBranch, boolean, boolean) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
intent is to use the branch smoothed centerline (in pixel units) and passed in radius (in mm) to create a simulated image, based on the known voxel dimensions.
createSimImage(int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
createSimImage(int, int, int, float) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
createSimImage(int, int, int, float, boolean) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
createSimImage(int, int, int, Rectangle3D) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
createSimImage(int, int, int, float, Rectangle3D) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
createSimImage(int, int, int, float, Rectangle3D, boolean) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
createSphericalDoseProfile() - Method in class woSource.DoseCalc
createSTL() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
goal is to create an stl file to be used for CAD and 3D printing of the vessel tree.
createSTL(VesselBranch) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
createSTL() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
goal is to create an stl file to be used for CAD and 3D printing of the vessel tree.
createSurfMesh() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
goal is to create an surface mesh of the fitted tubular structure to help with stl file and simulated CT.
createSurfMesh(VesselBranch) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
createTemplates(float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class woSource.noduleDetectionModule
cropDoseField(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.DoseReader
cropDoseField(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.DoseReader_Oct2012_oldUR
cropToObjectROI() - Method in class woSource.ImageReviewer
crop the images to objectROI.
cropToRect(Rectangle3D) - Method in class woSource.ColonSegm
cropToRect(Rectangle3D) - Method in class woSource.noduleDetectionModule
cropToRect(Rectangle3D) - Method in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
cropToRect(Rectangle3D) - Method in class woSource.RatImageAdjuster
cropToRect(Rectangle3D) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
crossingHyperPair - Variable in class woSource.math.HyperSkelPair
csc() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
csc(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
csch() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
csch(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
csch(double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
cube(double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
cube(float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
cube(int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
cubic_rt(float, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
function to calc the three solutions to the cubic equation: x*x*x + a1*x*x + a2*x + a3 = 0 since two solutions may be imaginary, set up a dmatrix {3x2} (each solution, real and imag parts) to hold the solution values returns only the largest real root
cubic_rt(double, double, double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
cubrt(double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
lame java math lib doesn't have cube root
cubrt(float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
cur_level - Variable in class woSource.WindowLevelAdjuster
cur_ptSep - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake
cur_ptSep - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
cur_ptShift - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake
cur_snake - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.SnakeStack
cur_window - Variable in class woSource.WindowLevelAdjuster
curEndoEpi - Variable in class woSource.HeartSegm
curEnergy_Bend - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake
curEnergy_Pressure - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake
curEnergy_Stretch - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake
curMyoIntensity - Variable in class woSource.HeartSegm
curSeries - Variable in class woSource.HeartSegm
curSlice - Variable in class woSource.HeartSegm
cursn - Variable in class woSource.lungSnake
cursnpts - Variable in class woSource.lungSnake
curTime - Variable in class woSource.HeartSegm
customButFunc() - Method in class woSource.AirwaySegm
customButFunc() - Method in class woSource.ColonSegm
customButFunc() - Method in class woSource.humanLungSegm
customButFunc() - Method in class woSource.ImageReviewer
customButFunc() - Method in class woSource.LIDCreview
customButFunc() - Method in class woSource.noduleDetectionModule
customButFunc() - Method in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
customButFunc() - Method in class woSource.RatImageAdjuster
customButFunc() - Method in class woSource.seededRegionGrowing
customButFunc() - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
customButFunction() - Method in class woSource.noduleDetection
customChoiceFunc() - Method in class woSource.ImageReviewer
customChoiceFunc() - Method in class woSource.LIDCreview


D - Static variable in class woSource.ImageRegistration
debug - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
debug - Variable in class woSource.lungSnake
debugLungSegmen - Variable in class woSource.humanLungSegm
debugSnakes - Variable in class woSource.humanLungSegm
decimalString(double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
decimalString(double, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
decimalString(float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
decimalString(float, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
Deconvolver - Class in woSource
Deconvolver() - Constructor for class woSource.Deconvolver
defaultLevel - Variable in class woSource.WindowLevelAdjuster
defaultWindow - Variable in class woSource.WindowLevelAdjuster
defImgs - Variable in class woSource.math.SeriesImagesClass
defVoxelLocs - Variable in class woSource.math.SeriesImagesClass
deleteAllChildrenFromList() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
deleteBranch_MergeSiblingToParent(int) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
returns true if merged.
deleteBranchAndChildren(int) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
This deletes the branch with Branches array index 'indexAt' and its decendants recursively.
deleteChildFromList(int) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
deleteFirstPt() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
deleteLastPt() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
DeleteLoopLoc(int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
llAt is index to current loopLoc array
deleteOrphanedBranchPt(int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
deleteTopOrphanedBranchPt() - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
deleteTree(int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
DenCC() - Method in class woSource.ImageOverlay
Depth - Variable in class woSource.DoseReader
Depth - Variable in class woSource.DoseReader_Oct2012_oldUR
DEPTH - Static variable in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
Depth - Variable in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
depth - Variable in class woSource.math.Rectangle3D
depth - Variable in class woSource.math.SeriesImagesClass
Derivs - Variable in class woSource.FEmeshClass
Derivs - Variable in class woSource.FEnodeClass
DerivStepScale - Variable in class woSource.math.OptMath
destroy() - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistrationPS
destroy() - Method in class woSource.ImgRegistration
destroy() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Candidates
destroy() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
destroy() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.SnakeStack
destroy() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay3D
destroy() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
remove the window and clear arrays
destroy() - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewer
destroy() - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewerColor
destroy() - Method in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
destroyViewer() - Method in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
diameter - Variable in class woSource.math.LIDCnodule
DicomAnon - Class in woSource
DicomAnon() - Constructor for class woSource.DicomAnon
DicomAnon(String, String) - Constructor for class woSource.DicomAnon
DicomAnon(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class woSource.DicomAnon
didAllCons - Variable in class woSource.HeartSegm
didAllCurSeriesCons() - Method in class woSource.HeartSegm
didAllSeriesCons(int) - Method in class woSource.HeartSegm
didBodyCrop - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
didLungCrop - Variable in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
didVesselCrop - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
dilate(byte[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO dilate: if any pixels are ON within the circle, then turn the center ON.
dilate(byte[][], int, Rectangle) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
dilate(byte[][], float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
dilate(byte[][], float, Rectangle) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
dilate(boolean[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
dilate(boolean[][], int, Rectangle) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
dilate(boolean[][], float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
dilate(boolean[][], float, Rectangle) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
dilate(byte[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
dilate(byte[][][], float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
dilate(byte[][][], int, Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
dilate(byte[][][], float, Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
dilate(byte[][][], int, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
dilate(byte[][][], float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
dilate(byte[][][], int, float, Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
dilate(byte[][][], float, float, Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
dilate(boolean[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
dilate(boolean[][][], float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
dilate(boolean[][][], int, Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
dilate(boolean[][][], float, Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
dilate(boolean[][][], int, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
dilate(boolean[][][], float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
dilate(boolean[][][], int, float, Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
dilate(boolean[][][], float, float, boolean[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 7/3/2012 trying version where you pass in all the points at the edge that matter for dilating.
dilate(boolean[][][], float, float, Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 10/3/2012 parallel version.
dilateGray(byte[][], boolean[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
11/17/2014 intent is to implement a gray-scale filling operation that assigns to each pixel the maximum of its neighbors, as indicated by the mask (kernel) image.
dilateGray(byte[][][], boolean[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
dilateGray(short[][], boolean[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
dilateGray(short[][][], boolean[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
DilateThread(boolean[][][], float, float, Rectangle3D) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ImgProc.DilateThread
directory - Variable in class woSource.DicomAnon
disableButton(int) - Method in class woSource.GenericRecallableDialog
disableTraversal - Variable in class woSource.AirwaySegm
disconnectedSnakeEnds - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.SmoothSnake
diskTemplate(float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
diskTemplate(float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
diskTemplate(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
diskTemplate(float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
WO 4/30/2013 for radius[mm] disk kernel (2D version of sphere).
displayContour() - Method in class woSource.DoseCalc
dist3DfromPt(boolean[][][], int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 3/29/08 my version computes essentially the cross-sectional area which is more robust than the 1D closest point in the version below

only computes distance at one point = the seed point
7/2/2012 this is messed up since a true distance would have to be float.
distAd - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
distanceToSnake(Point2D) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.SmoothSnake
find closest smooth-snake point distance.
distMap - Variable in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
distTransform_mm(boolean[][][], float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 8/22/2012 version to compute in mm
distTransformIsoVoxels(boolean[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
3D distance transform from gives only integeter outcomes so is not a true Eudlidan distance.
divide(short[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
matrix multiplication by 1/scalar
divide(short[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
matrix multiplication by 1/scalar
divide(short[][][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
divide(int[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
divide(int[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
divide(int[][][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
doDilate(boolean[][][], float, float, Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
10/4/2012 intent is to invoke this through the parallel version.
doEdgePtsOnly - Variable in class woSource.noduleDetectionModule
doErode(boolean[][][], float, float, Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
10/4/2012 intent is to run this through the parallel version
doFloodFill - Variable in class woSource.seededRegionGrowing
DoFullyManual - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake
doingConsVsTags - Variable in class woSource.HeartSegm
doInteractive - Variable in class woSource.lungSnake
doManualLungSeg() - Method in class woSource.humanLungSegm
doManualLungSeg() - Method in class woSource.noduleDetection
doManualLungSegm - Variable in class woSource.humanLungSegm
doNCCCopt(String) - Method in class woSource.noduleDetection
doNCCCopt(String) - Method in class woSource.noduleDetectionModule
doOpt(boolean) - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistrationPS
doOutsideRoiFill(boolean[][], Rectangle) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
doOutsideRoiFill(byte[][], Rectangle, byte) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
doOutsideRoiFill(short[][], Rectangle, short) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
doOutsideRoiFill(boolean[][][], Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
doOutsideRoiFill(byte[][][], Rectangle3D, byte) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
doOutsideRoiFill(short[][][], Rectangle3D, short) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
doreg(ImagePlus, ImagePlus) - Method in class woSource.ImgRegistration
doreg(ImagePlus, short[][][], ImagePlus, short[][][]) - Method in class woSource.ImgRegistration
doreg(ImagePlus, short[][][], Rectangle3D, ImagePlus, short[][][], Rectangle3D) - Method in class woSource.ImgRegistration
doRunGUI - Variable in class woSource.humanLungSegm
DoseCalc - Class in woSource
DoseCalc() - Constructor for class woSource.DoseCalc
doseDepths - Variable in class woSource.DoseReader
doseDepths - Variable in class woSource.DoseReader_Oct2012_oldUR
doseGridScalingFactor - Variable in class woSource.DoseReader
doseHeights - Variable in class woSource.DoseReader
doseHeights - Variable in class woSource.DoseReader_Oct2012_oldUR
doseImgTopLeft - Variable in class woSource.DoseReader
doseImgXdir - Variable in class woSource.DoseReader
doseImgYdir - Variable in class woSource.DoseReader
doseImgZdir - Variable in class woSource.DoseReader
DoseReader - Class in woSource
DoseReader(String) - Constructor for class woSource.DoseReader
DoseReader() - Constructor for class woSource.DoseReader
DoseReader_Oct2012_oldUR - Class in woSource
DoseReader_Oct2012_oldUR(String) - Constructor for class woSource.DoseReader_Oct2012_oldUR
DoseReader_Oct2012_oldUR() - Constructor for class woSource.DoseReader_Oct2012_oldUR
doseRect - Variable in class woSource.DoseReader
doseRect - Variable in class woSource.DoseReader_Oct2012_oldUR
doseValues - Variable in class woSource.DoseReader
doseValues - Variable in class woSource.DoseReader_Oct2012_oldUR
DoseVolumeStats - Class in woSource
DoseVolumeStats() - Constructor for class woSource.DoseVolumeStats
DoseVsIntensity - Class in woSource
DoseVsIntensity() - Constructor for class woSource.DoseVsIntensity
doseWidths - Variable in class woSource.DoseReader
doseWidths - Variable in class woSource.DoseReader_Oct2012_oldUR
doSnakeLungSegm() - Method in class woSource.humanLungSegm
doSnakesOnPrevMasks - Variable in class woSource.humanLungSegm
dot(float[], float[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
vector dot-product.
dot(double[], double[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
dot(Point2D, Point2D) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
dot(Point3D, Point3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
doTraversal() - Method in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
doubleFactorial(int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
draw(Graphics, ImageCanvas) - Method in class woSource.FEelemClass
draw(Graphics, ImageCanvas) - Method in class woSource.FEmeshClass
draw(Graphics, ImageCanvas) - Method in class woSource.FEnodeClass
Draw(Graphics, ScreenSelectorCanvas) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Candidates
Draw(Graphics, ImageCanvas) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Candidates
Draw(Graphics, ImageCanvas) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.SmoothSnake
Draw(Graphics, ImageCanvas, Color) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.SmoothSnake
Draw(Graphics, ScreenSelectorCanvas) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.SmoothSnake
Draw(ArrayDisplay) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
11/6/2014 roi's draw well but my snakes disappear while adjusting or when done.
Draw(ArrayDisplay, Color) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
Draw(Graphics, ImageCanvas) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
Draw(Graphics, ImageCanvas, Color) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
Draw(ArrayDisplay) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.SnakeStack
Draw(ArrayDisplay) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
Draw(ArrayDisplay, boolean) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
Draw(ArrayDisplay, boolean, int) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
Draw(ArrayDisplay) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
Draw(ArrayDisplay, boolean) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
Draw() - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
Draw(ArrayDisplay) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
Draw(boolean) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
Draw(ArrayDisplay, boolean) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
Draw3D(Graphics, ScreenSelectorCanvas, double[][]) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
DrawContour(Graphics, ImageCanvas, int, float, float, float, float, int, int) - Method in class woSource.DVHCalc
DrawContour(Graphics, ImageCanvas, int) - Method in class woSource.DVHCalc
DrawNearestContour(Graphics, ImageCanvas, float, float, float, float, float, int, int) - Method in class woSource.DVHCalc
drawOnArrayDisplay() - Method in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
dsvbksb(double[][], double[], double[][], int, int, double[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.OptMath
dsvdcmp(double[][], int, int, double[], double[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.OptMath
DTIanalysis - Class in woSource
DTIanalysis() - Constructor for class woSource.DTIanalysis
Duplicate(ArrayDisplay) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
Duplicate() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
DVHCalc - Class in woSource
DVHCalc(float[], float[], float[], float[][][], ArrayDisplay) - Constructor for class woSource.DVHCalc


EAST - Variable in class woSource.GenericRecallableDialog
edgeFill(boolean[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO boolean version 1/10/2012
Nearly always faster to first find bounding rect then process over only the Roi.
edgeFill(boolean[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
edgeFill(boolean[][], Rectangle) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
edgeFill(boolean[][], Rectangle, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
edgeFill(byte[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
edgeFill(byte[][], Rectangle) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
edgeFill(byte[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
edgeFill(byte[][], Rectangle, byte, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
edgeFill(short[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
edgeFill(short[][], Rectangle) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
edgeFill(short[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
edgeFill(short[][], Rectangle, short, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
edgeFill(byte[][][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
does not include sliceEnd (< not <=) 10/17/2013 want to comppute edgefill only over usable portion of image.
edgeFill(byte[][][], int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
edgeFill(byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 3/4/11 modified to run in //
edgeFill(byte[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
edgeFill(boolean[][][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 1/10/2012 boolean version does not include sliceEnd (< not <=)
note that this acts on each 2D slice independently (for //-ization) so not a true 3D fill.
edgeFill(boolean[][][], int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
edgeFill(boolean[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 3/4/11 modified to run in // as sets of 2D edgefills
edgeFill(boolean[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
edgeFill3D(boolean[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 9/26/2012 true 3D version
edgeFill3D(boolean[][][], Rectangle3D, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
edgeFill3D(byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
edgeFill3D(byte[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
edgeFill3D(byte[][][], Rectangle3D, byte, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
edgeFill3D(short[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
edgeFill3D(short[][][], Rectangle3D, short, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
EdgeFillThread(byte[][][], int, int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ImgProc.EdgeFillThread
EdgeFillThread(byte[][][], int, int, int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ImgProc.EdgeFillThread
EdgeFillThread(boolean[][][], int, int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ImgProc.EdgeFillThread
EdgeFillThread(boolean[][][], int, int, int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ImgProc.EdgeFillThread
edgeFinder(byte[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
edgeFinder(byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
edgeFinder(short[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
edgeFinder(short[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
edgeFinder(float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
edgeFinder(float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
edgeFinderReplaceA(byte[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
edge finding algo: threshold; open; close; fill outside; gradient
edgeFinderReplaceA(byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
edgePtsImage - Variable in class woSource.noduleDetectionModule
elementLength - Variable in class woSource.DicomAnon
ElemNodes - Variable in class woSource.FEelemClass
Elems - Variable in class woSource.FEmeshClass
ElemScales - Variable in class woSource.FEelemClass
enableButton(int) - Method in class woSource.GenericRecallableDialog
enableCreateMaskSaveAsDicom - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake
enableCrop - Variable in class woSource.AirwaySegm
endepichoices - Variable in class woSource.HeartSegm
endIndices - Variable in class woSource.lungSnake
endPt - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
endpts - Variable in class woSource.lungSnake
Energy_Bend - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
Energy_Pressure - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
Energy_Stretch - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
equals(Complex) - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
equalsWithinLimits(Complex, double) - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
erode(byte[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
erosion: turn OFF if any pixels in region are OFF
erode(byte[][], int, Rectangle) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
erode(byte[][], float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
erode(byte[][], float, Rectangle) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
erode(boolean[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
erode(boolean[][], int, Rectangle) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
erode(boolean[][], float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
erode(boolean[][], float, Rectangle) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
erode(byte[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
erode(byte[][][], float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
erode(byte[][][], int, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
erode(byte[][][], float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
erode(byte[][][], int, Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
erode(byte[][][], float, Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
erode(byte[][][], int, float, Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
10/19/11 WO in 2004 had problem of wrap-around in slice(Z) direction.
erode(byte[][][], float, float, Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
erode(boolean[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
erode(boolean[][][], float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
erode(boolean[][][], int, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
erode(boolean[][][], float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
erode(boolean[][][], int, Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
erode(boolean[][][], float, Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
erode(boolean[][][], int, float, Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
10/19/11 WO in 2004 had problem of wrap-around in slice(Z) direction.
erode(boolean[][][], float, float, boolean[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 7/3/2012 version where you pass in all the points at the edge that matter for eroding
erode(boolean[][][], float, float, Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 10/3/2012 parallel version.
erodeDilateOpRad - Variable in class woSource.humanLungSegm
erodeGray(byte[][], boolean[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
erodeGray(byte[][][], boolean[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
erodeGray(short[][], boolean[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
erodeGray(short[][][], boolean[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
ErodeThread(boolean[][][], float, float, Rectangle3D) - Constructor for class woSource.math.ImgProc.ErodeThread
ErosionRadius - Variable in class woSource.AirwaySegm
ErosionRadius - Variable in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
eval_Hermite(float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
eval_Hermite(double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
exp() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
exp(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
exp(double) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
exp(double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
exp(float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
expMinusJayArg(double) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
expPlusJayArg(double) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
exsec() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
exsec(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
extend(byte[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
extend(byte[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
extend(byte[][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
extend(byte[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
extend(byte[][][], int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
extend(int[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
extend(float[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
extend(double[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
extend(Point2D[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
extend(Point3D[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
extend(Point3Dint[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
extend(short[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
extend(short[][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
extend(short[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
extend(short[][][], int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
extend(short[][][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
extend(short[][][][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
extend(int[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
extend(int[][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
extend(int[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
extend(int[][][], int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
extend(int[][][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
extend(int[][][][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
extend(float[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
extend(float[][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
extend(Point2D[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
extend(Point2D[][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
extend(Point3D[][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
extend(Point3Dint[][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
extend(float[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
extend(float[][][], int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
extend(float[][][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
extend(float[][][][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
extend(float[][][][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
extend(float[][][][][], int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
extend(float[][][][][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
extend(float[][][][][][], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
extend(HyperSkelPair[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
extend(int) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
extend(int) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
extendBranchEnds() - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
attempt to fix error of skeletonization routine that cuts each branch short at the ends
Requires characterized branch tree and object mask.
extendPtsArrays() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
intended for when need to increase the NPTs above NMAX


f - Variable in class woSource.DicomAnon
factoral(int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
farthestMaxpt(float[][], Point2D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
WO 6/30/11 find max point.
farthestMaxpt(float[][], Point2D, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
fastApproxNCCC(short[][][], float[][][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 1/4/11 fast but approximate NCCC calc based on Matlab's normxcorr3
assumes all the kernals in this stack are the same size.
fastMarching(byte[][][], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 5/18/2012 difference between fast marching and floodfill(=region growing) is fast marching computes a threshold for inclusion on the fly, and keeps track of the wavefront location.
fastMarching(short[][][], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
fastNMI(short[][][], short[][][], int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
fastNMI(short[][][], short[][][], int[], int[], double, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
FEelemClass - Class in woSource
FEelemClass(String) - Constructor for class woSource.FEelemClass
FEmeshClass - Class in woSource
FEmeshClass(String, int, int) - Constructor for class woSource.FEmeshClass
FEnodeClass - Class in woSource
FEnodeClass(String) - Constructor for class woSource.FEnodeClass
fifthrt(double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
fifthrt(float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
fileName - Variable in class woSource.DicomAnon
fileName - Variable in class woSource.ImageRegistrationPS
fileName - Variable in class woSource.math.SimTagImageInfo
filename_addon - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake
fillAContour(Graphics, ImageCanvas, int, float, float, float, float, int, int) - Method in class woSource.DVHCalc
fillBright - Variable in class woSource.seededRegionGrowing
fillContour(Graphics, ImageCanvas, float, float, float, float, float, int, int) - Method in class woSource.DVHCalc
fillInTags(byte[][], boolean, float) - Method in class woSource.HeartSegm
fillInTags(byte[][][], boolean, float) - Method in class woSource.HeartSegm
fillInTags(short[][], boolean, float) - Method in class woSource.HeartSegm
fillInTags(short[][][], boolean, float) - Method in class woSource.HeartSegm
fillInTransformedHoles(short[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
idea is that in the transformation step above some pixels in defTransImg may not be mapped to a pixel in the original image and will have a value of '-1' (or -1042) this flag is used in the calculation of NCC nad NMI, however you can use this function to clean up the image for a pretty picture.
fillInTransformedHoles(short[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
idea is that in the transformation step above some pixels in defTransImg may not be mapped to a pixel in the original image and will have a value of '-1' (or -1042) this flag is used in the calculation of NCC nad NMI, however you can use this function to clean up the image for a pretty picture.
fillOuterContour(byte[][], Polygon2D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 12/7/09 want binary image of area inside and including contour
find_multiD_min(float[]) - Method in class woSource.math.OptMath
find_opt_state() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
find_opt_state(int) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
findBestFitEllipsoid(float[][]) - Method in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
findBottomWallLeftLung(int) - Method in class woSource.lungSnake
now find limits of outside lung wall.
findBottomWallLeftLung(int) - Method in class woSource.noduleDetection.lungSnake
findBottomWallRightLung(int) - Method in class woSource.lungSnake
findBottomWallRightLung(int) - Method in class woSource.noduleDetection.lungSnake
findClosestMark(int, float, float) - Method in class woSource.ImageReviewer
findClosestProjection(Point2D, int) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
find closest snake point along Normal lines.
findClosestProjection(Point2D, int) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.SnakeStack
findClosestSkeletonPt(Point3Dint) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
start by searching near seed point for best distance value
findClosestSkeletonPt(int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
findEdgePts(int, boolean) - Method in class woSource.lungSnake
finds edges on lungMask along radial projections from centroid.
findEdgePts(int, boolean) - Method in class woSource.noduleDetection.lungSnake
findFarthestFalseConnection() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
Intent is to find children whose angle from each other is large (>110 degrees) AND whose radius is larger than the parent.
findFarthestFalseConnection(boolean) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
findfastNMImax(short[][][], short[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
findfastNMImax(short[][][], short[][][], int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
findLocalExtrema(short[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
returns Point2D array of length of number of good candidates, up to NMax
findLocalExtrema(short[][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
findLocalExtrema(short[][], int, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
findLocalExtrema(short[][], int, float, float, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
findLocalExtrema(short[][][], int, float, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
WO 2/16/11 omitted DivotThresh as doesn't make sense with NCCC calculations
findLocalExtrema(byte[][][], int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
WO 1/19/11 3D version; 2/16/11 removing divotThreshold, and corrected error where if a new close point was found, it didn't check to see if the old point was worse and throw it out if so.
findLocalExtrema(byte[][][], int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
findLocalExtrema(byte[][][][], int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
WO 12/23/10 for stack of images
findLocalExtrema(byte[][][][], int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
WO 12/23/10 for stack of images with same search size for each
findLocalExtrema(short[][][][], int, short, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
findLocalExtrema(int[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
findLocalExtrema(int[][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
findLocalExtrema(int[][], int, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
findLocalExtrema(int[][], int, float, float, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
findNMImax(short[][][], short[][][], int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
find max NMI point, given the starting location (az,ax,ay) -- thus is doing a minor attempt at registration
assume monotonic neighborhood
findOptKmeansBinsStarts(int[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
returns binCentroids (!= bin centers -- allow for nonsymmetric bins)
findSkeletonTop(Point3Dint, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
3/22/2013 after plugging all of the false connections between trees with calls to splitTreeAtConnection() we want to generate updated masks for each tree to enable colored display in MIPsColor.
findSkeletonTop(int, int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
findSkeletonTopTry(Point3Dint, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
findSkeletonTopTry(Point3Dint, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
findSkeletonTopTry(int, int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
WO 7/17/2012 this is working correctly for 2D test image, but fails usually for human 3D pulmonary tree and for the colon.
findSkeletonTopTry(int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
findStartingIndex(int, boolean) - Method in class woSource.lungSnake
define global startI used by findBottomWallLeft() and findTopWallLeft()
findStartingIndex(int, boolean) - Method in class woSource.noduleDetection.lungSnake
findTopWallEnd(int, double, boolean) - Method in class woSource.lungSnake
findTopWallEnd(int, double, boolean) - Method in class woSource.noduleDetection.lungSnake
fineThresh - Variable in class woSource.noduleDetectionModule
finishReg(Properties[]) - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistration
WO 9/13/10 when done want to clear all the windows and the gui, but save the deformed floating images as an open window that the function that called this can continue to use.
firstPassThresh - Variable in class woSource.noduleDetectionModule
firstSAconIndex - Variable in class woSource.HeartSegm
fit_vol_area_calc - Class in woSource
fit_vol_area_calc() - Constructor for class woSource.fit_vol_area_calc
fitCoeffs - Variable in class woSource.ContourFit
fitDoseCoeffs() - Method in class woSource.DoseReader
fit the 3D dose field to a spherical harmonic like series, probably intended to help create synthetic dose- response image set for testing and validation
fitDoseCoeffs() - Method in class woSource.DoseReader_Oct2012_oldUR
fittedBifurCenterlinePts_mm - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
fittedCoeffs - Variable in class woSource.DoseReader
fittingOrder - Variable in class woSource.ContourFit
fixedSnakeEnds - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.SmoothSnake
FixEndPoints(Point2D, Point2D) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
flipDepth() - Method in class woSource.DoseReader
flipDepth() - Method in class woSource.DoseReader_Oct2012_oldUR
flipHeight() - Method in class woSource.DoseReader
flipHeight() - Method in class woSource.DoseReader_Oct2012_oldUR
flipLR(byte[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
meant to flip an image horizontally (Left-right)
flipLR(short[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
flipLR(float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
flipWidth() - Method in class woSource.DoseReader
flipWidth() - Method in class woSource.DoseReader_Oct2012_oldUR
floodFill(boolean[][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
fill image starting from seed point.
floodFill(boolean[][], int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(boolean[][], int, int, Rectangle) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(boolean[][], int, int, Rectangle, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(byte[][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO the original, byte version
floodFill(byte[][], int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(byte[][], int, int, byte) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(byte[][], int, int, Rectangle) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(byte[][], int, int, Rectangle, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(byte[][], int, int, Rectangle, byte, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(short[][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(short[][], int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(short[][], int, int, short) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(short[][], int, int, Rectangle) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(short[][], int, int, Rectangle, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(short[][], int, int, Rectangle, short, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(boolean[][][], int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
7/31/2012 boolean 3D version.
floodFill(boolean[][][], int, int, int, Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(boolean[][][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(boolean[][][], int, int, int, Rectangle3D, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(boolean[][][], int, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(boolean[][][], int, int, int, Rectangle3D, boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(boolean[][][], int, int, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(boolean[][][], int, int, int, Rectangle3D, int, boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 4/15/08 passing fillval of 0 interpreted as flag to do labeled version
floodFill(byte[][][], int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
This is equivalent to seeded region growing but where the fill occurs only to zero-valued pixels.
floodFill(byte[][][], int, int, int, byte) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(byte[][][], int, int, int, Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(byte[][][], int, int, int, Rectangle3D, byte) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(byte[][][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(byte[][][], int, int, int, byte, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(byte[][][], int, int, int, Rectangle3D, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(byte[][][], int, int, int, Rectangle3D, byte, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 4/15/08 passing fillval of 0 interpreted as flag to do labeled version
floodFill(byte[][][], int, int, int, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(byte[][][], int, int, int, byte, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(byte[][][], int, int, int, Rectangle3D, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(byte[][][], int, int, int, Rectangle3D, byte, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(byte[][][], int, int, int, int, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(byte[][][], int, int, int, byte, int, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(byte[][][], int, int, int, Rectangle3D, int, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(byte[][][], int, int, int, Rectangle3D, byte, int, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 4/15/08 passing fillval of 0 interpreted as flag to do labeled version
floodFill(short[][][], int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(short[][][], int, int, int, short) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(short[][][], int, int, int, Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(short[][][], int, int, int, Rectangle3D, short) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(short[][][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(short[][][], int, int, int, short, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(short[][][], int, int, int, Rectangle3D, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(short[][][], int, int, int, Rectangle3D, short, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 4/15/08 passing fillval of 0 interpreted as flag to do labeled version
floodFill(short[][][], int, int, int, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(short[][][], int, int, int, short, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(short[][][], int, int, int, Rectangle3D, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(short[][][], int, int, int, Rectangle3D, short, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(short[][][], int, int, int, int, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(short[][][], int, int, int, short, int, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(short[][][], int, int, int, Rectangle3D, int, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFill(short[][][], int, int, int, Rectangle3D, short, int, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
This is equivalent to seeded region growing but where the fill occurs only to zero-valued pixels.
floodFillDownward(byte[][][], int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 8/26/11 goal to pre-process downward flood fill set to avoid linking downward when there is only a single pixel connection in neighborhood, to omit bowels from lung segmentation.
floodFillInitialDownward(short[][][], int, int, int, short, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodFillInitialUpward(byte[][][], int, int, int, byte, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 11/27/2015 goal to initially flood only upward to avoid things like the LV/RV from the aortic root, but allow the fill to eventually go downward (i.e.
floodFillInitialUpward(short[][][], int, int, int, short, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
floodfillMaskFromTop() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
12/24/2012 intent is for after adding diskOntoMask or after split tree into 2 sub-trees, then need to regenerate the tree masks.
floodFillNlabel(byte[][][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 4/10/08 same as above except add parameter counting the flood layers and use as fillvalue
floodFillNlabel(byte[][][], int, int, int, Rectangle3D, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
focalLength - Variable in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
focusGained(FocusEvent) - Method in class woSource.ScreenSelectorCanvas
focusLost(FocusEvent) - Method in class woSource.ScreenSelectorCanvas
forwardTraceToLargestBranch(int, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
forwardTraceToLargeTerminusBranch(int, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
forwardTraceToTreeTop(int, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
foundedge - Variable in class woSource.lungSnake
four1(float[], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
(C) Copr.
fourier_eval(int, double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
note that Num.
fourthrt(double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
fourthrt(float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
fromString(String) - Method in class woSource.math.LIDCnodule
fromString(String) - Method in class woSource.math.NoduleCandidate
FTshift(short[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
WO 1/5/11 after performing an FT-InvFT calculation the image is out of order and needs the equivalent of Matlab's fftshift function
FTshift(short[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
FTshift(float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
FTshift(float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII


gasdev(Random) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
gaussianGradKernel(int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
gaussianKernel(int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
generic-sized gaussian kernel, symmetric
note: if passing an integer value, code assumes that n represents the pixel dimension of the resulting kernel; n should be odd so that the kernel is centered around the origin; and sigma = (n-1)/6
if passing a float value sigma, the pixel dimension is set to match 6 sigma
gaussianKernel(int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
gaussianKernel(float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
gaussianKernel(float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
gaussianKernel(int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
elliptical 3D gaussian kernel
uses ArrayDisplay indexing conventions A[depth][width][height]
gaussianKernel(double, double, double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
gaussianKernel(float, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
gd - Variable in class woSource.MIPSviewer
gd - Variable in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
gd - Variable in class woSource.WindowLevelAdjuster
GenericRecallableDialog - Class in woSource
create a GenericDialog that remains active to allow for repeated runs through target program, enabling the use of add-on buttons to perform different and repeatable functions.
GenericRecallableDialog(String) - Constructor for class woSource.GenericRecallableDialog
GenericRecallableDialog(String, Frame) - Constructor for class woSource.GenericRecallableDialog
get2DRect() - Method in class woSource.math.Rectangle3D
get2ndHyperSkelPairIndex(int, int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
get2ndHyperSkelPairIndex(Point3Dint, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
get3Dview() - Method in class woSource.ImageReviewer
get3DviewOfmark() - Method in class woSource.ImageReviewer
get3DviewOfNodule() - Method in class woSource.LIDCreview
get_parabolic_min(float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class woSource.math.OptMath
get_prosph_surf_terms(double, double, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
get_prosph_terms(double, double, double, int, double, int[], double[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
get_surfaceFitting_Nterms(int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
getAdScreenHeight() - Method in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
getAlpha() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
getAmoebaCurValues() - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistration
getAncesterList(int) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
7/8/2014 intent is to return a list of indices for the parent-ancesters of branch brat
getBendingAngle(int) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
getBifurcationCenterline(VesselBranch) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
goal to create the surface mesh that interpolates from the parent to this child.
getBinVariability(int[], float[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getBMcoeffs() - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistrationPS
getBoundingBox(boolean[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
find boundaries of usable image
getBoundingBox(boolean[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getBoundingBox(boolean[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getBoundingBox(boolean[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getBoundingBox(boolean[][][], int, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getBoundingBox(byte[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getBoundingBox(byte[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getBoundingBox(byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getBoundingBox(byte[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getBoundingBox(byte[][][], int, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getBoundingBox(byte[][][], int, float, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getBoundingBox(short[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getBoundingBox(short[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getBoundingBox(short[][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getBoundingBox(short[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getBoundingBox(short[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getBoundingBox(short[][][], int, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getBoundingBox(short[][][], int, float, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getBoundingBox(float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getBoundingBox(float[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getBoundingBox(Point3D[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getBoundingBox(Point3D[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getBranchChildren(int) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
getBranchNodeROI(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
Intent is to create a mask that contains the region of influence for a given branch node over which to compute the correlation (NCCC) to the original image, for optimizing the nodal parameters.
getBranchNodeSimImage(int, int, Rectangle3D) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
Intent is to create the similated vessel image only over the node of interest, over which to compute the correlation (NCCC) to the original image, for optimizing the nodal parameters.
getBranchWithStartLoc(int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
getButtonValue(int) - Method in class woSource.GenericRecallableDialog
Returns the contents of button 'i' field.
getChild1FrontVec(int, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
getChild1Index(int, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
getChild2FrontVec(int, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
getChild2Index(int, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
getChildrenBifurAngle(int, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
getChildrenIndices() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
getColor(String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
getColor(String) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
getCount() - Method in class woSource.math.ImgProc.EdgeFillThread
getCurLevel() - Method in class woSource.AutoWindowLevel
getCurrentImageMatrix(boolean[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
Looks at the current highlighted window with an image and ROI and gets the dimensions and the image data into a 3d array option to use Roi to define image being retrieved
gets image matrix as [depth][width][height]
getCurrentImageMatrix(boolean[][][], ImagePlus) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getCurrentImageMatrix(boolean[][][], boolean, ImagePlus) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getCurrentImageMatrix(byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getCurrentImageMatrix(byte[][][], boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getCurrentImageMatrix(byte[][][], ImagePlus) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getCurrentImageMatrix(byte[][][], boolean, ImagePlus) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getCurrentImageMatrix(short[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getCurrentImageMatrix(short[][][], boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getCurrentImageMatrix(short[][][], ImagePlus) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getCurrentImageMatrix(short[][][], boolean, ImagePlus) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getCurrentImageMatrix(int[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getCurrentImageMatrix(int[][][], boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getCurrentImageMatrix(float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getCurrentImageMatrix(float[][][], boolean, ImagePlus) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getCurrentImageMatrix(byte[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getCurrentImageMatrix(byte[][], boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getCurrentImageMatrix(short[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getCurrentImageMatrix(short[][], boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getCurrentImageMatrix(int[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getCurrentImageMatrix(int[][], boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getCurrentImageMatrix(float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getCurrentImageMatrix(float[][], boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getCurrentRoi() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.SnakeStack
getCurrentRoiRect() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.SnakeStack
getCurrentSlice() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
getCurrentSliceNumber() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
3/10/11 WO the cine image number from the DICOM "Image Number"
getCurrentSliceZ() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
3/10/11 WO the Z coord is now taken from the DICOM Image Position tag rather than the Slice Location tag because that is the value that the LIDC uses, and in many of the LIDC studies, these 2 values are not the same
getCurrentSnake() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.SnakeStack
getCursorLoc() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
WO 2/2/11 return the location of the cursor on the window
getCurValues() - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistration
getCurWindow() - Method in class woSource.AutoWindowLevel
getDefDoseBoundingRect() - Method in class woSource.DoseVsIntensity
getDeformedVoxelLocs(int) - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistrationPS
getDepth() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
getDicomInfo() - Method in class woSource.DicomAnon
getDicomPoint3D(ImagePlus, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
getDicomPoint3D(ImagePlus, String, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
getDicomValue(String, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
getDicomValue(String, String, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
getDicomValue(String, String, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
getDicomValue(String, String, int, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
WO 6/25/09 creating this intermediate before getStringString to check for dicom headers where we have found an extra ">Pixel Header" tag present, right before the real tag and with the '>' in front.
getDicomValue(ImagePlus, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
getDicomValue(ImagePlus, String, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
getDicomValue(Properties, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
getDicomValue(Properties, String, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
getDim(Object) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
getDisplay() - Method in class woSource.Deconvolver
getDistToCylAxis(float, float, float, float, float, float, float[], float, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
WO 3/18/2013 intent is for computing partial volume for pixels near a cylinder, want distance from the center of a voxel in space to the central axis of the cylinder along the shortest perpendicular.
getDistToCylAxis(float, float, float, float, float[], float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
WO 3/18/2013 2D version of above.
getDrot() - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistration
getDrot() - Method in class woSource.ImgRegistration
getDscale() - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistration
getDscale() - Method in class woSource.ImgRegistration
getEdgeImage(boolean[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getEdgeImage(boolean[][][], boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
27 connections includes corners.
getEndVector() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
getEndVector(int) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
want unit vector[mm] pointing outward (toward children) from last point in branch that best fits through the last NvecPts(global, =5), for computing bifurcation angle.
getEquiBins(int[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
returns array of bin starts[Nbins+1] where last element is end of array.
getFalse2DConnectionScore(int, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
getFalseLadderConnectionScore(int, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
getFarthestOnPtDist(boolean[][][], int, int, int, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getFarthestOnPtDist(byte[][][], int, int, int, int, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getFarthestOnPtDist(short[][][], int, int, int, int, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getFFT_N(int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
WO 5/22/01 want nearest integer N=2^m that is greater than n
getFileInfo() - Method in class woSource.DicomAnon
getFirstPoint() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
getFittedCenterlinePts_mm() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
goal is to retrieve the fitted centerline points for all branches, including the bifurcation model from parent to child, to look for errors (bending) in the centerline fits.
getFocalLength() - Method in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
getFrontVector() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
getFrontVector(int) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
gives unit vector pointing distally down current branch from first point in branch that best fits through the first NvecPts(global, =5).
getGdScreenHeight() - Method in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
getGraphics() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
getHeaderInfo(float) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewer
getHeartLAparams() - Method in class woSource.HeartSegm
getHeight() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
getHistogram(byte[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getHistogram(byte[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getHistogram(byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getHistogram(short[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
essentially scales image 0..255 then does histo analysis
getHistogram(short[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getHistogram(short[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getHistogram(short[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getHistogram(short[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getHistogram(ImagePlus, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getHistogram(short[][][], short[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
2D histogram
getHistogram(short[][][], short[][][], int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
get histogram in overlap region with center of B over pt (az,ax,ay) in A
getHrot() - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistration
getHrot() - Method in class woSource.ImgRegistration
getHscale() - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistration
getHscale() - Method in class woSource.ImgRegistration
getHyperSkelPairIndex(int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
getHyperSkelPairIndex(Point3Dint) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
getHyperskelPairPt(int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
getHyperskelPairPt(Point3Dint) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
getHyperskelPairPt(Point3Dint, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
getImag() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
getImage() - Method in class woSource.math.SimTagImageInfo
getImage3Dcoords(short[][][], Properties[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getImageCanvas() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
getImageData() - Method in class woSource.PetCTregistration
getImageJDataDir() - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getImageJOutputDir() - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getImageJOutputDir(FileInfo) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getImageJOutputDir() - Method in class woSource.noduleDetection
getImagePlus() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
getImageProcessor() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
getImageProcessor(int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
getImageProcessorStack() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
getImages() - Method in class woSource.math.SeriesImagesClass
getImageStack() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
getIndex() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
getInfOption() - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
getInitView() - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewer
getInitView() - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewerColor
getInitView() - Method in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
getInterpolatedValue(byte[][], float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
bi-linear interpolation of array elements
getInterpolatedValue(short[][], float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
getInterpolatedValue(float[][], float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
getInterpolatedValue(byte[][][], float, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
getInterpolatedValue(short[][][], float, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
getInvTransformedPtCoords_px(int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistration
inverse-transform the voxel dwh into the deformed coord system and return the sub-voxel coords dwh.
getInvTransformedPtCoords_px(float, float, float) - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistration
getInvTransformedPtCoords_px(int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.ImgRegistration
inverse-transform the voxel dwh into the deformed coord system and return the sub-voxel coords dwh.
getInvTransformedPtCoords_px(float, float, float) - Method in class woSource.ImgRegistration
getIPStack() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
getIsotropicSimImage(int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
getjori() - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
getKmeansBins(int[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
classic method bins pixels to nearest bin centers,.
getKmeansBins(int[], int, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getKmeansBinsWO(int[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
my version shifted bin sides around to min variance
getKmeansBinsWO(int[], int, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getLabel() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
getLargestBranchLength() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
getLargestBranchRadius() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
getLargestChildRadius(int, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
getLargestParentSiblingRadius(int, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
GetLastEdgePts() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
getLastPoint() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
getLength() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
In pixel units
getLength() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
getLength_pixels() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
getLengthHistogram(int) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
getLengthHistogram(int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
getLevel() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
getLongestBranchPath() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
9/2/2012 intent is to find the longest branch path, starting from the farthest branch and tracing backwards via parents.
getLoopedLocIndexForFromBr(int, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
uses int[][] loopLocs[nLoopPts][4] = [looped-to br, looped-to tree, looped-from br, looped-from tree].
getLoopedLocIndexForToBr(int, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
uses int[][] loopLocs[nLoopPts][4] = [looped-to br, looped-to tree, looped-from br, looped-from tree].
getLungMask(boolean) - Method in class woSource.humanLungSegm
getLungMask() - Method in class woSource.LIDCreview
getLungMask(boolean) - Method in class woSource.noduleDetection
GetLungVolRect_Mask(short[][][], String) - Method in class woSource.DoseVsIntensity
getMagnification() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
getMask() - Method in class woSource.lungSnake
getMask(int, int) - Method in class woSource.math.Polygon2D
getMaskImage() - Method in class woSource.math.SeriesImagesClass
getMax() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Candidates
getMaxPt() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Candidates
getMediastinumMask(boolean[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getMiddlePoint() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
getMidSeptumTheta() - Method in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
getMIPslice(short[][][], float, float, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
get projection data at one projection slice, given by theta (rot about original Yaxis=vertical) and phi (rot about original Xaxis=horizontal)
getMIPslice(short[][][], float, float, float, float, boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getMIPslice(short[][][], float, float, float, float, int, int, boolean, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getMIPslice(short[][][], float, float, float, float, int, int, int, float, int, int, boolean, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getMIPslice(byte[][][], float, float, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
rotation around the original coordinate system.
getMIPslice(byte[][][], float, float, float, float, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getMIPslice(byte[][][], float, float, float, float, boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getMIPslice(byte[][][], float, float, float, float, int, int, boolean, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getMIPslice(byte[][][], float, float, float, float, int, int, int, float, int, int, boolean, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getMIPsliceIncr(short[][][], ImgProc.MIPcalcStruc, float, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getMIPsliceIncr(short[][][], ImgProc.MIPcalcStruc, float, float, float, boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getMIPsliceIncr(short[][][], ImgProc.MIPcalcStruc, float, float, float, int, int, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getMIPsliceIncr(short[][][], ImgProc.MIPcalcStruc, float, int, int, int, float, int, int, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getMIPsliceIncr(short[][][], float, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
Uses global miprot[][] to keep track of previous rotations.
getMIPsliceIncr(short[][][], float, float, float, boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getMIPsliceIncr(short[][][], float, float, float, int, int, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getMIPsliceIncr(short[][][], float, float, float, int, int, int, float, int, int, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getMIPsliceIncr(byte[][][], float, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 8/13/2012 add feature to scale output pixel intensity by z value -- to give depth appearance to boolean data (of skeletonized vessels) Uses global miprot[][] to keep track of previous rotations.
getMIPsliceIncr(byte[][][], float, float, float, boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getMIPsliceIncr(byte[][][], float, float, float, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getMIPsliceIncr(byte[][][], float, float, float, int, int, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getMIPsliceIncr(byte[][][], float, float, float, int, int, int, float, int, int, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getMIPsliceIncrLabeled(byte[][][], float, float, float, byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 8/13/2012 add feature to scale output pixel intensity by z value -- to give depth appearance to boolean data (of skeletonized vessels)
getMIPsliceIncrLabeled(byte[][][], float, float, float, boolean, byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getMIPsliceIncrLabeled(byte[][][], float, float, float, int, int, boolean, byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getMIPsliceIncrLabeled(byte[][][], float, float, float, int, int, boolean, boolean, byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getMIPsliceIncrLabeled(byte[][][], float, float, float, int, int, boolean, boolean, byte[][][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getMIPsliceIncrLabeled(byte[][][], float, float, float, int, int, int, float, int, int, boolean, boolean, byte[][][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getMIPsliceIncrLabeled(short[][][], float, float, float, byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getMIPsliceIncrLabeled(short[][][], float, float, float, boolean, byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getMIPsliceIncrLabeled(short[][][], float, float, float, int, int, boolean, boolean, byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getMIPsliceIncrLabeled(short[][][], float, float, float, int, int, boolean, boolean, byte[][][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getMIPsliceIncrLabeled(short[][][], float, float, float, int, int, int, float, int, int, boolean, boolean, byte[][][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getMIPsliceLabeled(byte[][][], float, float, float, byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 12/18/2012 want to return an image that can be colorized.
getMIPsliceLabeled(byte[][][], float, float, float, int, int, byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getMIPsliceLabeled(byte[][][], float, float, float, int, int, boolean, boolean, byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getMIPsliceLabeled(byte[][][], float, float, float, int, int, boolean, boolean, byte[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getMIPsliceLabeled(byte[][][], float, float, float, int, int, int, float, int, int, boolean, boolean, byte[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getMIPsliceLabeled(short[][][], float, float, float, byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getMIPsliceLabeled(short[][][], float, float, float, int, int, byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getMIPsliceLabeled(short[][][], float, float, float, int, int, boolean, boolean, byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getMIPsliceLabeled(short[][][], float, float, float, int, int, boolean, boolean, byte[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getMIPsliceLabeled(short[][][], float, float, float, int, int, int, float, int, int, boolean, boolean, byte[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getmmPerPixelX() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
getmmPerPixelY() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
getMostRecentBranch() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
getMostRecentIndex() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
getNbPoints() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
getNbranches() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
getNbranchesAtLevel(int) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
getNcatchFileInfo() - Method in class woSource.DicomAnon
getNendSkipPts(float) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
getNextButton() - Method in class woSource.GenericRecallableDialog
Returns the contents of the next buttons_touched field.
getNfrontSkipPts(float) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
getNlevels() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
getNodeSimImage(int, Rectangle3D, VesselBranch) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
getNodeSimImage(int, Rectangle3D, VesselBranch, boolean) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
getNodeSimImage(int, float, Rectangle3D, VesselBranch) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
getNodeSimImage(int, float, float, Rectangle3D, VesselBranch, boolean) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
getNormalThroughEdgePt(boolean[][][], Point3Dint, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getNormalThroughEdgePt(boolean[][][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getObjectBoundingBox(byte[][][], int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 12/22/10 get bounding box for the object connected to pointinside within the thresholded (binary) image
getObjectBoundingBox(byte[][][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getObjectContour(byte[][][], int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 2/14/11 assume that the image is basically a mask such that the pixel value at the seed demarks the object from the surroundings and the value will be either 0, 255 or 128
getObjectMask() - Method in class woSource.LIDCreview
getObjectMaskFromFiles() - Method in class woSource.ImageReviewer
getObjectMaskFromFiles(String) - Method in class woSource.ImageReviewer
getOrphanedBranchOfTopPt(int[]) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
getOuterContour(boolean[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
routines to automatically detect outer surface contour
Short assumes the image center is inside ROI and walks out from center
Byte works with roi, if none found uses bounding box.
getOuterContour(boolean[][], Rectangle) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getOuterContour(byte[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getOuterContour(byte[][], Rectangle) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getOuterContour(boolean[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getOuterContour(boolean[][][], Rectangle) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getOuterContour(byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getOuterContour(byte[][][], Rectangle) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getOuterContour(byte[][][], Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 2/14/11 true 3D version
getOuterContour(short[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
Short versions use Roi vs and 100 projection angles
getOuterContour(short[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getOuterContour(short[][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getOuterContour(short[][], int, int, Roi) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getOuterContour(short[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getOuterContour(short[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getOuterContour(short[][][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getOuterContour(short[][][], int, int, Roi) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getOutput() - Method in class woSource.math.ImgProc.CorrCalcThread
getOutput() - Method in class woSource.math.ImgProc.DilateThread
getOutput() - Method in class woSource.math.ImgProc.EdgeFillThread
getOutput() - Method in class woSource.math.ImgProc.ErodeThread
getOutputBoolean() - Method in class woSource.math.ImgProc.EdgeFillThread
getOutputByte() - Method in class woSource.math.ImgProc.ConvolveThread
getOutputFloat() - Method in class woSource.math.ImgProc.ConvolveThread
getOutputInt() - Method in class woSource.math.ImgProc.ConvolveThread
getOutputShort() - Method in class woSource.math.ImgProc.ConvolveThread
getPadding(float) - Method in class woSource.noduleDetectionModule
getPairNCCC(int, int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
getPairTrimmedNCCC(int, int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
getParentIndex() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
getPixel3Dcoords(int, int, int, Rectangle3D, Properties[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
get 3D mm coords for pixel.
getPixels() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
getPixels(boolean[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
getPixels(boolean[][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
getPixels(boolean[][], int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
getPixels(float[][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
getPixels(float[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
getPixels(short[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
getPixels(int[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
getPixels(byte[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
getPixels(byte[][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
getPixels(byte[][], int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
getPixels(short[][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
getPixels(short[][], int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
getPixelToScannerCoords(int, int, int, boolean[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.Image3Dinfo
getPixelValue(int, int) - Method in class woSource.math.SimTagImageInfo
getPoint(int) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
getPoints() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.SnakeStack
getPolygon2D() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.SnakeStack
getProperties() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
getProperty(String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
getPScoeffs() - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistrationPS
getPSfitOrder() - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistrationPS
getPtInputDirInfo(String) - Method in class woSource.ImageReviewer
getPtSep(int, int) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
getPtSep(int, Point3Dint) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
getRadiusHistogram(int) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
getRadiusHistogram(int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
getRankingIndex(int[][], int[], int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
WO 5/18/2012 find where the current 'val' belongs in the unsorted list A[list index][4=x,y,z,value] but with sorting accomplished by int[] rankIndices which ranks low to high.
getReal() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
getRGBs(byte[][], byte[][], byte[][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
getRGBs(byte[][][], byte[][][], byte[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
getRoi(TruncatedEllipseRoi) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
getRoi(OvalRoi) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
getRoi() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
getRoi() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
getRoi(PolygonRoi) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
getRoi(EllipseRoi) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
getRoi(TruncatedEllipseRoi) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
getRoi(OvalRoi) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
getRoi() - Method in class woSource.math.Rectangle3D
getRoi() - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewer
getRoi() - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewerColor
getRoi() - Method in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
getROI3Dcoords(short[][][], Rectangle3D, Properties[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
get 3D mm coords and pixel value of each pixel within the ROI rectangle.
getRoiRect() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
getRoiRect() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.SnakeStack
getRoiVoxelToScannerCoords(boolean[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.Image3Dinfo
getRotMtx(int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
WO 6/29/04 int version for angles in degrees
getRotMtx(float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
float version, already in radians
getRotMtx(int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
getRotMtx(float, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
this should work for any right handed coordinate system, where A is the first rotation about the first (X usually) axis, B is the rotation about the second (usu.
getScreenLocation() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
WO 2/2/11 gets top-left corner location of frame on screen, not of mouse coords in window usage: Point.x, .y
getScreenSize() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
gets size of the window for this display (not the size of the computer monitor) usage: Dimension.width, .height
getSepAngle(int, int, boolean, int, int, boolean) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
goal to compute the trajectory angle in degrees between the two branch ends, skipping the first few points because their trajectory can be altered by the presence of the bifurcation or crossing.
getSepAngle(VesselBranch, boolean, VesselBranch, boolean) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
getSiblingBifurAngle(int, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
getSiblingFrontVec(int, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
getSideViewScreenSize() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay3D
getSimImage(int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
Compute the simImg if it doesn't exist already.
getSimImage(int, int, int, Rectangle3D) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
getSimImage() - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
getSimImage(int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
getSlice(short[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
getSliceCenterSep() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
getSliceLabel(int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
getSliceLabels() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
getSliceZ(int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
getSmoothedPolygon(Polygon2D) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
getSmoothedPolygon(float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
getSmoothPolygon2D() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.SnakeStack
getSmoothPts(float[]) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
getSmoothPtsBoundingBox(float) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
getSmoothSnake3DPts(boolean) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
getSnake3DPts(boolean) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
getSortedIndices(float[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
getStack3DSmoothPts() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.SnakeStack
getStackDepths(ImagePlus) - Method in class woSource.DoseVolumeStats
getStackDepths(ImagePlus) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getStackSize() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
getStackWindow() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
getStringPoint3D(String, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
getStringPoint3D(String, String, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
getStringPoint3D(String, String, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
getStringPoint3D(String, String, int, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
getStringPoint3Dint(String, String, int, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
getStringString(String, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
parses string 'target' for String value following the tag 'key'
getStringString(String, String, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
getStringString(String, String, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
getStringString(String, String, int, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
getStringValue(String) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
getStringValue(String, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
getStringValue(String, String, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
getStringValue(String, String, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
getStringValue(String, String, int, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
parses the string for key (String) tag, and grabs first number following it.
getStringValues(String, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
getStringValues(String, int, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
getStringValues(String, int, String, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
getStringValues(String, int, String, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
getStringValues(String, int, String, int, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
getSurfMesh() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
getTagFilenameAddon(int, int) - Method in class woSource.HeartSegm
GetTagParams(short[][], int) - Method in class woSource.HeartSegm
GetTagParams(short[][], int, float, float, float) - Method in class woSource.HeartSegm
getTagValue(float, float) - Method in class woSource.math.SimTagImageInfo
getTangent(int) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
getTestImg() - Method in class woSource.math.Polygon2D
getTestTagImg(byte[][], float, float, float, float) - Method in class woSource.HeartSegm
getTopBranchIndex() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
getTopLocIndex(Point3Dint) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
getTopViewScreenSize() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay3D
getTortuosity() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
getTortuosityHistogram(int) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
getTransformedImageCoords_mm(short[][][], Properties[], Rectangle3D, ImageRegistration, Properties[], Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
get 3D mm transformed coords and pixel value of each pixel within the ROI rectangle, using the same code as above.
getTransformedImageCoords_mm(short[][][], Properties[], Rectangle3D, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, Properties[], Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getTransformedPtCoords_mm(int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistration
transform the voxel dwh into the deformed coord system and return the mm scanner coords in xyz order.
getTransformedPtCoords_mm(float, float, float) - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistration
getTransformedPtCoords_mm(int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.ImgRegistration
transform the voxel dwh into the deformed coord system and return the mm coords in xyz order.
getTransformedPtCoords_mm(float, float, float) - Method in class woSource.ImgRegistration
getTransformedPtCoords_mm(int, int, int, Properties[], Rectangle3D, ImageRegistration, Properties[], Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
Intent is to pass in the image pixel coords d,w,h and transform them according to the existing registration parameters to get the tranformed 3D point coords in mm in scanner coords of the target set.
getTransformedPtCoords_mm(int, int, int, Properties[], Rectangle3D, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, Properties[], Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getTransformedPtCoords_mm(float, float, float, Properties[], Rectangle3D, ImageRegistration, Properties[], Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getTransformedPtCoords_mm(float, float, float, Properties[], Rectangle3D, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, Properties[], Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getTransformedPtCoords_px(int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistration
transform the voxel dwh into the deformed coord system and return the sub-voxel coords dwh.
getTransformedPtCoords_px(float, float, float) - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistration
getTransformedPtCoords_px(int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.ImgRegistration
transform the voxel dwh into the deformed coord system and return the sub-voxel coords dwh.
getTransformedPtCoords_px(float, float, float) - Method in class woSource.ImgRegistration
getTransformedPtCoords_px(int, int, int, Properties[], Rectangle3D, ImageRegistration, Properties[], Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
Intent is to pass in the image pixel coords d,w,h and transform them according to the existing registration parameters to get the tranformed 3D pixel coords in (dwh) with sub-pixel precision in the scanner coords of the target set.
getTransformedPtCoords_px(int, int, int, Properties[], Rectangle3D, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, Properties[], Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getTransformedPtCoords_px(float, float, float, Properties[], Rectangle3D, ImageRegistration, Properties[], Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getTransformedPtCoords_px(float, float, float, Properties[], Rectangle3D, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, Properties[], Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getTreeBranchLabels() - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
getTreeMask() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
getTreeTop() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
getTreeTopPt3D() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
getTrimmedBranchEndVec(int, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
getTrimmedBranchFrontVec(int, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
getTrimmedBranchLength(int, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
getTrimmedBranchRadius(int, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
getTrimmedBranchRadius(int, int, float, float) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
getValues() - Method in class woSource.Deconvolver
getVolume() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
getVolume() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
compute vascular volume as sum_brs{br_len*br_area)
getVoxelToScannerCoords(int, int, int, boolean[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.Image3Dinfo
getVoxelVisits() - Method in class woSource.CellMigration
getWHDdirs(String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
getWidth() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
getWriteTreeSimImage(VesselTree) - Method in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
getWriteTreeSTL(VesselTree) - Method in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
getWrot() - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistration
getWrot() - Method in class woSource.ImgRegistration
getWscale() - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistration
getWscale() - Method in class woSource.ImgRegistration
getXshift() - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistration
getXshift() - Method in class woSource.ImgRegistration
getYshift() - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistration
getYshift() - Method in class woSource.ImgRegistration
getZshift() - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistration
getZshift() - Method in class woSource.ImgRegistration
giveDoneButFocus() - Method in class woSource.GenericRecallableDialog
go(ArrayDisplay) - Method in class woSource.lungSnake
go(ArrayDisplay, ArrayDisplay) - Method in class woSource.lungSnake
go() - Method in class woSource.noduleDetection.lungSnake
goodread - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
goodReadOrAdjusted() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.SnakeStack
gradient(byte[][], Rectangle) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
gradient(byte[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
gradient(byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
gradient(byte[][][], Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
gradient(short[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
gradient(short[][], Rectangle) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
gradient(short[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
gradient(short[][][], Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
gradient(float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
gradient(float[][], Rectangle) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
gradient2D(byte[][][], Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
gradient2D(byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
gradient2D(short[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
gradient2D(short[][][], Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
GradientAnalysis3D - Class in woSource
GradientAnalysis3D() - Constructor for class woSource.GradientAnalysis3D
gradientIn - Static variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake
gradientIn(byte[][], Rectangle) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
gradientIn(short[][], Rectangle) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
gradientMag(boolean[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
WO 3/19/03 added roi feature
3/23/03 for 'binary' images, do not want to smear out edge over two pixels, rather put it on the high pixel.
gradientMag(boolean[][], Rectangle) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
WO 6/13/05 duh, this works for binary images, not byte images.
gradientMag(boolean[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
gradientMag(boolean[][][], Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
gradientMag(byte[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
WO 6/5/2013 created accurate grad calc for byte (used to be the boolean version above).
gradientMag(byte[][], Rectangle) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
gradientMag(byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
gradientMag(byte[][][], Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
gradientMag2D(boolean[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
gradientMag2D(boolean[][][], Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
gradientMag2D(byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
gradientMag2D(byte[][][], Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
gradientOut - Static variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake
gradientOut(byte[][], Rectangle) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
gradientOut(short[][], Rectangle) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
gradientType - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake
gradKernel(float[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
WO 11/13/00 generic-sized profile gradient kernel
define via 2D image gradient operator on original kernel
designed as (n+2)x(n+2) for an n sized primary template
want value of background intensity of original template to use for grad calc at edges.
greatestArea() - Method in class woSource.math.Polygon3D
greatestDiameter() - Method in class woSource.math.Polygon2D
greatestDiameter() - Method in class woSource.math.Polygon3D


H - Static variable in class woSource.ImageRegistration
handleFailedBranchRepair(int, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
if got here then could not find any matches.
HannWindow(int, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
Hann window, default: only filtering 10% edges
j== current index (==depth-at)
a== total depth
edge== is effective depth of windowing filter cutoff
HannWindow(int, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
HannWindow(float, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
hasChildren() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
hasFocus() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
WO 3/5/2015 corrected my earlier incorrect use of getFocusOwner()==null as it does not apply to windows or canvases, just components thereof.
hasFocus() - Method in class woSource.ScreenSelectorCanvas
hashCode() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
hasMultipleLoopPairings(int, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
hasNoImage - Variable in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
hav() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
hav(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
haveLungVolMaskImgs - Variable in class woSource.noduleDetectionModule
havePulmTrunkMask - Variable in class woSource.humanLungSegm
havePulmTrunkMask - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
HeartLongAxis - Class in woSource.math
HeartLongAxis(String) - Constructor for class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
HeartLongAxis(String, Point3D, Point3D) - Constructor for class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
HeartLongAxis(String, Point3D, Point3D, Point3D) - Constructor for class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
HeartLongAxis(HeartLongAxis) - Constructor for class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
HeartLongAxis(String, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
heartMR3Dinfo - Variable in class woSource.HeartSegm
heartRect - Variable in class woSource.math.SimTagImageInfo
HeartSegm - Class in woSource
2/2/2015 WO need place where I try to read in the existing tag points.
HeartSegm() - Constructor for class woSource.HeartSegm
heartSegmentor - Variable in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
Height - Variable in class woSource.DoseReader
Height - Variable in class woSource.DoseReader_Oct2012_oldUR
HEIGHT - Static variable in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
Height - Variable in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
height - Variable in class woSource.math.Rectangle3D
height - Variable in class woSource.math.SeriesImagesClass
Hermite_00(float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
Cubic Hermite interpolation functions The derivative needs to be in units of distance, thus multiply the dimension-less slope value by elem_len prior to sending to here.
Hermite_00(double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
Hermite_01(float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
Hermite_01(double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
Hermite_10(float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
Hermite_10(double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
Hermite_11(float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
Hermite_11(double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
hide() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
hide() - Method in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
hideAllDisplays() - Method in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
hideDialog() - Method in class woSource.GenericRecallableDialog
hideGUI() - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewer
highlightButton(int) - Method in class woSource.GenericRecallableDialog
HistoBinAdjuster - Class in woSource
HistoBinAdjuster() - Constructor for class woSource.HistoBinAdjuster
HistoHisto_reg - Class in woSource
HistoHisto_reg() - Constructor for class woSource.HistoHisto_reg
HistoMR_registration - Class in woSource
HistoMR_registration(short[][][], Properties[], Rectangle3D, short[][][], Properties[], Rectangle3D, ArrayColorDisplay3D) - Constructor for class woSource.HistoMR_registration
HistoMRreg - Class in woSource
HistoMRreg() - Constructor for class woSource.HistoMRreg
HistoSlideLighting - Class in woSource
HistoSlideLighting() - Constructor for class woSource.HistoSlideLighting
humanLungSegm - Class in woSource
humanLungSegm() - Constructor for class woSource.humanLungSegm
HyperSkelPair - Class in woSource.math
for vesselSegmentation, when a tree crosses another you need a hyperskel pair to jump the crossing
HyperSkelPair() - Constructor for class woSource.math.HyperSkelPair
HyperSkelPair(HyperSkelPair) - Constructor for class woSource.math.HyperSkelPair
hypot(Complex, Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex


ID_OFFSET - Static variable in class woSource.DicomAnon
identity(float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
returns identity matrix of same dims as A
identity(int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
return identity matrix of dims WxH
identity(float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
returns identity matrix of same dims as A
Image3Dinfo - Class in woSource.math
Image3Dinfo() - Constructor for class woSource.math.Image3Dinfo
Image3Dinfo(String, int, Rectangle3D, float[][], float[], float[], float[], float, float, int[], float[][], String[][]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.Image3Dinfo
Image3Dinfo(Image3Dinfo) - Constructor for class woSource.math.Image3Dinfo
ImageGradientOverlay(short[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ImageGradientOverlay(short[][][], int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
imagemax - Variable in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
imagemax - Variable in class woSource.RatImageAdjuster
imagemax - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
imagemin - Variable in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
imagemin - Variable in class woSource.RatImageAdjuster
imagemin - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
ImageOverlay - Class in woSource
ImageOverlay() - Constructor for class woSource.ImageOverlay
ImageOverlay(boolean[][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ImageOverlay(byte[][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ImageOverlay(byte[][], int, int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ImageOverlay(boolean[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ImageOverlay(byte[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ImageOverlay(byte[][][], int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ImageOverlay(byte[][][], int, int, int, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ImageOverlay(short[][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ImageOverlay(short[][], int, int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ImageOverlay(short[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ImageOverlay(short[][][], String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ImageOverlay(short[][][], int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ImageOverlay(short[][][], int, int, int, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ImageOverlay(short[][][], float, float, float, float, float, float, Rectangle3D) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ImageOverlay(short[][][], float, float, float, float, float, float, Rectangle3D, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ImageOverlay(float[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ImageOverlay(float[][][], int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ImageOverlay(float[][][], int, int, int, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
ImageOverlay(short[][][], int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay3D
ImageOverlay(short[][][], Properties[], Rectangle3D, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay3D
ImageOverlay(short[][][], Properties[], Rectangle3D, float, float, float, float, float, float, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay3D
ImageOverlay(short[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay3D
ImageOverlay(boolean[][], boolean[][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
WO 1/5/05 need to either pass in the original array values or store a back-up internally as you corrupt the displayed version each time an overlay is made.
ImageOverlay(boolean[][], boolean[][], int, int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ImageOverlay(byte[][], boolean[][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ImageOverlay(boolean[][][], boolean[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ImageOverlay(boolean[][][], boolean[][][], int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ImageOverlay(byte[][][], boolean[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ImageOverlay(boolean[][][], byte[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ImageOverlay(byte[][], byte[][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ImageOverlay(byte[][], byte[][], int, int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ImageOverlay(byte[][][], byte[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ImageOverlay(byte[][][], byte[][][], int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ImageOverlay(short[][], short[][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ImageOverlay(short[][], short[][], int, int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ImageOverlay(short[][], boolean[][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ImageOverlay(short[][][], boolean[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ImageOverlay(boolean[][][], short[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ImageOverlay(short[][][], short[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ImageOverlay(short[][][], short[][][], int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ImageOverlay(float[][][], float[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ImageOverlay(float[][][], float[][][], int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
ImageRegistration - Class in woSource
ImageRegistration() - Constructor for class woSource.ImageRegistration
ImageRegistration(short[][], Properties, short[][], Properties) - Constructor for class woSource.ImageRegistration
ImageRegistration(short[][][], Properties[], short[][][], Properties[]) - Constructor for class woSource.ImageRegistration
ImageRegistration(short[][][], Properties[], Rectangle3D, short[][][], Properties[], Rectangle3D) - Constructor for class woSource.ImageRegistration
ImageRegistration(short[][][], Properties[], Rectangle3D, FileInfo, short[][][], Properties[], Rectangle3D, FileInfo) - Constructor for class woSource.ImageRegistration
ImageRegistrationPS - Class in woSource
ImageRegistrationPS() - Constructor for class woSource.ImageRegistrationPS
ImageRegistrationPS(ImageRegistrationPS) - Constructor for class woSource.ImageRegistrationPS
ImageRegistrationPS(int, SimTagImageInfo[], Image3Dinfo[], SeriesImagesClass[], HeartLongAxis) - Constructor for class woSource.ImageRegistrationPS
ImageReviewer - Class in woSource
ImageReviewer() - Constructor for class woSource.ImageReviewer
images - Variable in class woSource.math.SeriesImagesClass
imageStatsCorrelation(byte[][][], byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 4/4/2013 want statistical correlation of 2 images evaluated only over the prescribed mask.
imageStatsCorrelation(byte[][][], byte[][][], Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
imageStatsCorrelation(byte[][][], byte[][][], boolean[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
imageStatsCorrelation(byte[][][], byte[][][], boolean[][][], Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
imageStatsCorrelation(short[][][], byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
imageStatsCorrelation(short[][][], byte[][][], boolean[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
imageStatsCorrelation(short[][][], byte[][][], Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
imageStatsCorrelation(short[][][], byte[][][], boolean[][][], Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
imageStatsCorrelation(short[][], byte[][], boolean[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
imageStatsCorrelation(byte[][], byte[][], boolean[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
imageStatsCorrelation(short[][], short[][], boolean[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
imageStatsCorrelation(short[][], byte[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
imageStatsCorrelation(short[][][], short[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
imageStatsCorrelation(short[][][], short[][][], boolean[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
imageStatsCorrelation(short[][][], short[][][], Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
imageStatsCorrelation(short[][][], short[][][], boolean[][][], Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
imagesWereSaved - Variable in class woSource.RatImageAdjuster
ImageXdir - Variable in class woSource.math.Image3Dinfo
ImageYdir - Variable in class woSource.math.Image3Dinfo
ImageZdir - Variable in class woSource.math.Image3Dinfo
imgHeight - Variable in class woSource.math.SimTagImageInfo
imgHeight - Variable in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
imgMask - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
ImgProc - Class in woSource.math
miscellaneous image processing routines
ImgProc() - Constructor for class woSource.math.ImgProc
ImgProc.ConvolveThread - Class in woSource.math
note that this class is defined to run static function convolve.
ImgProc.CorrCalcThread - Class in woSource.math
this class is to run the static function statsCorrCirc
ImgProc.DilateThread - Class in woSource.math
note that this class is defined to run static function erode
WO 10/3/2012 This works by defining a unique Roi for each thread to work on.
ImgProc.EdgeFillThread - Class in woSource.math
note that this class is defined to run static function edgeFill
ImgProc.ErodeThread - Class in woSource.math
This class is defined to run static function erode
WO 10/3/2012 This works by defining a unique Roi for each thread to work on.
ImgProc.MIPcalcStruc - Class in woSource.math
public static byte[][][] distTransform (boolean[][][] origBinImg ) { return distTransform(ArraysI.toByte(origBinImg)); } // 3D distance transform public static byte[][][] distTransform( byte[][][] origBinImg ) { int depth = origBinImg.length; int width = origBinImg[0].length; int height = origBinImg[0][0].length; byte[][][] distmap = new byte[depth][width][height]; ArraysI.copy(origBinImg, distmap); //WO for now invert the image ArraysI.scale(distmap, 255,0); // final int a = 3, b = 4, c = 3, d = 4, e = 5; //alternate weights final int a = 3, b = 4, c = 5, d = 3, e = 7; final int[] wf = new int[] { e, d, e, d, c, d, e, d, e, b, a, b, a, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, }; final int[] wb = new int[] { 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, a, b, a, b, e, d, e, d, c, d, e, d, e, }; int[] slask = new int[2 * 3 * 3]; // Border pixels are ignored to simplify the convolutions below for (int z = 0; z < depth; z++) for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) if (z == 0 || x == 0 || y == 0 || z == depth - 1 || y == height - 1 || x == width - 1) distmap[z][x][y] = (byte) 0x0; // Forward iteration for (int z = 1; z < depth-1; z++) { IJ.showProgress(z, 2 * depth - 2); for (int x = 1; x < width-1; x++) { for (int y = 1; y < height-1; y++) { for (int k = -1; k < 1; k++) for (int j = -1; j < 2; j++) for (int i = -1; i < 2; i++) { int slaskindex = (i+1)+ (j+1)*3 + (k+1)*3*3; int pixel = distmap[z+k+1][x+i][y+j]&0xff; // 0xff & ((byte[]) imRef.getStack().getPixels(z+k+1))[(x+i)+ (y+j)* width]; slask[slaskindex] = pixel + wf[slaskindex]; } int minval = slask[0]; // the lowest value so far for (int i = 1; i < slask.length; i++) if ((slask[i]) < minval) minval = (slask[i]); // int pixel = 0xff & ((byte[]) imRef.getStack().getPixels(z+1))[(x)+ (y)* width]; int pixel = distmap[z+1][x][y]&0xff; if (pixel > minval) // ((byte[]) imRef.getStack().getPixels(z+1))[x + y*width] = (byte) (minval & 0xff); distmap[z+1][x][y] = (byte) (minval); } // end height(y) } // end width(x) } // end depth(z) // Backward iteration for (int z = depth-3; z > 0; z--) { // WO 3/08 changed from depth-2 to depth-3 IJ.showProgress(2 * depth - z, 2 * depth - 2); for (int x = width-2; x > 0; x--) { for (int y = height-2; y > 0; y--) { for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++) for (int j = -1; j < 2; j++) for (int i = -1; i < 2; i++) { int slaskindex = (i+1)+ (j+1)*3+ (k)*3*3; int pixel = distmap[z+k+1][x+i][y+j]&0xff; // = 0xff & ((byte[]) imRef.getStack().getPixels(z+k+1))[(x+i)+ (y+j)*width]; slask[slaskindex] = pixel + wb[slaskindex]; } int minval = slask[0]; // the lowest value so far for (int i = 1; i < slask.length; i++) if ((slask[i]) < minval) minval = (slask[i]); int pixel = distmap[z+1][x][y]&0xff; // = 0xff & ((byte[]) imRef.getStack().getPixels(z+1))[(x)+ (y)*width]; if (pixel > minval) // ((byte[]) imRef.getStack().getPixels(z+1))[x + y*width] = (byte) (minval &0xff); distmap[z+1][x][y] = (byte) (minval); } // end height(y) } // end width(x) } // end depth(z) return distmap; } // 3D distance transform
ImgRegistration - Class in woSource
This is a front end to ImageRegistration(), where the latter has the GUI.
ImgRegistration() - Constructor for class woSource.ImgRegistration
imgWidth - Variable in class woSource.math.SimTagImageInfo
imgWidth - Variable in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
imp - Variable in class woSource.WindowLevelAdjuster
imreg - Variable in class woSource.HeartSegm
indentMask() - Method in class woSource.lungSnake
indentMask() - Method in class woSource.noduleDetection.lungSnake
infoToOutputString() - Method in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
init(ImagePlus) - Method in class woSource.HeartSegm
init(ImagePlus) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake
snakestack == null is flag for interactiveSnake running as a stand-alone program
Init(Rectangle) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
Init(Roi) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
Init(InteractiveSnake.Snake) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
Init(Roi) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.SnakeStack
Init(Rectangle) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.SnakeStack
initBins(ImagePlus) - Method in class woSource.HistoBinAdjuster
initDicomRewriter(String, String, boolean) - Method in class woSource.DicomAnon
initialTraceAlongBranch(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
This traverses a tree (treeID) starting from skeletal/branch point loc x,y,z on branch (branchIndex).
initPtNodules() - Method in class woSource.LIDCreview
initSearch_ptSep - Variable in class woSource.lungSnake
initSnackStacks() - Method in class woSource.HeartSegm
InitSnakeDisplay(ArrayDisplay) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake
similar to version from hermitsnake.
InitSnakeDisplay(String, ArrayDisplay) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake
InitSnakeDisplay() - Method in class woSource.RegisterSnake
innerbodyROI - Variable in class woSource.humanLungSegm
inputdir - Variable in class woSource.humanLungSegm
InputParentDir - Static variable in class woSource.math.MathI
insert(int) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Candidates
insert(Point2D) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Candidates
insert(Point2D, int) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Candidates
insert(int[], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
WO 5/23/2012 apparently by design this does not lengthen the array A, rather it just pushes the bottom value off the bottom of the array.
insert(int[], int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
insert(int[][], int[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
insert(int[][], int[], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
insert(float[], float, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
insert(Point2D[], Point2D, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
insert(Point3D[], Point3D, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
insert(Point3Dint[], Point3Dint, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
insert(NoduleCandidate[], NoduleCandidate, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
insert without extending array
insertDiskOntoMask(int, String) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
12/24/2012 intent is to place a break int the mask to permit separation of mask into sub-tree masks.
insertDiskOntoMask(Point3Dint) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
insertDiskOntoMask(int, int) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
insertExtraPt(Point2D) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Candidates
insertSubArray(boolean[][][], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
WO 9/25/2013 insert subArray into bigger matrix space
insertSubArray(byte[][][], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
insertSubArray(short[][][], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
Int(float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
Int(double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
InteractiveSnake - Class in woSource
Inter-Active 'Snake' Segmentation by W.
InteractiveSnake() - Constructor for class woSource.InteractiveSnake
InteractiveSnake.Candidates - Class in woSource
InteractiveSnake.SmoothSnake - Class in woSource
InteractiveSnake.Snake - Class in woSource
InteractiveSnake.SnakeStack - Class in woSource
InteractiveSnake_Hermite - Class in woSource
InteractiveSnake_Hermite() - Constructor for class woSource.InteractiveSnake_Hermite
InteractiveSnake_Hermite(String) - Constructor for class woSource.InteractiveSnake_Hermite
InteractiveSnake_Hermite3D - Class in woSource
InteractiveSnake_Hermite3D() - Constructor for class woSource.InteractiveSnake_Hermite3D
InteractiveSnake_Hermite3D(String) - Constructor for class woSource.InteractiveSnake_Hermite3D
intestineErodDilRad - Variable in class woSource.humanLungSegm
inverse(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
inverse() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
invert(boolean[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
computes OFF/ON for each element != matrix inversion
invert(boolean[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
invertGrayscale(float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
invertGrayscale(float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
invertGrayscale(short[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
invertGrayscale(short[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
invertKernel(float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
assumes original kernel min==0
invertLUT() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
invTransDoseField() - Method in class woSource.DoseVsIntensity
want to warp the second image voxels and if the voxel center lands within the dose region, then find and record the closest dose sample.
invTransformPt_px(int, int, int, Properties[], Rectangle3D, ImageRegistration, Properties[], Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
Intent is to inverse-transform the voxel in the target image back to it's beginning voxel in the reference image using the existing affine image registration values, and using a cheap iterative approach.
WO 4/25/20913 This seems to be working correctly.
invTransformPt_px(float, float, float, Properties[], Rectangle3D, ImageRegistration, Properties[], Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
invTransformPt_px(int, int, int, Properties[], Rectangle3D, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, Properties[], Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
invTransformPt_px(float, float, float, Properties[], Rectangle3D, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, Properties[], Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
inwardBendAngle(Point2D, Point2D, Point2D) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
6/16/11 for my LIDC snake work
inwardConstraint - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
ips - Variable in class woSource.WindowLevelAdjuster
is45 - Variable in class woSource.math.SimTagImageInfo
isAhyperSkelPt(int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
isAhyperSkelPt(Point3Dint) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
isALoopedFromLoc(int, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
isALoopedToLoc(int, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
isAtopLoc(Point3Dint) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
isByte - Variable in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
isByte(ImagePlus) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
isByte - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselTree
isColor(ImagePlus) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
isDicom(ImagePlus) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
isDouble - Variable in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
isEqual(Complex) - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
isEqual(Complex, Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
isEqualWithinLimits(Complex, double) - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
isEqualWithinLimits(Complex, Complex, double) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
isEven(int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
isFloat - Variable in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
isInfinite(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
isInfinite() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
isInt - Variable in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
isLA - Variable in class woSource.HeartSegm
isMinusInfinity() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
isMinusInfinity(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
isNaN(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
isNaN() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
isOdd(int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
isotropicSimTreeImg - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselTree
isPlusInfinity() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
isPlusInfinity(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
isPoint3D - Variable in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
isPointInAnyTree(int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
isPointInBranch(Point3Dint) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
isPointInTree(Point3Dint) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
isReal(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
isReal(Complex[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
isReal() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
isReal(Complex, double) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
isReal(Complex[], double) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
isReal(double) - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
isRealPerCent(Complex, double) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
isRealPerCent(Complex[], double) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
isRealperCent(double) - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
isShort - Variable in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
isVisible() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
isWoodSample - Variable in class woSource.AirwaySegm
isZero(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
isZero() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex


JAMAsolve(double[][], double[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.OptMath


kernelHitsChestWall(NoduleCandidate, float[][][]) - Method in class woSource.LIDCreview
keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class woSource.GenericRecallableDialog
the keyboard input (arrow keys) will be caught by whichever button has the current focus, but will affect the scrollbar last touched.
keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class woSource.ScreenSelectorCanvas
note that hitting the arrow keys will increment the active window automatically.
keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class woSource.ScreenSelectorClass
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class woSource.ScreenSelectorCanvas
keyTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in class woSource.ScreenSelectorCanvas
killRoi() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
krads - Variable in class woSource.noduleDetectionModule


L - Static variable in class woSource.ImageRegistrationPS
Label - Variable in class woSource.DoseReader
Label - Variable in class woSource.DoseReader_Oct2012_oldUR
Label - Variable in class woSource.FEelemClass
Label - Variable in class woSource.FEmeshClass
Label - Variable in class woSource.FEnodeClass
Label - Variable in class woSource.ImageRegistrationPS
Label - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake
Label - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
Label - Variable in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
Label - Variable in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
Label - Variable in class woSource.math.Image3Dinfo
Label - Variable in class woSource.math.SeriesImagesClass
Label - Variable in class woSource.math.SimTagImageInfo
Label - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselTree
Label - Variable in class woSource.WindowLevelAdjuster
LAbodyMask - Variable in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
LAmaskAd - Variable in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
LASeedx - Variable in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
LASeedy - Variable in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
LASeedz - Variable in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
LAselectedRoi - Variable in class woSource.HeartSegm
lastEdgePts - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
LAvesselsegm - Variable in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
leftAtriumMask - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
leftAtriumSeedx - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
leftAtriumSeedy - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
leftAtriumSeedz - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
leftLung - Variable in class woSource.humanLungSegm
length() - Method in class woSource.math.Point2D
length() - Method in class woSource.math.Point3D
length() - Method in class woSource.math.Point4D
length() - Method in class woSource.math.Point4Dint
length - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
LesionFinder - Class in woSource
LesionFinder() - Constructor for class woSource.LesionFinder
level - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
LIDCnodule - Class in woSource.math
LIDCnodule() - Constructor for class woSource.math.LIDCnodule
LIDCnodule(LIDCnodule) - Constructor for class woSource.math.LIDCnodule
LIDCnodule(String, int, float, int, float, float, float) - Constructor for class woSource.math.LIDCnodule
LIDCnodule(String) - Constructor for class woSource.math.LIDCnodule
LIDCreview - Class in woSource
LIDCreview() - Constructor for class woSource.LIDCreview
LIDCtruthOpt - Class in woSource
LIDCtruthOpt() - Constructor for class woSource.LIDCtruthOpt
line_sep(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
line_sep2D(float, float, float[], float[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
sep between the infinitely long line passing through the 2 points and the 2D test point (positive number)
line_sep2D(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
lineSegment_sep2DlessThanThresh(float, float, float[], float[], float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
sep between the line segment passing through the 2 points and the 2D test point (positive number).
linRegrSlope(float[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
linear regression: y = ax + b, assume x=0,1,2,...,N-1, returns values[2]
listChildren() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
listPoints() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
LMT - Static variable in class woSource.ImageRegistrationPS
ln(double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
ln(float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
loadKernelFromFile3D() - Method in class woSource.create3DTemplate
location - Variable in class woSource.DicomAnon
log() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
log(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
log(double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
log(float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
log10(double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
lame java math lib doesn't even have log_base_10
log10(float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
loopLocs - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
loopThroughSlices() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
loopThroughSlices(int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
lunggd - Variable in class woSource.humanLungSegm
lungMask - Variable in class woSource.humanLungSegm
lungMask - Variable in class woSource.lungSnake
lungMaskByte - Variable in class woSource.humanLungSegm
lungRect - Variable in class woSource.AirwaySegm
lungRect - Variable in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
lungROI - Variable in class woSource.humanLungSegm
lungSnake - Class in woSource
lungSnake(boolean[][][], float) - Constructor for class woSource.lungSnake
lungSnake() - Constructor for class woSource.noduleDetection.lungSnake
LVSeedx - Variable in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
LVSeedy - Variable in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
LVSeedz - Variable in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm


M - Static variable in class woSource.ImageRegistrationPS
main(String[]) - Static method in class woSource.NNLSSolver
In case you want to test the solver, there is this handy-dandy testing function.
makeConst(short[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
makeConst(short[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
makeConst(short[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
makeSparse(boolean[][][], float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 8/15/2012 intent is to take a binary image with a high density of points and remove many adjacent points, creating a more sparse version.
maskBadBaselineVals() - Method in class woSource.DTIanalysis
maskDepth - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselTree
maskHeight - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselTree
maskImg - Variable in class woSource.math.SeriesImagesClass
MaskPixelsOverlay(boolean[][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
masksWereSaved - Variable in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
masksWereSaved - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
maskWasVoided - Variable in class woSource.math.HyperSkelPair
maskWidth - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselTree
matchXYscales - Variable in class woSource.ImageRegistration
MathI - Class in woSource.math
WO class of basic math operations.
MathI() - Constructor for class woSource.math.MathI
MathII - Class in woSource.math
My library of high math functions including vectors.
MathII() - Constructor for class woSource.math.MathII
matrix_inv(float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
matrix inverse using the JAMA library
matrix_inv(double[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
matrix inverse using the JAMA library
max(byte[][], byte[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
resultant array is element-wise max between A's and B's elements
max(byte[][][], byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
resultant array is element-wise max between A's and B's elements
max(short[][], short[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
resultant array is element-wise max between A's and B's elements
max(short[][][], short[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
resultant array is element-wise max between A's and B's elements
max(float[][], float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
resultant array is element-wise max between A's and B's elements
max(float[][][], float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
resultant array is element-wise max between A's and B's elements
max(byte[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(byte[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(byte[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(byte[][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(byte[][][], int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(byte[][][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(byte[][][][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(short[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(short[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(short[], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(short[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(short[][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(short[][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(short[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(short[][][], int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(short[][][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(short[][][][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(int[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(int[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(int[], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(int[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(int[][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(int[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(int[][][], int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(int[][][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(int[][][][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(float[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(float[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(float[], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(float[][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(float[][][], int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(double[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(double[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(double[], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(double[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(double[][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(double[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(double[][][], int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(Point2D[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(Point2D[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(Point2D[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(Point3D[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(Point3D[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(Point3D[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
max(int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
max(float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
max(double, double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
max(float, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
max(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
max(int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
maxActiveBranchIndex - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselTree
maxBrLength - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselTree
maxBrRadius - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselTree
maxBrTort - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselTree
maxDiff - Variable in class woSource.seededRegionGrowing
maxDiff - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
maxImgHeight - Variable in class woSource.HeartSegm
maxImgWidth - Variable in class woSource.HeartSegm
maxIndex(int[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
return index to max value in array
maxIndex(int[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
maxIndex(int[], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
maxIndex(float[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
maxIndex(float[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
maxIndex(float[], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
maxInitBranches - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselTree
maxNNodes - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
maxPathLength - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselTree
maxpt(Point2D[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
maxpt(Point2D[], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
maxpt(Point2D[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
maxpt(Point2D[][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
maxpt(Point3D[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
maxpt(Point3D[], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
maxpt(Point3Dint[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
maxpt(Point3Dint[], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
maxpt(Point4D[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
maxpt(Point4D[], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
maxpt(int[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
maxpt(int[][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
maxpt(short[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
maxpt(short[][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
maxpt(float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
maxpt(float[][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
maxpt(int[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
maxpt(int[][][], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
maxpt(byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
maxpt(byte[][][], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
maxpt(short[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
maxpt(short[][][], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
maxpt(float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
maxpt(float[][][], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
maxpt(NoduleCandidate[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
maxpt(NoduleCandidate[], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
maxPts - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
maxSlices - Variable in class woSource.HeartSegm
maxthresh - Variable in class woSource.AirwaySegm
maxthresh - Variable in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
maxTimes - Variable in class woSource.HeartSegm
maxval - Variable in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
maxVoxelCount - Variable in class woSource.seededRegionGrowing
maxVoxelCount - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
mean(Complex[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
mediastinumMask - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
midSeptumPt - Variable in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
midSeptumTheta - Variable in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
min(byte[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
min(byte[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
min(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
min(short[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
min(short[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
min(short[], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
min(int[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
min(int[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
min(int[], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
min(float[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
min(float[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
min(float[], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
min(double[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
min(double[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
min(double[], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
min(byte[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
min(short[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
min(int[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
min(float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
min(double[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
min(byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
min(short[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
min(int[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
min(float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
min(double[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
min(byte[][][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
min(short[][][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
min(int[][][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
min(Point2D[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
min(Point2D[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
min(Point2D[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
min(Point3D[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
min(Point3D[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
min(Point3D[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
min(float, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
min(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
min(int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
min(int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
min(float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
min(double, double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
minBranchLength - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselTree
minpt(Point2D[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
minpt(Point2D[], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
minpt(Point2D[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
minpt(Point2D[][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
minpt(int[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
minpt(int[][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
minpt(float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
minpt(float[][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
minpt(int[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
minpt(int[][][], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
minpt(float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
minpt(float[][][], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
minthresh - Variable in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
minthresh - Variable in class woSource.seededRegionGrowing
minthresh - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
minus(Point3Dint, Point3Dint) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
create vector separating the 2 Points
minus(byte[][], byte[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
resultant array is element-wise subtraction of B's from A's elements.
minus(byte[][][], byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
minus(Complex, Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
minus(Complex, double) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
minus(double, Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
minus(double, double) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
minus(Complex) - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
minus(double) - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
minusEquals(Complex) - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
minusEquals(double) - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
minusInfinity() - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
minusJay() - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
minusOne() - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
minval - Variable in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
MIPcalcStruc() - Constructor for class woSource.math.ImgProc.MIPcalcStruc
MIPs_canvas - Static variable in class woSource.MIPSviewer
MIPSviewer - Class in woSource
WO 11/11/2011-1/2013 implements a user-interactive Maximum Intentisy Projection (MIP) viewer
MIPSviewer() - Constructor for class woSource.MIPSviewer
MIPSviewer.Updater - Class in woSource
MIPSviewerColor - Class in woSource
WO color version added 1/2013.
MIPSviewerColor() - Constructor for class woSource.MIPSviewerColor
mitralValveFocalPt - Variable in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
mmPerPixelX - Variable in class woSource.DoseReader
mmPerPixelX - Variable in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
mmPerPixelXY - Variable in class woSource.lungSnake
mmPerPixelXY - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
mmPerPixelXY - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselTree
mmPerPixelY - Variable in class woSource.DoseReader
mmPerPixelY - Variable in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
mmPerPixelZ - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
mmPerPixelZ - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselTree
mmPPxy - Variable in class woSource.math.Image3Dinfo
mmPPz - Variable in class woSource.math.Image3Dinfo
MonteDoseSpread(int) - Method in class woSource.DoseCalc
MotionBlur - Class in woSource
MotionBlur() - Constructor for class woSource.MotionBlur
motionBlurKernel(int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewer
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class woSource.MouseMicroCTlungSegm
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class woSource.ScreenSelectorCanvas
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class woSource.ScreenSelectorClass
MouseLungSegmentor - Class in woSource
MouseLungSegmentor() - Constructor for class woSource.MouseLungSegmentor
MouseMicroCTlungSegm - Class in woSource
MouseMicroCTlungSegm() - Constructor for class woSource.MouseMicroCTlungSegm
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewer
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class woSource.ScreenSelectorCanvas
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class woSource.ScreenSelectorClass
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewer
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class woSource.ScreenSelectorCanvas
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class woSource.ScreenSelectorClass
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewer
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class woSource.ScreenSelectorCanvas
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class woSource.ScreenSelectorClass
ms2MinSec(long) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
mult(byte[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
matrix multiplication by scalar.
mult(byte[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
matrix multiplication by scalar
mult(byte[][], float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
matrix multiplication by scalar
mult(byte[][][], float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
matrix multiplication by scalar
mult(short[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
matrix multiplication by scalar
mult(short[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
matrix multiplication by scalar
mult(short[][][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
mult(float[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
mult(float[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
mult(float[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
mult(float[][][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
mult(float[], float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
mult(float[][], float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
mult(float[][][], float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
mult(float[][][][], float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
mult(float[][], float[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
does post-vec mult
mult(float[], float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
pre-mult as needed after creating rotation matrix getRotMtx() below
mult(float[][], float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
mult(float[][][], float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
mult(double[], double[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
mult(double[][], double[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
mult(double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
mult(double[][][], double[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
multFt(float[][], float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
multiplication of complex fourier transforms using WO-NR conventions
multFt(short[][][], float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
multFt(float[][][], short[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
multFt(float[][][], float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
multvec(float[][], float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
intended for transformation (rotation) of array of point vectors alters the inputted B array -- to save memory
multvec(float[][], float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
intended for transformation (rotation) of array of point vectors alters the inputted B array -- to save memory
multvec(float[][], float[][][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
intended for transformation (rotation) of array of point vectors alters the inputted B array -- to save memory
myIndex - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
myOptThread(int, int, String) - Constructor for class woSource.noduleDetectionModule.myOptThread
myThread(int, int, String) - Constructor for class woSource.noduleDetection.myThread


name_ext - Variable in class woSource.noduleDetectionModule
name_ext - Variable in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
name_ext - Variable in class woSource.RatImageAdjuster
name_ext - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
nameSorter(String[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
a version of 'quicksort'
NangleSteps - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
nBranches - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselTree
nbrOn(boolean[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
WO 7/9/2013 return number of On pixels = volume of object if objects is connected ala a flood-fill
nbrOn(boolean[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
NCCCoptLoc(int, int) - Method in class woSource.LIDCreview
NCCCoptLoc(int, int) - Method in class woSource.noduleDetection
NCCCoptLoc(int, int) - Method in class woSource.noduleDetectionModule
NCCCoptPadding(int, int) - Method in class woSource.noduleDetection
NCCCoptPadding(int, int) - Method in class woSource.noduleDetectionModule
NCCCoptRadii(int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.LIDCreview
public NoduleCandidate NCCCtestRadPad(NoduleCandidate candAt, float radAt, float padAt) { // find best match using in-between-sized templates // with iter, permit smaller increments in opt radius float[][][][] kall = new float[MathI.round(sliceThickness)][1][1][1]; byte[][][] corrAll; // will process together the 3 shifts at each krad Point3D bestFitLoc3D = new Point3D(); NoduleCandidate bestFitLoc = new NoduleCandidate(); float dd,ww,hh; float orig_slice; // ArraysI.print(zoomRads," zoomrads for cand "+c); dd = candAt.sliceI-(float)MathI.round(candAt.sliceI); ww = candAt.x-(float)MathI.round(candAt.x); hh = candAt.y-(float)MathI.round(candAt.y); kall = calcKall(radAt, padAt, sliceThickness, mmPerPixelX, mmPerPixelY, /* impart the shifts ** dd,ww,hh); // check in 3x5x5 cube around current point and within LungMask // invoke non-// version corrAll = ImgProc.statsCorrCirc(origimg, kall, lungMask, MathI.round(candAt.sliceI)-1, MathI.round(candAt.x)-2, MathI.round(candAt.y)-2, MathI.round(candAt.sliceI)+1, MathI.round(candAt.x)+2, MathI.round(candAt.y)+2); bestFitLoc3D = ArraysI.maxpt(corrAll); bestFitLoc3D.x -= dd; bestFitLoc3D.y -= ww; bestFitLoc3D.z -= hh; bestFitLoc = new NoduleCandidate(candAt.patientID, bestFitLoc3D.x, bestFitLoc3D.y, bestFitLoc3D.z, radAt, padAt, bestFitLoc3D.value); IJ.log(" best rad/pad combo for cand "+candAt+": "+bestFitLoc); return bestFitLoc; } // end test a radius/padding combo
NCCCoptRadii(int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.noduleDetection
NCCCoptRadii(int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.noduleDetectionModule
nChildren - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
nConPts - Variable in class woSource.HeartSegm
nContourPts - Variable in class woSource.ContourFit
negate(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
negate() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
neighborMult(int[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
meant to weigh condense-ness in 2D histogram
neighborProbMult(int[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
NelemNodes - Variable in class woSource.FEelemClass
Nelems - Variable in class woSource.FEmeshClass
Nextrema - Variable in class woSource.noduleDetectionModule
nfound - Variable in class woSource.lungSnake
NinterPts - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.SmoothSnake
NinterPts - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
nLevels - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselTree
nLoopPts - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselTree
nLoopPts - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
NMAX - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
NMI(short[][][], short[][][], int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
compute mutual information index at A[az][ax][ay]
assume A&B are already scaled 0..255
NMI(short[][][], short[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
compute for each pixel in A image
WO: extend A-array with zeros to cover all part where B extends outside the A boundaries.
NNLSSolver - Class in woSource
This is a perfectly functional Java NNLS solver that utilizes JAMA for all the Matrix calculations.
NNLSSolver() - Constructor for class woSource.NNLSSolver
Nnodes - Variable in class woSource.FEmeshClass
nnodes - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
NodDetThread(int, int, int) - Constructor for class woSource.noduleDetectionModule.NodDetThread
NodeElems - Variable in class woSource.FEnodeClass
Nodes - Variable in class woSource.FEmeshClass
Nodes - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
NoduleCandidate - Class in woSource.math
NoduleCandidate() - Constructor for class woSource.math.NoduleCandidate
NoduleCandidate(NoduleCandidate) - Constructor for class woSource.math.NoduleCandidate
NoduleCandidate(String, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class woSource.math.NoduleCandidate
NoduleCandidate(String) - Constructor for class woSource.math.NoduleCandidate
noduleDetection - Class in woSource
noduleDetection() - Constructor for class woSource.noduleDetection
noduleDetection.lungSnake - Class in woSource
WO 9/23/2013 this whole part needs to be recoded to use humanLungSegm
noduleDetection.myThread - Class in woSource
noduleDetectionModule - Class in woSource
WO 7/31/2012, This is the version of NoduleDetection that runs when the user selects nodule detection from the Main Menu -> Process tab.
noduleDetectionModule() - Constructor for class woSource.noduleDetectionModule
noduleDetectionModule.myOptThread - Class in woSource
noduleDetectionModule.NodDetThread - Class in woSource
noImageToDisplay - Variable in class woSource.ScreenSelectorCanvas
Nopt_calls - Variable in class woSource.math.OptMath
normal - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
normalize(float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
normalizes an array's values (e.g.
normalize(float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
normalize(double[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
normalize(double[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
NormalizedBeadProfile(int, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
returns values 0..1, 1.0 at center of bead
nOrphanedBranches - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
nPhiPts - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
npoints - Variable in class woSource.math.Polygon2D
npoints - Variable in class woSource.math.Polygon3D
npoints - Variable in class woSource.math.Polygon3Dint
nProcessTimes - Variable in class woSource.HeartSegm
NPT - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
Npts - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.SmoothSnake
npts - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
NRfour1(float[], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
NRrealft(float[], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
nSeries - Variable in class woSource.HeartSegm
nSlices - Variable in class woSource.HeartSegm
nSlices - Variable in class woSource.math.Image3Dinfo
nSlices - Variable in class woSource.WindowLevelAdjuster
nsmpts - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
nSmPtsPerElement - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
nSnakes - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.SnakeStack
nterms - Variable in class woSource.ContourFit
nthRoot(int) - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
nthRoot(Complex, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
ntimes - Variable in class woSource.ContourFit
nTimes - Variable in class woSource.math.Image3Dinfo
ntreeTops - Variable in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
numberToByteArray(String, int) - Method in class woSource.DicomAnon
Nvars - Variable in class woSource.math.OptMath


oddLocations - Variable in class woSource.DicomAnon
oneDarray(int) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
oneDarray(int, double, double) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
oneDarray(int, Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
OneMainBranch - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselTree
ones(byte[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
returns entire matrix of 255 of same dims as A
ones(byte[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
returns entire matrix of 255 of same dims as A
ones(byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
returns entire matrix of 255 of same dims as A
ones(int[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
returns entire matrix of ones of same dims as A
ones(float[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
returns entire matrix of ones of same dims as A
ones(float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
ones(float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
onlyOneImage - Variable in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
openOp(byte[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
binary image operation Open = dilate(erode(A))
openOp(byte[][], int, Rectangle) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
openOp(byte[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
openOp(byte[][][], int, Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
openOp(byte[][][], int, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
openOp(byte[][][], int, float, Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
openOp(byte[][], float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
openOp(byte[][], float, Rectangle) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
openOp(byte[][][], float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
openOp(byte[][][], float, Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
openOp(byte[][][], float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
openOp(byte[][][], float, float, Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
openOp(boolean[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
openOp(boolean[][], int, Rectangle) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
openOp(boolean[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
openOp(boolean[][][], int, Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
openOp(boolean[][][], int, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
openOp(boolean[][][], int, float, Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
openOp(boolean[][], float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
openOp(boolean[][], float, Rectangle) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
openOp(boolean[][][], float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
openOp(boolean[][][], float, Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
openOp(boolean[][][], float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
openOp(boolean[][][], float, float, Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
openOp(boolean[][][], float, float, boolean[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
OptBranchNode(int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
optimize over each node's 6 parameters X,Y,Z, DXDS, DYDS, DZDS driven by NCCC to the original image,
If at the first node and the branch has a parent then do not opt over the coord params because those are already being optimized when the parent's last node's coords are optimized.
OptBranchRadius(int, int) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
optimize over the branch radius, driven by NCCC to the original image.
OptBranchTaper(int, int) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
optimize over the branch radius taper, driven by NCCC to the original image.
OptBrNodThread(int, int, int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.VesselTree.OptBrNodThread
OptBrRadThread(int, int, int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.VesselTree.OptBrRadThread
optimizeOverCands() - Method in class woSource.noduleDetectionModule
optLikelihood() - Method in class woSource.LIDCtruthOpt
OptMath - Class in woSource.math
OptMath() - Constructor for class woSource.math.OptMath
OptNodes(int) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
WO 4/16/2012 parallel version.
optOver2Params(short[][], float, float, float, float) - Method in class woSource.HeartSegm
optOver3Params(short[][], float, float, float, float) - Method in class woSource.HeartSegm
optOver4Params(short[][], float, float, float, float) - Method in class woSource.HeartSegm
optParams() - Method in class woSource.LIDCreview
OptRadii(int) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
WO 4/11/2012 parallel version.
optTagWarp(int) - Method in class woSource.HeartSegm
optThis - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake_Hermite
optThis - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake_Hermite3D
OptToImage(byte[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
4/34/2013 optimize over each branch params.
OptToImage(short[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
4/34/2013 optimize over each branch params.
OR(byte[][], byte[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
boolean OR operator
OR(byte[][][], byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
OR(boolean[][], boolean[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
OR(boolean[][][], boolean[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
origImg - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselTree
origImgByte - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselTree
origSelectedRoi - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake
orphanedBranches - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
outputdir - Variable in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
outputdir - Variable in class woSource.RatImageAdjuster
outputdir - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
OutputParentDir - Static variable in class woSource.math.MathI
outwardExtMax - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
over(Complex, Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
over(Complex, double) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
over(double, Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
over(double, double) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
over(Complex) - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
over(double) - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
overEquals(Complex) - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
overEquals(double) - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
overlay3Ddisk(int, int, int, float, float, float, float, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
intent is to draw a disk at any orientation (orX,Y,Z) in 3D; to help visualize vessels WO 8/22/2012 added ability to draw in mm if sliceCenterSep and mmPerPixelX,Y are set.
overlayArrow(float, float) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayArrow(float, float, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayBestCandTemplate() - Method in class woSource.noduleDetectionModule
overlayBox(Point3D[], int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
WO created 12/23/2010 assumes each 3D point can be anywhere
overlayBox(Point3D[], int, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayBox(Point4D, int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayBox(Point4D, int, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayBox(Point4D[], int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayBox(Point4D[], int, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayBox(NoduleCandidate[], int, int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayBox(NoduleCandidate[], int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayBox(NoduleCandidate[], int, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayBox(NoduleCandidate[], int, int, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayBox(NoduleCandidate, int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayBox(NoduleCandidate, int, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayBox(LIDCnodule[], int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayBox(LIDCnodule[], int, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayBox(LIDCnodule, int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayBox(LIDCnodule, int, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayCircle(NoduleCandidate[], float) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayCircle(NoduleCandidate[], float, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayCircle(NoduleCandidate[], int, float, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayCircle(float, float, float) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
assumes that the x,y passed in are meant to be the center of the circle and radius is in pixels
overlayCircle(float, float, float, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayCircle(float, float, float, Color) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayDiamond(Point4D, int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayDiamond(Point4D, int, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayDiamond(Point4D[], int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayDiamond(Point4D[], int, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayDiamond(NoduleCandidate, int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayDiamond(NoduleCandidate, int, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayDiamond(NoduleCandidate[], int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayDiamond(NoduleCandidate[], int, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayDiamond(LIDCnodule[], int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayDiamond(LIDCnodule[], int, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayDiamond(LIDCnodule, int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayDiamond(LIDCnodule, int, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayLine(Point2D, Point2D, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayLine(int, int, int, int, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayLine(int, int, int, int, Color) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayLine(float, float, float, float) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayLine(float, float, float, float, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayLine(float, float, float, float, Color) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayLines(Polygon3D, int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
for connected polygons
overlayLines(Polygon3D, int, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayLines(Polygon3D[], int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayLines(Polygon3D[], int, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayLines(Polygon2D, int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
draws connected lines (e.g.
overlayLines(Polygon2D, int, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayLines(Polygon2D[], int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayLines(Polygon2D[], int, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayLines(Point2D[]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayLines(Point2D[], String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayLines(Point2D[], boolean) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayLines(Point2D[], boolean, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayLines(float[][], boolean) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayLines(float[][], String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayLines(float[][], boolean, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayLines(float[][], int, boolean, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayPoint(Point2D, int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayPoint(Point2D, int, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayPoint(float, float, int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayPoint(float, float, int, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
assumes that the x,y passed in means center of mark
overlayPoints(Polygon3D, int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
WO 9/22/10 3D points to accept polygons that may jump to another slice, but here only want to show points on the current slice.
overlayPoints(Polygon3D, int, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayPoints(Polygon3D[], int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayPoints(Polygon3D[], int, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayPoints(Polygon2D, int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayPoints(Polygon2D, int, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayPoints(Polygon2D[], int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayPoints(Polygon2D[], int, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayPoints(Point2D[], int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayPoints(Point2D[], int, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayPoints(Point3D[], int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
WO created 12/23/2010 assumes each 3D point can be anywhere
overlayPoints(Point3D[], int, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayPoints(Point3Dint[], int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayPoints(Point3Dint[], int, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayPoints(float[], int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayPoints(float[], int, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayPoints(float[][], int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayPoints(float[][], int, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayPoints(float[][], int, int, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayPoints(float[][][], int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayPoints(float[][][], int, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlaySmoothedPolygon(Polygon2D, int, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayText(String, int, int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayText(String, int, int, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayText(String, float, float) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayText(String, float, float, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
overlayVectors(float[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
plot line vector at each pixel in image.
overlayVectors(float[][][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay


pad(float[][][], int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
pad array for fourier convolution operation
assume K is a kernel generated from gaussianKernel() or the like where the kernel center is at (kw/2, kh/2, kd/2), and kw,kh,kd are odd-valued in the padded version, the padded kernel is to be stored in 3D wrap-around and K.lengths < A.lengths
paddedFT(short[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
WO 1/4/11 code to take any sized array, pad it the minimal amount 2^n and run realFT()
paddedFT(short[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
paddedFT(short[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
paddedFT(float[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
paddedFT(float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
paddedFT(float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
paddedFT(short[][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
versions that permit specifying the padding size (i.e.
paddedFT(short[][][], int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
paddedFT(float[][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
paddedFT(float[][][], int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
padding - Variable in class woSource.math.NoduleCandidate
paintDoubleBuffered(Graphics) - Method in class woSource.ScreenSelectorCanvas
parabolic_interpol(double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
parabolic approximation functions are very useful when trying to zone in on local min/max values
note: some of these use Matrix manipulations obtained from Jama
parabolic_interpol(float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
parabolic_interpol(Point2D, Point2D, double, Point2D, double, Point2D, double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
ones that utilize Point2D values.
parabolic_interpol2D(Matrix, Point2D) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
parabolic_minMaxLoc(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
min/max occurs at dY/dX = 0 ==> x = -b/2c
parabolic_minMaxLoc(float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
parabolic_minMaxLoc(Point2D, Point2D, double, Point2D, double, Point2D, double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
parabolic_minMaxSoln2D(Point2D[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
WO 11/8/00 2D prabolic interpolation.
parabolic_minMaxVal(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
parabolic_minMaxVal(float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
parabolic_minMaxVal(Point2D, double, Point2D, double, Point2D, double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
parClipEndPtIndex - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
parentIndex - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
parRadRatioThresh - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
parseComplex(String) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
parThetaOffset - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
patientDir - Variable in class woSource.HeartSegm
patientID - Variable in class woSource.math.LIDCnodule
patientID - Variable in class woSource.math.NoduleCandidate
patientOutputDir - Variable in class woSource.HeartSegm
PetCTregistration - Class in woSource
PetCTregistration() - Constructor for class woSource.PetCTregistration
PI - Static variable in class woSource.math.ArraysI
pi - Static variable in class woSource.math.ArraysI
pi() - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
PI - Variable in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
PI - Static variable in class woSource.math.MathI
PI - Static variable in class woSource.math.MathII
pixelEndoLambdas - Variable in class woSource.ImageRegistrationPS
pixelEndoVolumes - Variable in class woSource.ImageRegistrationPS
plane_sep(float[], float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
sep between the plane defined by the 3 points and the test point (positive number)
plane_sep(Point3D, float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
plugMaskAtPoint(int, int) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
1/8/2012 intent is to void pixels in the mask image to block the mask at branch point brPtIndex.
plus(float[][][], float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
resultant array is element-wise addition of A's and B's elements
plus(float[][][], float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
plus(byte[][][], byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
plus(byte[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
plus(short[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
plus(short[][], short[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
plus(int[][], int[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
plus(float[][], float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
plus(Complex, Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
plus(Complex, double) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
plus(double, Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
plus(double, double) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
plus(Complex) - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
plus(double) - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
plusEquals(Complex) - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
plusEquals(double) - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
plusInfinity() - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
plusJay() - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
plusOne() - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
Point2D - Class in woSource.math
Point2D() - Constructor for class woSource.math.Point2D
Point2D(Point2D) - Constructor for class woSource.math.Point2D
Point2D(float, float, float) - Constructor for class woSource.math.Point2D
Point3D - Class in woSource.math
Point3D() - Constructor for class woSource.math.Point3D
Point3D(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class woSource.math.Point3D
Point3D(Point3D) - Constructor for class woSource.math.Point3D
Point3Dint - Class in woSource.math
Point3Dint() - Constructor for class woSource.math.Point3Dint
Point3Dint(Point3Dint) - Constructor for class woSource.math.Point3Dint
Point3Dint(int, int, int, float) - Constructor for class woSource.math.Point3Dint
Point3Dviewer - Class in woSource
WO 9/5/2014 implements a user-interactive viewer for 3D points.
Point3Dviewer() - Constructor for class woSource.Point3Dviewer
Point3Dviewer(float[][]) - Constructor for class woSource.Point3Dviewer
Point3Dviewer(float[][][]) - Constructor for class woSource.Point3Dviewer
Point3Dviewer(float[][][][]) - Constructor for class woSource.Point3Dviewer
Point3Dviewer(float[][][][][][]) - Constructor for class woSource.Point3Dviewer
Point3Dviewer(HeartSegm) - Constructor for class woSource.Point3Dviewer
Point3Dviewer.Updater - Class in woSource
Point4D - Class in woSource.math
Point4D() - Constructor for class woSource.math.Point4D
Point4D(float, float, float, float, String, float) - Constructor for class woSource.math.Point4D
Point4D(Point3D, float, String) - Constructor for class woSource.math.Point4D
Point4D(float, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class woSource.math.Point4D
Point4D(Point3D) - Constructor for class woSource.math.Point4D
Point4D(Point4D) - Constructor for class woSource.math.Point4D
Point4Dint - Class in woSource.math
Point4Dint() - Constructor for class woSource.math.Point4Dint
Point4Dint(int, int, int, int, String, float) - Constructor for class woSource.math.Point4Dint
Point4Dint(Point3Dint, int, String) - Constructor for class woSource.math.Point4Dint
Point4Dint(int, int, int, int, float) - Constructor for class woSource.math.Point4Dint
Point4Dint(Point3Dint) - Constructor for class woSource.math.Point4Dint
Point4Dint(Point4Dint) - Constructor for class woSource.math.Point4Dint
Point_sep(Point2D, Point2D) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
Point_sep(Point3D, Point3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
pointDisplaySize - Variable in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
points - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
polar(double, double) - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
polarDeg(double, double) - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
polarRad(double, double) - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
Polygon2D - Class in woSource.math
polygon with coords as float WO 12/17/01
Polygon2D() - Constructor for class woSource.math.Polygon2D
Polygon2D(float[], float[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.Polygon2D
Polygon2D(float[], float[], int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.Polygon2D
Polygon2D(Point2D[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.Polygon2D
Polygon2D(Point2D[], int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.Polygon2D
Polygon2D(Point2D[], int, int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.Polygon2D
Polygon3D - Class in woSource.math
Polygon3D() - Constructor for class woSource.math.Polygon3D
Polygon3D(float[], float[], float[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.Polygon3D
Polygon3D(float[], float[], float[], int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.Polygon3D
Polygon3D(Point3D[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.Polygon3D
Polygon3D(Point3D[], int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.Polygon3D
Polygon3D(Point3D[], int, int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.Polygon3D
Polygon3Dint - Class in woSource.math
Polygon3Dint() - Constructor for class woSource.math.Polygon3Dint
Polygon3Dint(int[], int[], int[]) - Constructor for class woSource.math.Polygon3Dint
Polygon3Dint(int[], int[], int[], int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.Polygon3Dint
population(int, int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.DTIanalysis
populationBasis(int, int, int[]) - Method in class woSource.DTIanalysis
function ret=populationBasis(i,order,c) if order==0 ret=c; else j=mod(i,3); c(j+1)=c(j+1)+1; ret=populationBasis((i-j)/3,order-1,c); end
pow(Complex) - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
pow(Complex, Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
pow(double) - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
pow(Complex, double) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
pow(int) - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
pow(Complex, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
pow(double, Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
pow(int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
pow(float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
pow(float, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
pow(double, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
pow(double, double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
PowerSpectrum1D(float[], float[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
perform one-sided power spectral density
for power spectrum use compilation of '+' and '-' frequences and real and imaginary parts, where present
note: NumRec puts real of k=0 into slot [0] & real of k=N/2 into slot [1]
the rest go as: real of k=1 goes into slot[2], img k=1 goes into [3]
also: for real vals freq[-k] == freq[k]^* (complex conjugate) and not kept
see Num Rec section 13.4 (p551) and 12.0
PowerSpectrum2D(float[][], float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
PowerSpectrum3D(float[][][], float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
prepgd - Variable in class woSource.noduleDetectionModule
preProcessDiffImages() - Method in class woSource.DTIanalysis
print(float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
my ArraysDisplay 3D conventions [depth][width][height]
print(float[][][], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(float[][][], int, int, int, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(float[][], int, int, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(float[][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(float[][], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(float[], int, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(float[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(float[], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(float[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(double[][], int, int, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(double[][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(double[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(double[][], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(double[], int, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(double[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(double[], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(double[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(int[][], int, int, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(int[][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(int[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(int[][], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(int[], int, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(int[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(int[], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(short[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(short[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(short[], int, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(byte[], int, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(byte[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(byte[], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(byte[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(boolean[], int, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(boolean[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(boolean[], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(boolean[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(boolean[][], int, int, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(boolean[][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(boolean[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(boolean[][], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(String[], int, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(String[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(String[], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(String[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(String[][], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(String[][], int, int, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(Point2D[], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(Point2D[], int, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(Point3D[], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(Point3D[], int, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(Point3Dint[], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(Point3Dint[], int, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(Point4D[], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(Point4D[], int, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(LIDCnodule[], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(LIDCnodule[], int, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(LIDCnodule[][], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
2/21/11 this version permits different size of 2nd dimension for each 1st dim
print(NoduleCandidate[], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(NoduleCandidate[], int, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(NoduleCandidate[][], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
print(String) - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
print() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
print(String, Complex[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
print(Complex[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
println(String) - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
println() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
println(String, Complex[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
println(Complex[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
printNodalParams() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
intended to printout to file the fitted nodal values and radius that describes the model of the branch
PrintSimTreeParams() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
printTreeHierarchy() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
ProhibitInwardPoints - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake
prosph2cart(float, float, float) - Method in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
prosph2cart(float[]) - Method in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
prosph2cart(double[]) - Method in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
prosph2cart(double, double, double) - Method in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
prosph2cart(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
prosph2cart(float[], float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
prosph2cart(double[], double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
prosph2cart(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
PScoeffsToString() - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistrationPS
PSfitOrder - Variable in class woSource.HeartSegm
pt - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Candidates
Pt1 - Variable in class woSource.math.HyperSkelPair
Pt2 - Variable in class woSource.math.HyperSkelPair
pt_external_energy(int) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
pt_internal_energy(int, Point2D) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
ptAtLVapex - Variable in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
ptAtMVcentroid - Variable in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
ptEdgeFound - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
PTLAmasksWereReadIn - Variable in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
pts - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
ptSeedx - Variable in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
ptSeedy - Variable in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
ptSeedz - Variable in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
ptviewer - Variable in class woSource.HeartSegm
PulmonaryTrunkSegm - Class in woSource
PulmonaryTrunkSegm by W.
PulmonaryTrunkSegm() - Constructor for class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
pulmTrunkMask - Variable in class woSource.humanLungSegm
pulmTrunkMask - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
putAmoebaCurValues(float[]) - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistration
PYTHAG(double, double) - Static method in class woSource.math.OptMath


radius - Variable in class woSource.math.NoduleCandidate
RatImageAdjuster - Class in woSource
RatImageAdjuster by W.
RatImageAdjuster() - Constructor for class woSource.RatImageAdjuster
Read(String) - Method in class woSource.DoseReader
Read(String) - Method in class woSource.DoseReader_Oct2012_oldUR
read() - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistration
read(String, int) - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistrationPS
Read() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
read(byte[][][], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
read(int[], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
read(int[][], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
read(String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
read(float[], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
read(float[][], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
read(float[][][], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
read(float[][][][], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
read(float[][][][][], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
read(double[], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
read(double[][], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
read(Point3D[], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
read(Point3D[], String, boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
read(Point4D[], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
read(Point4D[], String, boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
read(Polygon2D, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
read(Polygon2D[], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
read(Polygon3D[], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
read(Polygon3Dint[], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
read(LIDCnodule[], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
read(LIDCnodule[][], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
read(NoduleCandidate[], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
read(String) - Method in class woSource.math.Rectangle3D
Read(String) - Method in class woSource.SnakeReader
read_sparse(float[][][][], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
read_sparse(float[][][][][], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
ReadASnakeFile(String) - Method in class woSource.DVHCalc
ReadASnakeFile(String) - Method in class woSource.SnakeReader
readComplex(String) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
readComplex(String, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
readComplex(String, Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
readComplex() - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
readDiffImages() - Method in class woSource.DTIanalysis
readerID - Variable in class woSource.math.LIDCnodule
ReadFirstSliceInfo() - Method in class woSource.DVHCalc
readIn_allImages() - Method in class woSource.HeartSegm
readInAirwayMaskFiles() - Method in class woSource.AirwaySegm
readInAllHeartLAinfo() - Method in class woSource.HeartSegm
readInAllImagesAtTime(int) - Method in class woSource.HeartSegm
readInDoseProfile(String) - Method in class woSource.DoseCalc
readInfo(String) - Method in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
readInfo(String) - Method in class woSource.math.SimTagImageInfo
readInImageFile(byte[][], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
readInImageFile(short[][], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
readInImageFiles(byte[][][], String, String[], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
readInImageFiles(short[][][], String, String[], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
readInImageFiles(float[][][], String, String[], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
readInLIDCdata() - Method in class woSource.LIDCtruthOpt
readInMaskFiles(String, String[], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
readInOrComputeAirwayMask() - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
readInOrComputeConnTissMask() - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
readInOrComputeLungVolMask() - Method in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
readInOrComputeLungVolMask() - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
readInOrComputePTLAmasks() - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
readInPTLAmasks() - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
readInQueryImageFiles(byte[][][], String, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
readInQueryImageFiles(byte[][][], String, String[], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
readInQueryImageFiles(short[][][], String, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
readInQueryImageFiles(short[][][], String, String[], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
readInQueryImageFiles(float[][][], String, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
readInQueryImageFiles(float[][][], String, String[], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
readInQueryMaskFiles(String, String[], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
readNodalParams(BufferedReader) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
intended to read in the lines of code (created above) from the openned file r and set the branch params to match
readParams() - Method in class woSource.HistoHisto_reg
readPTdata(String) - Method in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
ReadSimTreeParams(String) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
ReadSimTreeParams(String) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
ReadSnakeFiles() - Method in class woSource.DVHCalc
readStudyInfo() - Method in class woSource.HeartSegm
readT1s() - Method in class woSource.DTIanalysis
realFt(float[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
WO 1/4/11 this version to return in same complex number format as 2D and 3D versions
realFt(float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
WO 7/2/01 my 2D to 3D driver.
realFt(float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
3D FT and InverseFT.
realFt(byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
realFt(short[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
realFt(int[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
realFt1D(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
WO these are my functions to run the Numerical Recipe fourier functions
my take in the data[0..N-1] and empty real[0..N/2+1] and im[] arrays
on output, I fill the fourier tranform arrays.
realFt1D(float[], int, float[], float[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
realInvFt(float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
realInvFt(float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
realInvFt1D(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
realInvFt1D(float[], float[], float[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
reallocateLoopedBranchesChildren(int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
reallocate branch points and children from loopedFrom side to loopedTo side.
reallocateLoopLoc(int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
goal is to reallocate the points on the fromBr onto the To branch, then redefine the loopLoc pair
uses int[][] loopLocs[nLoopPts][4] = [looped-to br, looped-to tree, looped-from br, looped-from tree].
recolorize(ImagePlus, int[], String[]) - Method in class woSource.HistoBinAdjuster
reCreateSimImage() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
Rectangle3D - Class in woSource.math
Rectangle3D() - Constructor for class woSource.math.Rectangle3D
Rectangle3D(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class woSource.math.Rectangle3D
Rectangle3D(Rectangle3D) - Constructor for class woSource.math.Rectangle3D
redimension(short[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
convert from 2D array into one long 1D array using convensions in imageProcessor
redisplay() - Method in class woSource.CellMigration
redisplay() - Method in class woSource.HistoBinAdjuster
redisplay() - Method in class woSource.humanLungSegm
redisplay() - Method in class woSource.ImageReviewer
redisplay() - Method in class woSource.LIDCreview
redisplay() - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewer
redisplay() - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewerColor
redisplay() - Method in class woSource.noduleDetection
redisplay() - Method in class woSource.noduleDetectionModule
reFillMasks(int) - Method in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
refresh() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
refreshGD() - Method in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
refreshImage() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
refresh via the canvas is less brutal that window.updateAndDraw() so is the preferred way to clear the screen.
refreshScreen() - Method in class woSource.HeartSegm
refreshScreen() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake
refVoxelLocs - Variable in class woSource.math.SeriesImagesClass
reg2DoseVolume() - Method in class woSource.DoseVsIntensity
RegisterSnake - Class in woSource
RegisterSnake() - Constructor for class woSource.RegisterSnake
registerT1toT2() - Method in class woSource.DTIanalysis
ReInit(InteractiveSnake.Snake) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
reInit(int) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.SnakeStack
relativeWallBrightness - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
relativeWallThickness - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
rem(int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
remove(boolean[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
remove point and shorten array
remove(boolean[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
remove(int[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
remove(float[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
remove(float[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
remove(float[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
remove(String[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
remove(Point2D[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
remove(Point3D[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
remove(Point3Dint[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
remove(Point4D[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
remove(NoduleCandidate[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
removeMaskHoles(boolean[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 12/21/2014 clean up mask to remove internal holes and edge noise.
RemovePretzelPts() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
removePt(int) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
returns true if point removed
removePt(int) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.SnakeStack
removeSnakePt(InteractiveSnake.Snake, int) - Method in class woSource.lungSnake
removeSnakePt(InteractiveSnake.Snake, int) - Method in class woSource.noduleDetection.lungSnake
renameFilesBatch - Class in woSource
9/4/2013 a batch file renaming program
renameFilesBatch() - Constructor for class woSource.renameFilesBatch
renameFilesBatch() - Method in class woSource.renameFilesBatch
reorderSlices(ImagePlus, int[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 2/9/11 intent is to reorder slices by the ordered indices gained above
reorderSlices(ImagePlus, String[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 2/7/2013 apparently I started coding this but never finished.
repairBranchConnection(int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
repairLoopLoc() identified likely place where the false connection exists, though can be off up/down one level.
repairFalse2DConnection(int, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
repairFalseLadderConnection(int, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
repairLoopLocs() - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
resample_snake(double, int) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
reset(double, double) - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
reset() - Method in class woSource.WindowLevelAdjuster
resetALevel(int, int) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
resetLandmark(int, float[]) - Method in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
resetLandmark(int, Point3D) - Method in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
resetLevels() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
resetLUT() - Method in class woSource.HistoBinAdjuster
recalculates the Look Up Table
resetMipRot(float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
resetView() - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewer
resetView() - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewerColor
resetView() - Method in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
resetwidgets() - Method in class woSource.HeartSegm
resetwidgets() - Method in class woSource.ImageReviewer
resize(short[][], double, double) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
stretch the image/array
resize(short[][][], double, double, double) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
resizeHalf(byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
WO 1/10/2012, ImageJ built-in resize 3D is not doing slice dim correctly.
resizeHalf(short[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
resizeHalf(int[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
restoreArray(byte[][], Rectangle, Rectangle) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
restoreArray(byte[][][], Rectangle3D, Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
restoreViewer(float[][]) - Method in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
resultAd - Variable in class woSource.humanLungSegm
resultAD - Variable in class woSource.ImgRegistration
retrieveAvgRadius() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
reversePoints() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
revertToGrayscale(ImagePlus) - Method in class woSource.HistoBinAdjuster
rightLung - Variable in class woSource.humanLungSegm
rmConnTissue() - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
rmRedundantPts(NoduleCandidate[], float, float) - Method in class woSource.noduleDetection
rmRedundantPts(NoduleCandidate[], float, float, float, float) - Method in class woSource.noduleDetectionModule
roi - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
Roi - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
roiPolygon - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
roiRect - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
roiRect - Variable in class woSource.math.Image3Dinfo
roiRect - Variable in class woSource.math.SeriesImagesClass
roiType - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
ROIwasRead - Variable in class woSource.humanLungSegm
rOrder - Variable in class woSource.DoseReader
rOrder - Variable in class woSource.DoseReader_Oct2012_oldUR
rotateImage(float) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
round(float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
the default (int) function simply truncates any decimal points: (int)(1.9) = 1.
round(double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
run(String) - Method in class woSource.AirwaySegm
run(String, ImagePlus) - Method in class woSource.AirwaySegm
run(String) - Method in class woSource.BeadFinder
run(String) - Method in class woSource.CellMigration
run(String) - Method in class woSource.ColonSegm
run(String, ImagePlus) - Method in class woSource.ColonSegm
run() - Method in class woSource.ContourFit
run(String) - Method in class woSource.ConvertToDicom
run(String) - Method in class woSource.create3DTemplate
run(float, float, float) - Method in class woSource.Deconvolver
run(float, float, float, float) - Method in class woSource.Deconvolver
run(String) - Method in class woSource.Deconvolver
run(String) - Method in class woSource.DicomAnon
run(String) - Method in class woSource.DoseCalc
Constructs an uninitialized ImagePlus.
run(String) - Method in class woSource.DoseReader
run(String) - Method in class woSource.DoseReader_Oct2012_oldUR
run(String) - Method in class woSource.DoseVolumeStats
run(String) - Method in class woSource.DoseVsIntensity
run(String) - Method in class woSource.DTIanalysis
run(String) - Method in class woSource.DVHCalc
run(String) - Method in class woSource.GradientAnalysis3D
run(ImagePlus) - Method in class woSource.HeartSegm
run(String) - Method in class woSource.HeartSegm
run(String, ImagePlus) - Method in class woSource.HeartSegm
run() - Method in class woSource.HistoBinAdjuster
run(String) - Method in class woSource.HistoBinAdjuster
run(String) - Method in class woSource.HistoHisto_reg
run(String) - Method in class woSource.HistoMRreg
run(String) - Method in class woSource.HistoSlideLighting
run(String) - Method in class woSource.humanLungSegm
run(String, ImagePlus) - Method in class woSource.humanLungSegm
run(String) - Method in class woSource.ImageOverlay
run(ArrayColorDisplay) - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistration
run(ArrayColorDisplay3D) - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistration
run(ArrayColorDisplay3D, ArrayColorDisplay) - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistration
run() - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistrationPS
run(float[], float[][], int[]) - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistrationPS
run(String) - Method in class woSource.ImageReviewer
run(String, ImagePlus) - Method in class woSource.ImageReviewer
run(String) - Method in class woSource.ImgRegistration
run(ImagePlus) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake
run(String) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake
run(String, ImagePlus) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake
run(ImageProcessor) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake_Hermite
run(ImageProcessor) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake_Hermite3D
run(String) - Method in class woSource.LesionFinder
run(String) - Method in class woSource.LIDCreview
run(String) - Method in class woSource.LIDCtruthOpt
run() - Method in class woSource.math.ImgProc.ConvolveThread
run() - Method in class woSource.math.ImgProc.CorrCalcThread
run() - Method in class woSource.math.ImgProc.DilateThread
run() - Method in class woSource.math.ImgProc.EdgeFillThread
run() - Method in class woSource.math.ImgProc.ErodeThread
run(boolean[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.Skeletonize3D
run() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree.OptBrNodThread
run() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree.OptBrRadThread
run(String) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewer
run() - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewer.Updater
run(String) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewerColor
run(String) - Method in class woSource.MotionBlur
run(String) - Method in class woSource.MouseLungSegmentor
run(String) - Method in class woSource.MouseMicroCTlungSegm
run() - Method in class woSource.noduleDetection.myThread
run(String) - Method in class woSource.noduleDetection
run() - Method in class woSource.noduleDetectionModule.myOptThread
run() - Method in class woSource.noduleDetectionModule.NodDetThread
run(String) - Method in class woSource.noduleDetectionModule
run(String, ImagePlus) - Method in class woSource.noduleDetectionModule
run(String) - Method in class woSource.PetCTregistration
run(String) - Method in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
run() - Method in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
run() - Method in class woSource.Point3Dviewer.Updater
run(String) - Method in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
run(String, ImagePlus) - Method in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
run(String) - Method in class woSource.RatImageAdjuster
run(String, ImagePlus) - Method in class woSource.RatImageAdjuster
run(ImageProcessor) - Method in class woSource.RegisterSnake
run(String) - Method in class woSource.renameFilesBatch
run(String) - Method in class woSource.seededRegionGrowing
run(String) - Method in class woSource.unwrapMR_stack
run(String) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
run(String, ImagePlus) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
run(String) - Method in class woSource.VisualHumanConvert2Dicom
run(String) - Method in class woSource.VolOverlap
run() - Method in class woSource.WindowLevelAdjuster
run(String) - Method in class woSource.WindowLevelAdjuster
runAsStandAlone - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake
runGui() - Method in class woSource.DicomAnon
runGUI(String) - Method in class woSource.ImageReviewer
runGUI() - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewer
runGUI() - Method in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
runInThread(String) - Method in class woSource.HistoBinAdjuster
runInThread(String) - Method in class woSource.WindowLevelAdjuster
runWalks() - Method in class woSource.CellMigration
RVSeedx - Variable in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
RVSeedy - Variable in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
RVSeedz - Variable in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm


SAselectedRoi - Variable in class woSource.HeartSegm
saveAsAnimatedGif() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
saveAsAnimatedGif(String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
saveAsAVI() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
saveAsAVI(String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
saveAsImage(String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
This saves only one image, intended for when Depth = 1.
saveAsImage(String, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
saveAsImages(String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
saveAsImages(String, String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
saveCellPaths() - Method in class woSource.CellMigration
saveConnTissMask - Variable in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
saveData() - Method in class woSource.MouseMicroCTlungSegm
saveImage(String) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewer
saveImage(String) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewerColor
saveImage(String) - Method in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
SaveMask() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake_Hermite
SaveMask() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake_Hermite3D
SaveMask_asDicom() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake_Hermite
SaveMask_asDicom() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake_Hermite3D
savePTdata() - Method in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
saveRVLVmasks - Variable in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
saveWindows - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake
scale(byte[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
change the element values to fit within the given range
scale(byte[][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
scale(byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
scale(byte[][][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
scale(short[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
scale(short[][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
scale(short[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
scale(short[][][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
scale(int[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
scale(int[][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
scale(int[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
scale(int[][][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
scale(float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
scale(float[][], float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
scale(float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
scale(float[][][], float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
scale(double[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
scale(double[][], double, double) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
scale(double[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
scale(double[][][], double, double) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
scaleKernel(float[][], int, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
scaleROIforDicom() - Method in class woSource.ConvertToDicom
ScreenSelectorCanvas - Class in woSource
WO 3/6/2015 adding FocusListener so that I can keept track of when this window has focus which is useful when have more than 1 SSC window open (e.g.
ScreenSelectorCanvas(ImagePlus) - Constructor for class woSource.ScreenSelectorCanvas
ScreenSelectorCanvas(int, int, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.ScreenSelectorCanvas
ScreenSelectorCanvas(ImagePlus, ScreenSelectorClass) - Constructor for class woSource.ScreenSelectorCanvas
ScreenSelectorClass - Class in woSource
ScreenSelectorClass() - Constructor for class woSource.ScreenSelectorClass
search_1D_min(float[], float) - Static method in class woSource.math.OptMath
search_1D_min(float[], float, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.OptMath
sec() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
sec(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
sech() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
sech(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
sech(double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
Hyperbolic secant of a double number
seededRegionGrowing - Class in woSource
seededRegionGrowing() - Constructor for class woSource.seededRegionGrowing
seedVoxelValue - Variable in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
seedVoxelValue - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
seedx - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
seedy - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
seedz - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
segBrain() - Method in class woSource.DTIanalysis
segTumor() - Method in class woSource.DTIanalysis
selfClipEndPtIndex - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
selfClipFrontPtIndex - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
sep(LIDCnodule) - Method in class woSource.math.LIDCnodule
sep(float[], Point2D) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
sep(Point, Point) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
sep(Point2D, Point2D) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
sep(Point2D, float[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
sep(Point3D, float[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
sep(float[], Point3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
sep(int[], int[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
Eucledian distance between 2 points.
sep(float[], float[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
sep(double[], double[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
sep(Point2D) - Method in class woSource.math.Point2D
sep(Point3D) - Method in class woSource.math.Point3D
sep(Point3Dint) - Method in class woSource.math.Point3Dint
sep(Point3D) - Method in class woSource.math.Point4D
sep(Point4D) - Method in class woSource.math.Point4D
sep(Point3Dint) - Method in class woSource.math.Point4Dint
sep(Point4Dint) - Method in class woSource.math.Point4Dint
sepByDistAllMasks() - Method in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
sepVec(Point3Dint) - Method in class woSource.math.Point3D
returns the unit vector from 'this' to A
sepVec(Point3Dint) - Method in class woSource.math.Point3Dint
returns the unit vector from 'this' to A
seriesImages - Variable in class woSource.HeartSegm
SeriesImagesClass - Class in woSource.math
SeriesImagesClass(String, short[][][], boolean[][][], Rectangle3D) - Constructor for class woSource.math.SeriesImagesClass
SeriesImagesClass(SeriesImagesClass) - Constructor for class woSource.math.SeriesImagesClass
SeriesNames - Variable in class woSource.HeartSegm
Set(InteractiveSnake.Snake) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.SmoothSnake
set(float, float, float, float) - Method in class woSource.math.Point3D
setAdMagnification(float) - Method in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
setAdScreenLocation(int, int) - Method in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
setAlpha(float) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
setArray(int[]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayPlot
setArray(int[], int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayPlot
setArray(int[], int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayPlot
setArray(int[], int[], int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayPlot
setArray(float[]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayPlot
setArray(float[], int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayPlot
setArray(float[], int, float, float) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayPlot
setArray(float[], float[], int, float, float) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayPlot
setBackgroundColor(String) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
setBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
setBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in class woSource.ScreenSelectorCanvas
setBGSimImage(byte[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
setBrBGImages(int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
create background images.
setButtonLabel(int, String) - Method in class woSource.GenericRecallableDialog
setColors(byte[][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
setColors(byte[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
setColors(short[][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
setColors(short[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
setCurCoeffs(float[], float[][]) - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistrationPS
setCurLevel(float) - Method in class woSource.AutoWindowLevel
setCurrentSlice(int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
setCurrentSnake(int) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.SnakeStack
setCurWindow(float) - Method in class woSource.AutoWindowLevel
setFileInfo(FileInfo) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
setFilename_addon(String) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake
setFocalPts(float, float, float, float) - Method in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
setFocalPts(float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
setFocalPts(Point3D, Point3D) - Method in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
setFocusButton(int) - Method in class woSource.GenericRecallableDialog
setFullScreen() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
setGdLocation(int, int) - Method in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
setGradDirs(int, String) - Method in class woSource.DTIanalysis
setGUIWinLevelWidgets() - Method in class woSource.ImageReviewer
setHeartRoi(Rectangle) - Method in class woSource.math.SimTagImageInfo
seti() - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
setImag(double) - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
setInfoFromString(String) - Method in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
setInfOption(boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
setInfOption(int) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
setInputOutputDirs() - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
setj() - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
setLevel(int) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
setLUTcolor(int, int, String, byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class woSource.HistoBinAdjuster
setLVapex(Point3D) - Method in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
setMagnification(double) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
setMidSeptumPt(Point3D) - Method in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
setmmPerPixelX(float) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
setmmPerPixelY(float) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
setMVcentroid(Point3D) - Method in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
setNewEndoEpi() - Method in class woSource.HeartSegm
setNewSeries() - Method in class woSource.HeartSegm
setNewSlice() - Method in class woSource.HeartSegm
setNewSlice() - Method in class woSource.ImageReviewer
setNewSlice() - Method in class woSource.LIDCreview
setNewStudy() - Method in class woSource.ImageReviewer
setNewStudy() - Method in class woSource.LIDCreview
setNewTime() - Method in class woSource.HeartSegm
setOrthoViews(short[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay3D
setParentIndex(int) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
setPatientID(String) - Method in class woSource.math.LIDCnodule
setPixels(byte[][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
set using ColorProcessor, not the default shortProcessor as with ArrayDisplay
setPixels(byte[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
setPixels(short[][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
setPixels(short[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
setPixels(int[][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
setPixels(int[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
setPixels(float[][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
setPixels(float[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
setPixels(boolean[][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
setPixels(byte[][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
setPixels(short[][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
setPixels(int[][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
setPixels(float[][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
setPixels(double[][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
setPixels(Point3D[][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
setPixels(boolean[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
setPixels(byte[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
setPixels(short[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
setPixels(int[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
setPixels(float[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
setPixels(double[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
setPixels(Point3D[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
setPoint() - Method in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
setPointRadii() - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
set to match distance map [mm], where the distmap was computed correctly even for sliceCenterSep != mmPerPxelX,Y.
setProperty(int, String, Object) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
setReal(double) - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
setRefVoxelLocs() - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistrationPS
setRegDisplay() - Method in class woSource.HistoMR_registration
setRegDisplay() - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistration
setRGBs(byte[][], byte[][], byte[][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
setRGBs(byte[][][], byte[][][], byte[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay
setRoi(Roi) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
setRoi(TruncatedEllipseRoi) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
setRoi(Rectangle) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
setRoi() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
setRoi(Rectangle) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
setRoi(Rectangle3D) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
setRoi(Roi) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
setRoi(OvalRoi) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
setRoi(TruncatedEllipseRoi) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
setRoi(PolygonRoi) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
setRoiFillColor(Color) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
setRoiRect() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
setScreenLocation(Point) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
setScreenLocation(int, int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
setScreenSize(int, int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
setSelectorClass(ScreenSelectorClass) - Method in class woSource.ScreenSelectorCanvas
setShowLabels(boolean) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
setShowLabels(boolean) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.SnakeStack
setSideViewScreenLocation(int, int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay3D
setSliceCenterSep(float) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
setSliceLabel(String, int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
setSliceLabels(String[]) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
setStringString(String, String, int, String, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
WO 5/18/09 trying to re-set individual values from a base dicom header, passed as 'target'
if there are multiple values on the same line, separated by some delimiter (eg "\") then need to pass that delimiter even if you want just the first value on that line -- need to know where to stop replacing characters.
setTopViewScreenLocation(int, int) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayColorDisplay3D
setTreeMask(boolean[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
setUnitVecs() - Method in class woSource.DTIanalysis
setup(String, ImagePlus) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake_Hermite
setup(String, ImagePlus) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake_Hermite3D
setup(short[][][]) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewer
setup(short[][][], float) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewer
setup(short[][][], ImagePlus) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewer
setup(short[][][], float, ImagePlus) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewer
setup(short[][][], float, Properties[]) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewer
setup(short[][][], float, ImagePlus, Properties[]) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewer
setup(boolean[][][]) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewer
setup(boolean[][][], float) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewer
setup(boolean[][][], ImagePlus) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewer
setup(boolean[][][], float, ImagePlus) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewer
setup(boolean[][][], float, Properties[]) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewer
setup(boolean[][][], float, ImagePlus, Properties[]) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewer
setup(byte[][][]) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewer
setup(byte[][][], float) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewer
setup(byte[][][], ImagePlus) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewer
setup(byte[][][], float, ImagePlus) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewer
setup(byte[][][], float, Properties[]) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewer
setup(byte[][][], float, ImagePlus, Properties[]) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewer
setup(byte[][][], byte[][][]) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewerColor
setup(byte[][][], byte[][][], float) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewerColor
setup(byte[][][], byte[][][], float, Properties[]) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewerColor
setup(byte[][][], byte[][][], ImagePlus) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewerColor
setup(byte[][][], byte[][][], float, ImagePlus) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewerColor
setup(byte[][][], byte[][][], Point4Dint[]) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewerColor
setup(byte[][][], byte[][][], Point4Dint[], float) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewerColor
setup(byte[][][], byte[][][], Point4Dint[], float, Properties[]) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewerColor
setup(byte[][][], byte[][][], Point4Dint[], ImagePlus) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewerColor
setup(byte[][][], byte[][][], Point4Dint[], float, ImagePlus) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewerColor
setup(byte[][][], byte[][][], Point4Dint[], float, ImagePlus, Properties[]) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewerColor
setup(short[][][], byte[][][]) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewerColor
setup(short[][][], byte[][][], float) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewerColor
setup(short[][][], byte[][][], float, Properties[]) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewerColor
setup(short[][][], byte[][][], ImagePlus) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewerColor
setup(short[][][], byte[][][], float, ImagePlus) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewerColor
setup(short[][][], byte[][][], Point4Dint[]) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewerColor
setup(short[][][], byte[][][], Point4Dint[], float) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewerColor
setup(short[][][], byte[][][], Point4Dint[], float, Properties[]) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewerColor
setup(short[][][], byte[][][], Point4Dint[], ImagePlus) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewerColor
setup(short[][][], byte[][][], Point4Dint[], float, ImagePlus) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewerColor
setup(short[][][], byte[][][], Point4Dint[], float, ImagePlus, Properties[]) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewerColor
setup(HeartSegm) - Method in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
setup(float[][]) - Method in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
setup(float[][][]) - Method in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
setup(float[][][][]) - Method in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
setup(float[][][][][][]) - Method in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
setupImg() - Method in class woSource.ImageReviewer
setupImg(String) - Method in class woSource.ImageReviewer
setupImg(ImagePlus) - Method in class woSource.ImageReviewer
setupImg(String, ImagePlus) - Method in class woSource.ImageReviewer
provides opportunity to pass in the imp rather than reading it in
setupImg() - Method in class woSource.LIDCreview
setupMIPs(byte[][][], byte[][][]) - Method in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
setupMIPs(byte[][][]) - Method in class woSource.RatImageAdjuster
setupMIPs(byte[][][], byte[][][]) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
setupPropsLabelsEtc(String, String[], int, Properties[], ScreenSelectorClass) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
setupView(ImagePlus, Properties[]) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewer
setWindowLevel(float, float) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
assumes that newwin and newlevel values are normalized 0..1
setWindowScale() - Method in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
shiftInZ(int) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
shiftInZ(int) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
shiftup(short[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
remove point without shortening array
shiftup(short[], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
shiftup(short[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
shiftup(short[][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
this has unique definition that it shifts entire 2nd dim down along 1st dim
shiftup(int[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
shiftup(int[], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
shiftup(int[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
shiftup(int[][], int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
this has unique definition that it shifts entire 2nd dim down along 1st dim
show() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
show() - Method in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
showAbout() - Method in class woSource.CellMigration
showAbout() - Method in class woSource.ConvertToDicom
showAbout() - Method in class woSource.DicomAnon
showAbout() - Method in class woSource.DoseCalc
showAbout() - Method in class woSource.DoseReader
showAbout() - Method in class woSource.DoseReader_Oct2012_oldUR
showAbout() - Method in class woSource.DoseVolumeStats
showAbout() - Method in class woSource.DoseVsIntensity
showAbout() - Method in class woSource.DTIanalysis
showAbout() - Method in class woSource.DVHCalc
showAbout() - Method in class woSource.HeartSegm
showAbout() - Method in class woSource.HistoHisto_reg
showAbout() - Method in class woSource.HistoMR_registration
showAbout() - Method in class woSource.HistoMRreg
showAbout() - Method in class woSource.humanLungSegm
showAbout() - Method in class woSource.ImageOverlay
showAbout() - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistration
showAbout() - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistrationPS
showAbout() - Method in class woSource.ImgRegistration
showAbout() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake
showAbout() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake_Hermite
showAbout() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake_Hermite3D
showAbout() - Method in class woSource.RegisterSnake
showAbout() - Method in class woSource.renameFilesBatch
showAbout() - Method in class woSource.SnakeReader
showAbout() - Method in class woSource.unwrapMR_stack
showAbout() - Method in class woSource.VisualHumanConvert2Dicom
showAllDisplays() - Method in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
showBiggestTree() - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
showCenterlinePts() - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
showDialog() - Method in class woSource.GenericRecallableDialog
changes from parent showDialog(): remove accept button
showDistAd - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
showEdgeImg - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake
showing3D - Variable in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
showingTagsVsFilled - Variable in class woSource.HeartSegm
ShowLabels - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake
ShowLabels - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake_Hermite
ShowLabels - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake_Hermite3D
showProfile() - Method in class woSource.DoseCalc
shuffleLoopLocs() - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
put first loopLoc to last to setup to rerun repairLoopLocs()
SIGN(double, double) - Static method in class woSource.math.OptMath
simTagImage - Variable in class woSource.math.SimTagImageInfo
SimTagImageInfo - Class in woSource.math
SimTagImageInfo(String) - Constructor for class woSource.math.SimTagImageInfo
SimTagImageInfo(SimTagImageInfo) - Constructor for class woSource.math.SimTagImageInfo
SimTagImageInfo(int, int, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class woSource.math.SimTagImageInfo
SimTagImageInfo(int, int, float, float, float, float, Rectangle) - Constructor for class woSource.math.SimTagImageInfo
simTagInfo - Variable in class woSource.HeartSegm
simTreeImg - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselTree
sin() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
sin(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
sin(double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
sin(float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
sinh() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
sinh(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
sinh(double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
Hyperbolic sine of a double number
sinh(float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
skelAd - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
skeletonize(byte[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
2D skeletonize function from BinaryProcessor
WO 7/2/2012 for true 3D use the in WOmath/
Skeletonize3D - Class in woSource.math
Main class.
Skeletonize3D() - Constructor for class woSource.math.Skeletonize3D
skelWasChanged - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselTree
skipPts - Variable in class woSource.ContourFit
slash - Variable in class woSource.ImageRegistrationPS
slash - Variable in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
slash - Variable in class woSource.RatImageAdjuster
slash - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
sliceCenterSep - Variable in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
sliceI - Variable in class woSource.math.NoduleCandidate
sliceIndex - Variable in class woSource.math.LIDCnodule
SliceLabel - Variable in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
SliceLabels - Variable in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
SliceNames - Variable in class woSource.HeartSegm
sliceprops - Variable in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
sliceThickness - Variable in class woSource.DoseReader
sliceZ - Variable in class woSource.math.LIDCnodule
SliderDim - Variable in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
smoothDoseValues(int, int) - Method in class woSource.DoseReader
smoothDoseValues(int, int) - Method in class woSource.DoseReader_Oct2012_oldUR
smoothNods_ptSep - Variable in class woSource.lungSnake
smoothPts - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
SmoothSnake(InteractiveSnake.Snake) - Constructor for class woSource.InteractiveSnake.SmoothSnake
smoothTreeBranches() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
4/2/2013 Intent is to create smooth fits to the branches for future simulated vessel calc.
Snake() - Constructor for class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
Snake(String) - Constructor for class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
Snake(ImagePlus) - Constructor for class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
Snake(ImageProcessor) - Constructor for class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
Snake(ImageProcessor, String, String, Roi) - Constructor for class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
initializes to generic roi.
snakeAd - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake
snakeDebugSlice - Variable in class woSource.lungSnake
snakegd - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake
snakeptviewer - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake
SnakeReader - Class in woSource
SnakeReader(String) - Constructor for class woSource.SnakeReader
snakes - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.SnakeStack
snakeStack - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake
SnakeStack(ImagePlus) - Constructor for class woSource.InteractiveSnake.SnakeStack
SnakeStack(ArrayDisplay) - Constructor for class woSource.InteractiveSnake.SnakeStack
SnakeStack(int, String[]) - Constructor for class woSource.InteractiveSnake.SnakeStack
SnakeStack(int, String) - Constructor for class woSource.InteractiveSnake.SnakeStack
solveNNLS(Matrix, float[]) - Static method in class woSource.NNLSSolver
Whee!!! This is my own Java implementation of the NNLS algorithm as described in: Lawson and Hanson, "Solving Least Squares Problems", Prentice-Hall, 1974, Chapter 23, p.
solveNNLS(Matrix, double[]) - Static method in class woSource.NNLSSolver
solveNNLS(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class woSource.NNLSSolver
sort(int[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
quick-sort type.
sort(float[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
sort(Point3D[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
sort(Point4D[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
1/29/11 this sort is not working correctly -- the last 10 items in 150 element list should not be there
sort(NoduleCandidate[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
sort(LIDCnodule[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
WO 2/8/11 sort by patientID.
sortBySliceLoc(ImagePlus) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 2/2/11 returns the array of orderd indices
sortBySlicePosZ(ImagePlus) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
sortBySlicePosZ_Time(ImagePlus) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 2/2/11 returns the array of orderd indices looking at DICOM Image Position Z coord
6/27/2012 added first test to looks for slice labels in Stack's lables array
11/11/2014 secondarily order by image number (for cine image stack).
sortFilesIntoSliceFolders() - Method in class woSource.HeartSegm
sortInsert(int[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
WO 5/24/2012 will someday want to make this more efficient like the 2D one below
sortInsert(int[][], int[], int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
maxIndex is an index not a count (use A.length-1)
WO 5/23/2012 trying to improve efficiency with center check and split.
sortInsert(float[], float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
sortInsert(Point2D[], Point2D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
sortInsert(Point3D[], Point3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
sortInsert(Point3Dint[], Point3Dint) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
sortInsert(Point3D[], Point3D[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
WO 12/23/2010 merge 2 lists, but do not extend beyond the max length
sortInsert(NoduleCandidate[], NoduleCandidate) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
sortLow2HighInsert(int[][], int[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
Sort low to high.
sortLow2HighInsert(int[][], int[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
sortLow2HighInsert(int[][], int[], int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
sortMerge(Point3D[], Point3D[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
merge such that result may be longer than either inputs
sortMerge(Point4D[], Point4D[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
merge such that result may be longer than either inputs
sortMerge(NoduleCandidate[], NoduleCandidate[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
spaceWindowsOnScreen() - Method in class woSource.DoseVsIntensity
spaceWindowsOnScreen() - Method in class woSource.HeartSegm
spaceWindowsOnScreen() - Method in class woSource.humanLungSegm
spaceWindowsOnScreen() - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistration
spaceWindowsOnScreen() - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistrationPS
spaceWindowsOnScreen() - Method in class woSource.ImageReviewer
spaceWindowsOnScreen() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake
spaceWindowsOnScreen() - Method in class woSource.MouseMicroCTlungSegm
spaceWindowsOnScreen() - Method in class woSource.noduleDetectionModule
spaceWindowsOnScreen() - Method in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
spaceWindowsOnScreen() - Method in class woSource.RatImageAdjuster
spaceWindowsOnScreen() - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
sph2cart(float, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
return x,y,z in array[3]
sph2cart(double, double, double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
sphericalHarmonicNterms(int[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
sphericalHarmonicNterms(int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
sphericalHarmonicTerm(double, double, double, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
WO my spherical harmonics expansions powered by 1/r
1/29/07 problem when r is close to 0 as 1/r blows up.
sphericalHarmonicTerms(double, double, double, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
WO my spherical harmonics expansions powered by 1/r
ref: the Numerical Recipes in C book page 252 the series is: 1 [r,l,m==0], sin(mu)cos(theta) [r=0,l=1,m=-1], cos(mu)[r=0,l=1,m=0], sin(mu)sin(theta)[r=0,l,m=1], ..
sphericalHarmonicTerms(float, float, float, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
sphericalKernel(float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
WO 2/11/11 for radius[mm] spherical kernel.
sphericalKernel(float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
sphericalKernel(float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
sphericalKernel(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
sphericalKernel(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
WO 1/30/11 with fractional shifts option & making it a true partial volume calc
rad and padding are in mm
dscale = dimensions of pixel in depth direction [mm]
wscale = dimensions of pixel in width(x) direction [mm]
d,w,h-shifts are in fractions of pixels in d,w,h directions
splitHemiLungs() - Method in class woSource.humanLungSegm
ultimately sets the globally-defined leftLung and rightLung byte[][][] mask arrays \n Works on lungMaskByte and expects on start that lungs are black, outside body and body = white
splitTreeAtConnection(int, int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
11/20/2012 intent is to be given a child branch that is suspected to connect 2 distinct trees
-- where the current tree traversal encountered an instance where the child was larger than its parent and we presume that it jumped from the original tree to branch on the 2nd tree.
sqr(double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
sqr(float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
sqr(int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
sqrt(float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
computes A[i][j]*A[i][j] for each element != matrix multiplication
sqrt() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
sqrt(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
sqrt(double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
math does not have float version
sqrt(float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
square(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
square() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
squareAbs(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
squareAbs() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
ssc - Variable in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
Ssnake - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
stackprops - Variable in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
startDepth - Variable in class woSource.humanLungSegm
startI - Variable in class woSource.lungSnake
startPt - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
statsCorrCirc(short[][][], float[][][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO version set corr output size to match input image
also compute NCCC over circular (spherical) region rather than square (cube) because the cube
accentuates far pixels at corners.
statsCorrCirc(short[][][], float[][][][], boolean[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO version to use mask to speed up computation (which it does)
statsCorrCirc(short[][][], float[][][][], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
statsCorrCirc(short[][][], float[][][], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
statsCorrCirc(short[][][], float[][][], boolean[][][], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
statsCorrCirc(short[][][], float[][][][], boolean[][][], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
2/16/11 parallel threaded/processor version
statsCorrelation(float[][], float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
the statistical correlation coefficient is similar to image correlation, but uses a few more comptuations and is better at finding image features
returns correlation image as 2D array
indices of arrays as [depth][width][height]
statsCorrelation(float[][][], float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
statsCorrelation(int[][], float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
statsCorrelation(int[][][], float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
statsCorrelation(float[][][], float[][][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
PW, 04-01-2002 3D statistical correlation
WO 4/24/02 added ability to do multiple 3D kernels at once
also, knock off the blank edge image elements (slices, columns and rows), thus
resulting corrImage is smaller than original image
This is designed to return the NCCC value computed at each pixel in the original image obtained by moving the kernel over the entire image
statsCorrelation(int[][][], float[][][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 4/24/02 to do multiple 3D kernels at once, byte version
also, knock off the blank edge image elements (slices, columns and rows)
statsCorrelation(short[][][], float[][][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 4/24/02 to do multiple 3D kernels at once, short version but return byte in range 0..255
statsCorrelation(int[][], float[][], Point2D[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 5/14/02 version to compute corr only at candidates
statsCorrelation(int[][][], float[][][], Point3D[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
statsCorrelation(int[][][], float[][][][], Point3D[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
statsCorrelation(short[][], float[][], Point2D[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 8/2/02 short version to compute corr only at candidates
statsCorrelation(short[][][], float[][][], Point3D[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
statsCorrelation(short[][][], float[][][], Point3Dint[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
Point3Dint[] version
statsCorrelation(short[][][], float[][][][], Point3D[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
statsCorrelation(short[][][], float[][][][], Point3Dint[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
using Point3Dint[]
stdev(byte[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
stdev(byte[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
stdev(byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
stdev(short[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
stdev(short[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
stdev(short[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
stdev(float[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
stdev(float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
stdev(float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
StDev_Sep - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
stop() - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewer
WO 1/10/2015 I found and fixed a problem that when trying to destroy this MIPsviewer, it calls updater.quit(), which calls updater.inturrupt() and then sets the updater=null and viewAd=null, however the thread could still be inside called the spinning/resetview loop and/or computing the mipsviewbyte such that it will then try to write to the viewAd inside resetview() after the viewAd is killed.
stringGreaterThan(String, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
stringLessThan(String, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
WO my versions of stringarray sorting for comparing filenames whose initial name characters are integers (1.img, 10.img, 2.img, 3,img) the windows sorter messes up these.
subArray(String[], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
subArray(Properties[], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
subArray(boolean[][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
subArray(boolean[][], Rectangle) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
subArray(boolean[][][], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
subArray(boolean[][][], Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
subArray(byte[][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
subArray(byte[][], Rectangle) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
subArray(byte[][][], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
subArray(byte[][][], Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
subArray(int[], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
subArray(int[][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
subArray(int[][], Rectangle) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
subArray(int[][][], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
subArray(int[][][], Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
subArray(short[][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
subArray(short[][], Rectangle) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
subArray(short[][][], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
subArray(short[][][], Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
subArray(float[], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
subArray(float[][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
subArray(float[][], Rectangle) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
subArray(float[][][], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
subArray(float[][][], Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
subArray(Point3D[], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
subArray(Point4D[], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
subArray(NoduleCandidate[], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
subArray(LIDCnodule[], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
subMiddle(short[][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
subMiddle(short[][][], int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
subMiddle(float[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
subMiddle(float[][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
subMiddle(float[][][], int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
subRect(Rectangle3D) - Method in class woSource.math.Rectangle3D
subsampleDoseField() - Method in class woSource.DoseVsIntensity
WO seems to work properly 2/07
For display -- create a dose array that matches spatially the orig image voxels, for overlay display.
subtractMasks(boolean[][], boolean[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
if A[i][j] is False, result is False.
subtractMasks(boolean[][][], boolean[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
subtractTumorFromLung() - Method in class woSource.DVHCalc
sum(byte[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
WO 1/4/11 return float here since sum can easily be > byte.max
sum(byte[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
sum(byte[][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
sum(byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
sum(byte[][][], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
sum(short[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
sum(short[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
sum(short[][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
sum(short[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
sum(short[][][], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
sum(int[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
sum(int[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
sum(int[][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
sum(int[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
sum(int[][][], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
sum(float[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
sum(float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
sum(float[][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
sum(float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
sum(float[][][], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
sumSquares(short[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
sumSquares(short[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
sumSquares(short[][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
sumSquares(short[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
sumSquares(short[][][], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
sumSquares(float[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
sumSquares(float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
sumSquares(float[][], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
sumSquares(float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
sumSquares(float[][][], int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
SurfPts - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
svdfit(double[][], double[], double[], double[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.OptMath
swap(int[], int[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
swap(float[], float[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
swap(Complex, Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
syncCurrentStack() - Method in class woSource.HeartSegm


T - Static variable in class woSource.ImageRegistrationPS
t - Variable in class woSource.math.Point4D
t - Variable in class woSource.math.Point4Dint
tagAngle - Variable in class woSource.math.SimTagImageInfo
tagBMfitCoeffs - Variable in class woSource.HeartSegm
tagDefineRect - Variable in class woSource.math.SimTagImageInfo
tagOffset - Variable in class woSource.math.SimTagImageInfo
tagPSfitCoeffs - Variable in class woSource.HeartSegm
tagSearchRect - Variable in class woSource.HeartSegm
tagSpacing - Variable in class woSource.math.SimTagImageInfo
tagWidth - Variable in class woSource.math.SimTagImageInfo
tan() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
tan(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
tan(double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
tan(float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
tanh() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
tanh(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
tanh(double) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
taper - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
targetNodsFile - Variable in class woSource.humanLungSegm
templateAd - Variable in class woSource.noduleDetectionModule
terminateOnFuncClose - Variable in class woSource.RatImageAdjuster
terminateOnSegmClose - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
terminatingBranch - Variable in class woSource.math.HyperSkelPair
terminatingPt - Variable in class woSource.math.HyperSkelPair
terminatingTree - Variable in class woSource.math.HyperSkelPair
test() - Method in class woSource.math.Polygon2D
thetaOrder - Variable in class woSource.DoseReader
thetaOrder - Variable in class woSource.DoseReader_Oct2012_oldUR
thinnedEdgePts - Variable in class woSource.noduleDetectionModule
this_canvas - Static variable in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
threeDarray(int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
threeDarray(int, int, int, double, double) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
threeDarray(int, int, int, Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
threshAd - Variable in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
threshAd - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
threshold(byte[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
threshold(byte[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
threshold(short[][], short) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
threshold(short[][][], short) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
threshold(short[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
threshold(short[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
threshold(int[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
threshold(int[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
threshold(float[][], float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
threshold(float[][][], float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
timeAt - Variable in class woSource.ImageRegistrationPS
timeFilenames - Variable in class woSource.math.Image3Dinfo
times(Complex, Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
times(Complex, double) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
times(double, Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
times(double, double) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
times(Complex) - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
times(double) - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
timesEquals(Complex) - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
timesEquals(double) - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
TLFcoords - Variable in class woSource.math.Image3Dinfo
tmpSurfPts - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
toBack() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
toBack() - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewer
toBack() - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewerColor
toBoolean(byte[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toBoolean(byte[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toBoolean(byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toBoolean(byte[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toBoolean(short[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toBoolean(short[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toBoolean(short[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toByte(boolean[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toByte(boolean[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toByte(short[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toByte(short[][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
5/19/2012 added this for use with Dicom images where ther Hounsfield unit range should be -1024 to +1024, but can have metal that gives the max value over 3,000, which throws off the scaling.
toByte(int[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toByte(short[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toByte(short[][][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toByte(int[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toByte(float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toByte(float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toDouble(int[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toDouble(int[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toDouble(float[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toDouble(float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toDouble(float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toFloat(boolean[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toFloat(boolean[][], float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toFloat(boolean[][], float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toFloat(boolean[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toFloat(boolean[][][], float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toFloat(boolean[][][], float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toFloat(byte[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toFloat(byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toFloat(short[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toFloat(short[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toFloat(int[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toFloat(int[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toFloat(double[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toFloat(double[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toFloat(double[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toFloat(byte) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
useful if you don't know what type of number you have
toFloat(short) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
toFront() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
toFront() - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewer
toFront() - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewerColor
toFront() - Method in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
toInt(byte[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toInt(byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toInt(float[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toInt(float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toInt(float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toInt(float[][][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
tortuosity - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
toShort(Object) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toShort(boolean[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toShort(boolean[], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toShort(boolean[], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toShort(boolean[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toShort(boolean[][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toShort(boolean[][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toShort(boolean[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toShort(boolean[][][], int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toShort(boolean[][][], int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toShort(byte[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toShort(byte[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toShort(byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toShort(int[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toShort(int[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toShort(int[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toShort(float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toShort(float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
toString() - Method in class woSource.BeadFinder
toString() - Method in class woSource.binClass
toString() - Method in class woSource.create3DTemplate
toString() - Method in class woSource.Deconvolver
toString() - Method in class woSource.DoseReader
toString() - Method in class woSource.DoseReader_Oct2012_oldUR
toString() - Method in class woSource.GradientAnalysis3D
toString() - Method in class woSource.HistoBinAdjuster
toString() - Method in class woSource.HistoMR_registration
toString() - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistration
toString() - Method in class woSource.ImageReviewer
toString() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Candidates
toString() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
toString() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.SnakeStack
toString() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake
toString() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake_Hermite
toString() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake_Hermite3D
toString() - Method in class woSource.LesionFinder
toString() - Method in class woSource.LIDCreview
toString() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
toString() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
toString(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
toString() - Method in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
toString() - Method in class woSource.math.HyperSkelPair
toString() - Method in class woSource.math.Image3Dinfo
toString() - Method in class woSource.math.LIDCnodule
toString(int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathI
goal to add right number of leading zeros
toString() - Method in class woSource.math.NoduleCandidate
toString() - Method in class woSource.math.Point2D
toString() - Method in class woSource.math.Point3D
toString() - Method in class woSource.math.Point3Dint
toString() - Method in class woSource.math.Point4D
toString() - Method in class woSource.math.Point4Dint
toString() - Method in class woSource.math.Polygon2D
toString() - Method in class woSource.math.Polygon3D
toString() - Method in class woSource.math.Polygon3Dint
toString() - Method in class woSource.math.Rectangle3D
toString() - Method in class woSource.math.SimTagImageInfo
toString() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
toString() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
toString(boolean) - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
toString() - Method in class woSource.MotionBlur
toString() - Method in class woSource.MouseLungSegmentor
toString() - Method in class woSource.VolOverlap
toString() - Method in class woSource.WindowLevelAdjuster
total_energy(Point2D[]) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
traceCenterline(Point3Dint) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
traceCenterlines(Point3Dint[], int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
transform(short[][][], float, float, float, float, float, float, Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
this is used by ArrayDisplay.overlapImage()
transform(short[][], float, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 12/17/09 2D version, but without ROI usage
transformConPoints(float[][], float, float, float) - Method in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
transformedAD - Variable in class woSource.ImageRegistration
transformFromHeartCoords(float[][][][], boolean[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
transformImage_mm(short[][], Properties, float, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
WO 3/10/09 These funcs transform the image w/r/2 its own 3D coord system and outputs it into the pixel system of the target image.
transformImage_mm(short[][][], Properties[], Rectangle3D, ImageRegistration, Properties[], Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
version that creates and returns the transformed Image.
WO 4/25/20913 This seems to be working correctly.
transformImage_mm(short[][][], Properties[], Rectangle3D, ImageRegistration, Properties[], Rectangle3D, short[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
transformImage_mm(short[][][], Properties[], Rectangle3D, ImageRegistration, Properties[], Rectangle3D, short[][][], boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
transformImage_mm(short[][][], Properties[], Rectangle3D, float, float, float, float, float, float, Properties[], Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
transformImage_mm(short[][][], Properties[], Rectangle3D, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, Properties[], Rectangle3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
version that creates and returns the transformed Image.
WO 4/25/20913 This seems to be working correctly.
transformImage_mm(short[][][], Properties[], Rectangle3D, float, float, float, float, float, float, Properties[], Rectangle3D, short[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
transformImage_mm(short[][][], Properties[], Rectangle3D, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, Properties[], Rectangle3D, short[][][], boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
version with resulting transformed Image as parameter for case when need to save memory upon multiple calls.
WO 4/25/20913 This seems to be working correctly.
transformPixelToScannerCoords(int[], int) - Method in class woSource.math.Image3Dinfo
transformPixelToScannerCoords(float[], int) - Method in class woSource.math.Image3Dinfo
transformPixelToScannerCoords(float, float, int) - Method in class woSource.math.Image3Dinfo
transformPixelToScannerCoords(Point3D) - Method in class woSource.math.Image3Dinfo
transformPixelToScannerCoords(float[][][], int, boolean[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.Image3Dinfo
transformPixelToScannerCoords(float[][][][], boolean[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.Image3Dinfo
transformScannerToNearestPixelCoords(float[][][][], boolean[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.Image3Dinfo
transformScannerToPixelCoords(float[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.Image3Dinfo
transformScannerToPixelCoords(float[][][][], boolean[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.Image3Dinfo
transformToHeartCoords(float[][][][], boolean[][][]) - Method in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
transformToHeartCoords(float[]) - Method in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
transformToHeartCoords(Point3D) - Method in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
transformToHeartCoords(float[][]) - Method in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
transformToHeartCoords(float[][], int) - Method in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
transformToImageSpace(Properties[], float, Roi) - Method in class woSource.DoseReader_Oct2012_oldUR
transpose(byte[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
transpose(short[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
transpose(float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
transpose(double[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
transposedMinus(double) - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
transposedOver(double) - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
traverseToFindTreeTop(int) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
treeFrom - Variable in class woSource.math.HyperSkelPair
TreeMask - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselTree
TreeTop - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselTree
treeTops - Variable in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
triangleArea(float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
uses Heron's formula
triangleNormal(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
want 3D outward normal to 3D triangle defined by 3 points, with the outwardness set by point order and RHR
trimBranchEndPts(int, int, boolean, float) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
trimSmoothEndPts(int, int, boolean, float) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
trimStubs() - Method in class woSource.math.VesselTree
trimTreeStubs() - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
intent is to go through all the tree branches and remove any branches with only 1 point that are not a looped-to location.
trunkMaxThresh - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
trunkMinThresh - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
trunkSeedx - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
trunkSeedy - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
trunkSeedz - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
trunkSkelStartPt - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
turnOffListeners() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
this was an attempt to avoid invoking a GUI function repeatedly before the previous function call had time to complete, hoping that this would absolve a hanging bug with snakes.
turnOffPtLabels() - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewerColor
turnOffSliceScrollWithWheel - Variable in class woSource.ScreenSelectorCanvas
turnOnListeners() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
turnONPtLabels() - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewerColor
twoDarray(int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
twoDarray(int, int, double, double) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
twoDarray(int, int, Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
twoPiJay() - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex


unhide() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
unhideDialog() - Method in class woSource.GenericRecallableDialog
unhighlightButton(int) - Method in class woSource.GenericRecallableDialog
unwrapImg(short[][][], int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.unwrapMR_stack
unwrapMR_stack - Class in woSource
unwrapMR_stack() - Constructor for class woSource.unwrapMR_stack
update(int, InteractiveSnake.Snake) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.SmoothSnake
update(int, int, float, float, float, float) - Method in class woSource.math.SimTagImageInfo
update(float, float, float, float, Rectangle) - Method in class woSource.math.SimTagImageInfo
update(int, int, float, float, float, float, Rectangle) - Method in class woSource.math.SimTagImageInfo
update(Graphics) - Method in class woSource.ScreenSelectorCanvas
UpdateAttributes(float, float, float, float, int, boolean) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
UpdateAttributes(float, float, float, float, int, boolean) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.SnakeStack
public void Draw(Graphics gr, ImageCanvas canvas) { snakes[cur_snake].Draw(gr, canvas); /* need 3d display GUI * } public void Draw(Graphics gr, ScreenSelectorCanvas canvas) { snakes[cur_snake].Draw(gr, canvas); }
UpdateAttributes(float, float, float, float, int, boolean) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake
UpdateAttributes() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake_Hermite
UpdateAttributes() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake_Hermite3D
updateConCoords(int, int, int, int, int, float[][]) - Method in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
updateCumRot(float, float) - Method in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
updateCumRot(float, float, float) - Method in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
updateFullWindow - Variable in class woSource.ScreenSelectorCanvas
updateMarkingPanel() - Method in class woSource.ImageReviewer
updateMIPs(boolean[][][]) - Method in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
updateMIPs(byte[][][]) - Method in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
updateMIPs(byte[][][], byte[][][]) - Method in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
updateMIPs() - Method in class woSource.RatImageAdjuster
updateMIPs(boolean[][][]) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
updateMIPs(byte[][][]) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
updateMIPs(byte[][][], byte[][][]) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
updatePScoeffsArray(int, int, int, int) - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistrationPS
updatePt3Dview() - Method in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
updatePtCoords(float[][]) - Method in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
updatePtCoords(float[][][]) - Method in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
updater - Variable in class woSource.MIPSviewer
updater - Variable in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
updateRegDisplay(String) - Method in class woSource.HistoMR_registration
updateRegDisplay(String) - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistration
updateRegDisplay() - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistrationPS
UpdateScreen() - Method in class woSource.BeadFinder
UpdateScreen() - Method in class woSource.ImageReviewer
UpdateScreen() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake
invoked most commonly within here, but also by ScreenSelectorCanvas.updateScreen()
UpdateScreen() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake_Hermite
UpdateScreen() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake_Hermite3D
UpdateScreen() - Method in class woSource.LIDCreview
UpdateScreen() - Method in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
UpdateScreen() - Method in class woSource.ScreenSelectorClass
updateScrollBars(int[], GenericRecallableDialog) - Method in class woSource.HistoBinAdjuster
UpdateSelection(int, int, String) - Method in class woSource.ImageReviewer
UpdateSelection(int, int, String) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake
UpdateSelection(int, int, String) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake_Hermite
UpdateSelection(int, int, String) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake_Hermite3D
UpdateSelection(int, int, String) - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewer
UpdateSelection(int, int, String) - Method in class woSource.MouseLungSegmentor
UpdateSelection(int, int, String) - Method in class woSource.MouseMicroCTlungSegm
UpdateSelection(int, int, String) - Method in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
UpdateSelection(int, int, String) - Method in class woSource.ScreenSelectorClass
UpdateSelectionImageReviewer(int, int, String) - Method in class woSource.ImageReviewer
updateSnakeStacksForNewSlice(int, int, ArrayDisplay) - Method in class woSource.HeartSegm
updateSphericalHarmonicCoeffsArray(float[], int, int, int, int) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
updateThreshold() - Method in class woSource.AirwaySegm
updateThreshold() - Method in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
updateThreshold() - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
updateThresholds() - Method in class woSource.ColonSegm
UpdateToAd(ArrayDisplay) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.SnakeStack
upperConnThresh - Variable in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
useAdditionalDrawingAD - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake
UseDisconnectedEnds - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
useDistanceTransform - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
UseFixedEnds - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
useTaper - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselTree


validate() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
value - Variable in class woSource.math.Point2D
value - Variable in class woSource.math.Point3D
value - Variable in class woSource.math.Point3Dint
value - Variable in class woSource.math.Point4D
value - Variable in class woSource.math.Point4Dint
valueOf(String) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
varname - Variable in class woSource.math.Point4D
varname - Variable in class woSource.math.Point4Dint
Vcross(Point2D, Point2D) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
Vcross(float[], float[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
Vcross(double[], double[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
Vcross(Point3D, Point3D) - Method in class woSource.math.Point3D
Vcross(Point4D, Point4D) - Method in class woSource.math.Point4D
Vcross(Point4Dint, Point4Dint) - Method in class woSource.math.Point4Dint
VcrossMag(Point2D, Point2D) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
vers() - Method in class woSource.math.Complex
vers(Complex) - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
VertexPts - Variable in class woSource.FEelemClass
veryFirstReadInAllImages() - Method in class woSource.HeartSegm
VesselBranch - Class in woSource.math
VesselBranch() - Constructor for class woSource.math.VesselBranch
VesselBranch(int, int, int, float, float) - Constructor for class woSource.math.VesselBranch
VesselBranch(int, VesselBranch) - Constructor for class woSource.math.VesselBranch
vesselRect - Variable in class woSource.VesselSegm
vesselsegm - Variable in class woSource.PulmonaryTrunkSegm
VesselSegm - Class in woSource
bug: when do airway segm and then return, seed selection for vessels is limited to the original window size.
VesselSegm() - Constructor for class woSource.VesselSegm
VesselTree - Class in woSource.math
WO VesselTree is a class/data structure to describe a tree structure containing many branches.
VesselTree(float, float) - Constructor for class woSource.math.VesselTree
VesselTree(int, float, float) - Constructor for class woSource.math.VesselTree
VesselTree(int, VesselTree) - Constructor for class woSource.math.VesselTree
VesselTree.OptBrNodThread - Class in woSource.math
This class is defined to run function OptBrNodes in //
WO 4/11/2012 All threads work with the same global origImg, but they only access this image and do not change it.
VesselTree.OptBrRadThread - Class in woSource.math
This class is defined to run function OptBrRadius in //
WO 4/11/2012 This works by defining a unique Roi for each thread to work on.
view3DAd - Variable in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
viewTransformedImage - Variable in class woSource.ImageRegistration
VisualHumanConvert2Dicom - Class in woSource
VisualHumanConvert2Dicom() - Constructor for class woSource.VisualHumanConvert2Dicom
vlen(float[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
vlen(double[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
vlength(float[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
vlength(double[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
Vminus(float[], float[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
Vmult(float, float[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
vnorm(float[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
vnorm(Point3D) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
VolOverlap - Class in woSource
VolOverlap() - Constructor for class woSource.VolOverlap
volume() - Method in class woSource.math.Rectangle3D
voxelEndoLambdas - Variable in class woSource.math.SeriesImagesClass
Vplus(float[], float[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
element-wise addition.


W - Static variable in class woSource.ImageRegistration
wantQuit - Variable in class woSource.MIPSviewer.Updater
wantQuit - Variable in class woSource.Point3Dviewer.Updater
wasContoured - Variable in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
wasDicom - Variable in class woSource.DoseReader
wasDicom - Variable in class woSource.DoseReader_Oct2012_oldUR
wasReadIn - Variable in class woSource.ImageRegistration
wasReadIn - Variable in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
wasTraversed - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselBranch
WelchWindow(int, int, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
Welch window: I changed it some, replacing 'b' with 'cutoff',
and 'a' with 'N' ('a' was usually set to N/2)
WelchWindow(int, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
WelchWindow(float, float, float) - Static method in class woSource.math.MathII
WEST - Variable in class woSource.GenericRecallableDialog
Width - Variable in class woSource.DoseReader
Width - Variable in class woSource.DoseReader_Oct2012_oldUR
WIDTH - Static variable in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
Width - Variable in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
width - Variable in class woSource.math.Rectangle3D
width - Variable in class woSource.math.SeriesImagesClass
Wiener1D(float[]) - Method in class woSource.Deconvolver
Wiener3D(float[][][]) - Method in class woSource.Deconvolver
windowHasFocus - Variable in class woSource.ScreenSelectorCanvas
WindowLevelAdjuster - Class in woSource
WindowLevelAdjuster() - Constructor for class woSource.WindowLevelAdjuster
winLevel() - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewer
winLevel() - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewerColor
winLevel() - Method in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
withContrast - Variable in class woSource.math.VesselTree
woEndsWithFilter - Class in woSource.math
woEndsWithFilter(String) - Constructor for class woSource.math.woEndsWithFilter
working_canvas - Static variable in class woSource.ImageReviewer
working_canvas - Variable in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
working_canvas - Static variable in class woSource.MouseLungSegmentor
working_canvas - Static variable in class woSource.MouseMicroCTlungSegm
working_display - Variable in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
working_frame - Variable in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
working_graphics - Variable in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
working_ip - Variable in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
working_ip_stack - Variable in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
working_stack - Variable in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
working_window - Variable in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
woSource - package woSource
woSource.math - package woSource.math
Write() - Method in class woSource.DoseReader
Write() - Method in class woSource.DoseReader_Oct2012_oldUR
write() - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistration
write(String, int) - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistrationPS
Write() - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.Snake
Write(String) - Method in class woSource.InteractiveSnake.SnakeStack
write(byte[][][], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(byte[][][], String, boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(byte[][][], int, int, int, String, boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(short[][][], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(short[][][], String, boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(short[][][], int, int, int, String, boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(int[], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(int[], String, boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(int[], int, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(int[], int, String, boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(int[][], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(int[][], String, boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(int[][], int, int, String, boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(int[][][], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(int[][][], String, boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(int[][][], int, int, int, String, boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(float[], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(float[], int, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(float[], float[], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
WO 10/2/07 great, we can write out 2 arrays but cannot read in and save 2 arrays
write(float[], float[], int, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(float[], float[], float[], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(float[], float[], float[], int, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(float[][][], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(float[][][], String, boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(float[][][], int, int, int, String, boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(float[][][][], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(float[][][][], String, boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(float[][][][], int, int, int, int, String, boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(float[][][][][], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(float[][][][][], String, boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(float[][][][][], int, int, int, int, int, String, boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
works but output files can be very large (~60M for eigenvectors of DTI).
write(double[], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(double[], int, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(Point2D[], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(Point2D[], int, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(Point2D[][], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(Point3D[], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(Point3D[], int, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(Point3D[], int, String, boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(Point3D[][], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(Point3D[][][], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(Point4D[], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(Point4D[], int, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(Point4D[], String, boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(Point4D[], int, String, boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(Point4D[][][], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(Polygon2D, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(Polygon2D[], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(Polygon3D[], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(Polygon3Dint[], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(LIDCnodule[], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(LIDCnodule[], int, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(LIDCnodule[][], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(NoduleCandidate[], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(NoduleCandidate[], String, boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(NoduleCandidate[], int, String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(NoduleCandidate[], int, String, boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(NoduleCandidate[][], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(NoduleCandidate[][], String, boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write(String, String) - Method in class woSource.math.Rectangle3D
write_sparse(float[][][][], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write_sparse(float[][][][], String, boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write_sparse(float[][][][], int, int, int, int, String, boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write_sparse(float[][][][][], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write_sparse(float[][][][][], String, boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
write_sparse(float[][][][][], int, int, int, int, int, String, boolean) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
writeAllHeartLAinfo() - Method in class woSource.HeartSegm
writeAllTreesSTL() - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
writeBiggestTreeParams() - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
writeBiggestTreeParams(String) - Method in class woSource.VesselSegm
writeDefImgTrans() - Method in class woSource.ImageRegistration
WO 5/13/09 want to stick the dicom headers from the refImages onto the defImgTrans data this is working for MRI T1 data at least.
writeDicom() - Method in class woSource.ConvertToDicom
writeDicomInfo(String, String, String[][]) - Method in class woSource.DicomAnon
writeImageFile(byte[][], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
writeImageFile(short[][], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
writeImageFiles(boolean[][][], String, String[], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
writeImageFiles(byte[][][], String, String[], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
writeImageFiles(short[][][], String, String[], String) - Static method in class woSource.math.ImgProc
writeInfo(String) - Method in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
writeInfo(String) - Method in class woSource.math.SimTagImageInfo
writeMaskImgs() - Method in class woSource.MouseLungSegmentor
writeParams() - Method in class woSource.HistoHisto_reg
writeStudyInfo() - Method in class woSource.HeartSegm


X - Static variable in class woSource.ImageRegistrationPS
X - Static variable in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
X - Static variable in class woSource.math.ArraysI
X - Static variable in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
X - Static variable in class woSource.math.Image3Dinfo
x - Variable in class woSource.math.LIDCnodule
X - Static variable in class woSource.math.MathI
X - Static variable in class woSource.math.MathII
x - Variable in class woSource.math.NoduleCandidate
X - Variable in class woSource.math.OptMath
x - Variable in class woSource.math.Point2D
x - Variable in class woSource.math.Point3D
x - Variable in class woSource.math.Point3Dint
x - Variable in class woSource.math.Point4D
x - Variable in class woSource.math.Point4Dint
x - Variable in class woSource.math.Rectangle3D
xpoints - Variable in class woSource.math.Polygon2D
xpoints - Variable in class woSource.math.Polygon3D
xpoints - Variable in class woSource.math.Polygon3Dint


Y - Static variable in class woSource.ImageRegistrationPS
Y - Static variable in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
Y - Static variable in class woSource.math.ArraysI
Y - Static variable in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
Y - Static variable in class woSource.math.Image3Dinfo
y - Variable in class woSource.math.LIDCnodule
Y - Static variable in class woSource.math.MathI
Y - Static variable in class woSource.math.MathII
y - Variable in class woSource.math.NoduleCandidate
Y - Variable in class woSource.math.OptMath
y - Variable in class woSource.math.Point2D
y - Variable in class woSource.math.Point3D
y - Variable in class woSource.math.Point3Dint
y - Variable in class woSource.math.Point4D
y - Variable in class woSource.math.Point4Dint
y - Variable in class woSource.math.Rectangle3D
ypoints - Variable in class woSource.math.Polygon2D
ypoints - Variable in class woSource.math.Polygon3D
ypoints - Variable in class woSource.math.Polygon3Dint


Z - Static variable in class woSource.ImageRegistrationPS
Z - Static variable in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
Z - Static variable in class woSource.math.ArraysI
Z - Static variable in class woSource.math.HeartLongAxis
Z - Static variable in class woSource.math.Image3Dinfo
Z - Static variable in class woSource.math.MathI
Z - Static variable in class woSource.math.MathII
Z - Variable in class woSource.math.OptMath
z - Variable in class woSource.math.Point3D
z - Variable in class woSource.math.Point3Dint
z - Variable in class woSource.math.Point4D
z - Variable in class woSource.math.Point4Dint
z - Variable in class woSource.math.Rectangle3D
zero() - Static method in class woSource.math.Complex
zeros(int[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
returns array of zeros of same dims as A
zeros(int[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
zeros(int[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
zeros(int[][][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
zeros(boolean[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
zeros(boolean[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
zeros(boolean[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
zeros(float[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
zeros(float[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
zeros(float[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
zeros(float[][][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
zeros(float[][][][][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
zeros(byte[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
zeros(byte[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
zeros(byte[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
zeros(short[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
zeros(short[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
zeros(short[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
zeros(short[][][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
zeros(double[]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
zeros(double[][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
zeros(double[][][]) - Static method in class woSource.math.ArraysI
zoomIn() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
zooms in to next zoom level and makes the window bigger (checks if getting too big) x,y, are pixel coords of center of where image is to be
zoomIn() - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewer
zoomIn() - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewerColor
zoomIn() - Method in class woSource.Point3Dviewer
zoomOut() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
zooms out to next zoom level and makes the window smaller (checks if getting too small) x,y, are pixel coords of center of where image is to be.
zoomOut() - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewer
zoomOut() - Method in class woSource.MIPSviewerColor
zoomToRoi() - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
2/28/2013 zooms in to match the size of the Roi, without changing the window size
zoomToRoi(Roi) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
zoomToRoi(Rectangle) - Method in class woSource.math.ArrayDisplay
zpoints - Variable in class woSource.math.Polygon3D
zpoints - Variable in class woSource.math.Polygon3Dint
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z 
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